Sunday, December 1, 2013

Paleo Recipes Book
This Paleo Recipe Book Review is also my story, a genuine experience that I have lived in the past year and a half and which I am sharing it to anyone willing to try a different lifestyle or wanting to lose weight.

Why a Paleo Diet?

After trying several diets that promised me incredible weight loss, and proved to be only a waste of time, I have discovered the Paleo Diet. One friend was on such a diet due to some health problems. After a brief discussion with my friend I found out some incredible facts about what we eat. Humans are designed to eat some specific foods like meat, roots and seeds, fruits and vegetables, basically those foods that were available 10,000 years ago to our ancestors. Our species didn't evolved much in the past 1,000,000 years, but in less than 5000 years we changed dramatically our way of eating, introducing high levels of sugar and fats, processed foods, cereals, milk, chemicals and other bad things into our daily diet. Of course, this change is the cause of many diseases like diabetes, obesity, hearth diseases, and a Paleo Diet is an answer to these problems we are facing.
When I found these facts, I also had a revelation! All those weight loss diets were in vain, many of them being based on cereals or foods that were not in our diet 10,000 years ago. A Paleo Diet would remove all those products that our body aren't built to process and assimilate properly, resulting in a healthier and better life.
At first it will be hard to start a paleo diet, but I suggest you to try this in small steps like I did. First you can remove milk and cereals from daily basis, see how it works for couple of weeks. Then you can also remove other forbidden foods from your diet. I changed a normal diet with a paleo diet very quickly because my friend helped me a lot. A comprehensive list of foods that you are allowed to eat is at handy, and also a cookbook with many interesting recipes. Believe me, it will be hard to try to cook sweets without flour, but a cookbook will give you so many replacements to try that you will feel like preparing a feast and not going on a diet.

The Paleo Recipe Book

The solution for a quick start in the paleo world is the Paleo Recipe Book - a collection of books actually, consisting of:
  • the main cookbook containing over 375 recipes
  • a cookbook with quick and simple paleo recipes, handy when you are in a rush and want to prepare a quick meal
  • an 8 weeks paleo meal plan that will help you with your diet
  • a cookbook with paleo desserts for your kids
  • a guide for herbs and spices
It was recommended by my friend back in 2011 and now I am recommending this collection of books to you, especially the Paleo Recipe Book! I assure you that, if in the beginning it will be just a book to you, soon it will become like a second bible for you. It did for me!
paleo recipe book review

Why to purchase this recipe books collection?

Let me tell you the best feature I like at this books collection. Since I own a smartphone and a tablet, it's a lot more easier and practical for me to browse for recipes stored on my devices. I have them all the time with me, even at work, so I do not need to wait until I get home to consult the book and decide what to cook for my family. I can search for a recipe while I'm in the bus or in a break at my job. When I'm at home, it comes easier for me to keep my tablet in the kitchen and follow the recipe.
The Paleo Recipe Book is the only ebook that renders correctly on both my phone and tablet. I do not have an e-reader but I guess it will display the same as on my tablet. This is because this ebook was designed for such devices. That's a feature no one will tell you about, because no one actually cared so much about this.
Another thing that I liked at this cooking book is that you will find there REAL paleo recipes, not like those you can find on Internet on various websites and contain forbidden ingredients, written by someone who doesn't really understands the paleo concept. Also the majority of the recipes found in this cookbook are not found on any other site on Internet, hence the price for the package. It's like you're purchasing some premium stuff while there are also free on Internet. The quality differs for sure!
Buy Now

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