Showing posts with label aged. Show all posts
Showing posts with label aged. Show all posts

Saturday, April 14, 2012

aged pine nut cheese with garlic & rosemary

Oh so creamy. Oh so delicious. Oh so dairy-free. You need to make this... oh so soon. 

After learning from my first go at nut cheeses, I have improved the recipe. I used half pine nuts, put it through the Vita-Mix and didn't freeze it (still smacking my forehead for that). It ended up being SUPER creamy and full of flavour. I let it age for 3 days this time and warmed it in the oven for about an hour, which developed the flavour and rind ever more.

My mom, who used to be a cheese lover and has practically given up dairy now, says that she loves this. Greg said he liked it too although "it's nothing like cheese". I have to agree. Don't expect cheese when you eat this - it's not! It's delicious cashews, garlic and rosemary. Enjoy the incredible flavour and texture for what it is. I guess you could call it Nut Pate if you want. Anyway - it's tasty and good for ya.

Aged Pine Nut Cheese with Garlic & Rosemary: makes 1 wheel 
1 cup pine nuts
1 cup cashews
1-2 cloves garlic, chopped
Juice of a lemon 
1 tbs sun dried tomatoes 
2-3 tbs whole rosemary 
Salt & pepper, to taste
1 cup water
2 tbs favourite oil 
Soak the nuts for around 2 or 3 hours. Blend all ingredients in high speed blender or food processor (blender really makes a difference though) until smooth. See if you like the taste. Change it until you do.
Line a colander with a cheesecloth and put it in a bowl. Transfer the cheese mix into the colander and set it in a warm place for 1 or 2 days. Then leave it in the fridge for another day. You can dehydrate it or put it in your oven at a low temperature for maybe 30 minutes so it develops a crust. Enjoy!

In other news: I watched A Night At The Roxbury a few nights ago and my love of disco has been reborn.  I downloaded the album, and as I wrote this post I was listening to this:

And this...

Besides, the music videos are freakin' amazing. 

Friday, December 30, 2011

aged raw nut cheese

Check out my more recent recipe here.
I made this for the Christmas holiday, and it was HUGE hit! =) So flavourful.

I aged the cheese for a couple weeks, then got nervous it wouldn't keep until Christmas so... I froze it - I KNOW, terrible. I'm bad. I really shouldn't have. But I did. It turned out fine though.

I recommend aging your cheese a couple weeks before you want to serve it. Age it that whole time. For the first 2 days, leave it on top of your fridge, then for the rest of the 2 weeks keep it sealed in the fridge. The day you want to serve it, warm it up in the oven or dehydrator to give it a firmer exterior and creamy center. 

The cheese had amazing flavour, really delicious. The only qualm people had was the texture. (They still loved it though) I think it would've been creamier if I hadn't froze it. Next time... *sigh*

The darker one (below) is almond with sun-dried tomatoes. The lighter one is cashew with garlic.
I personally preferred the cashew wheel.

As for the type of nut to use, it depends on what you want. Cashews make a really creamy, smooth consistency. Almonds aren't so smooth, but they give it more texture and a different flavour. I can't afford pine nuts or macadamias, but apparently they're incredible for cheese.

Aged Raw Nut Cheese: makes 1 wheel

1 cup nuts (almonds, cashews, macadamia, pine nuts, walnuts, etc.)
1-2 cloves garlic
Pinch of salt & pepper
2-3 Tb sun-dried tomatoes (optional)
2 Tb olive oil 
2-3 Tb lemon juice
3/4 cup water, as needed 
Other herbs and spices, as desired (basil, etc. would be lovely

Blend all ingredients in food processor until smooth. Put in cheese cloth that's draped in a colander, sitting in a bowl. Let this sit on top of your fridge for 2 days, then store it in glassware and keep in fridge for about 2 weeks, more or less. Dehydrate or warm in oven before serving to make a firmer exterior. Enjoy! 
The flava is killa!

P.S. I dyed my hair pink! More specifically, my friend did. In grade 7 I dyed my hair pink 'cause it's a great colour, why not?! Then the other day I found the bottle in my bathroom and impulsively decided to use it again. I know, I know... ew chemicals, it's un-natural, etc. Part of me is in complete agreement. But I thought "what the heck, let's change things up". So I just did it. 
Don't worry - it's not tested on animals!

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