Thursday, November 10, 2011

raw edible cosmetics & body care recipes

If you wouldn't put it on your skin... why are you putting in your body? If you wouldn't eat it, why are you putting it on your skin?

Yet another thing on the endless list of things I love about being raw; your body care is the same as what you eat. When you think about it for one moment, it shouldn't be any other way.When you're raw, you don't have to use many skin, hair or makeup products because your body is glowing and gorgeous without globs of chemicals on it already!

Plus, what you DO use for your hair, skin, nails and face can be the same stuff you eat everyday! I'm talking about bananas, papayas, avocados, oats, coconut, almonds, and others. We all know these are common extracts used to scent chemical shampoos, lotions, cleansers, etc. So instead of buying "Luscious Cocoa and Oatmeal Body Creme", or "Hydrating Mango Shampoo"... Let's just buy some raw organic COCOA, OATS and MANGOES! 

I know. crazy thinking, huh?

I made myself a banana/oat mask the other day actually... it made my skin glow and tasted SO GOOD. I had a bunch left over so I ate it while the mask hardened on my face. He he.

Do you eat your body lotion/skin cleanser? Probably not... So then why do you put in all over skin if you don't want it IN your skin/body? Logic, dear friends. 

Moisturizer: I use raw virgin coconut oil, with some essential oils added. It is full of wonderful fats to keep my face and skin healthy, moisturized and glowing. I also use it on my hair sometimes for the same reason.

Shampoo: I make my own shampoo using Castile soap, essential oils and herbs that are good for blondes. I recommend Dr. Bronner's for soap. I don't wash my hair much anymore though, but I try to shower every 1 or 2 days... dirty hippie, I am.
Deodorant: I tend not to need deodorant anymore... I haven't used it in a while, yet I'm always being complimented on how good I smell... When you're filling your body with nutrient-rich, vibrant foods, you smell clean, beautiful and vibrant! If you do use deodorant, use one without aluminum, I recommend a crystal salt rock. It sounds weird, but is as natural as you can get! Or if you like scents, I like Kiss My Face products.

Makeup: I don't really wear makeup anymore... Very rarely I put on mascara, but I don't feel great about it. You're beautiful as you are! I do like to use beets to colour my lips/cheeks sometimes, if I'm eating them. If you like wearing make up, there's tons on natural companies out there. Just look in your health food stores' cosmetics aisle.

Banana Oat Mask: makes enough for 1-2 faces plus a snack =)
1 banana
1 Tb almond milk
1/3 cup oats 

Blend all ingredients until it reaches a good consistency to spread on your skin. Wash face with warm water, then spread mask on. Sit or lie down for 10-15 minutes or until you want to take it off. Then gently rinse your face in warm water and pat dry with a towel. I like to put some cold rose water on right after to close my pores and seal in the goodness! 

Tonight I made an avocado mask with half an avocado, and some lemon juice. It tasted sweet, tangy and creamy and was super smooth. I could feel the enzymes working! My face was pink, shiny and glowing when I rinsed it off.

Green Monster Avocado Mask: makes enough for 2 faces, plus a snack
1/2 avocado
Juice from 1/2 lemon

Blend all ingredients until smooth. Wash face with warm water, then spread mask on. Sit or lie down for 10-15 minutes or until you want to take it off. Then gently rinse your face in warm water and pat dry with a towel. I like to put some cold rose water on right after to close my pores and seal in the goodness! 

Almond Exfoliator: makes enough for one
Handful almonds
1 t water or almond milk

Chop/process almonds into small pieces, but not flour-like, you want them to be able to exfoliate, remember. Add them to almond milk/water and rub vigorously on your face/skin.  Rinse off and put on some coconut oil to moisturize, or whatever you like. 

Watch out! This one is super enzyme-rich, so it burns a little. 

Papaya Seed Mask: makes enough for 3 faces
Seeds from one papaya

Blend all ingredients until smooth. Rub on face and lie down for 10 minutes You will feel the enzymes... it can burn a little but that's good. If it's too much, however, wash it off! When you are done, wash off with warm water and pat dry. Put on some coconut oil to moisturize and seal in the cleanliness.

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