Showing posts with label parfait. Show all posts
Showing posts with label parfait. Show all posts

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Chocolate Cashew Parfaits

Today my lovely friend Amber came over to watch a scary movie and eat delicious food. Usually we don't even like scary movies but for some reason this season has spurred an obsession. 
As for delicious food: my mother made some veggie burgers with whole grain buns and baked potatoes, onions and sauteed mushrooms - mostly organic. 
I made a avocado dish thing for myself, but couldn't resist the mushrooms, onions and potatoes... Mmm. Then it was time for dessert! My favourite thing =} 

I've posted this recipe before, but this time I improved it with some cashew cream layers and pictures! 

Chocolate Pudding: Makes 2 servings, though I could eat it all myself =) 
2 bananas
2 T almond or other nut butter
1 t vanilla extract
2 T agave (or to taste)
1/4 cup raisins (try to find no sugar added, ex. Sun Maid)
3 T chia seeds, gelled with water (explained in recipe)
Cinnamon (to taste, I added maybe 1 t)
Cocoa (to taste, I added maybe 1/6 cup or so)

Cashew Cream:
3/4 cup cashews
3 dates
1 T liquid honey
1 t vanilla
Water, as needed

Cover the chia seeds with water (maybe 1/4 cup or more) and as they're gelling, process the other ingredients until smooth. When chia is gelled - it only take a couple minutes - add them. Taste it and add what ya want. Set aside. 
For cashew cream, blend all ingredients until smooth, adding as little water as possible to get a pudding consistency.
Serve in parfait glasses, layering the pudding and cream. Topped with coconut flakes and goji berries and/or other fruit - Enjoy!

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