Showing posts with label cashew. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cashew. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

raw lasagna with cashew cheese and broccoli sun-dried tomato pesto

I know, FINALLY something that isn't a dessert. Sorry I have a major sweet tooth, okay. Believe it or not, I do eat things other than raw cake and chocolate in the daytime. Usually I keep it simple with fruit, juice, smoothies, salads and sometimes zuke pasta but I also like to get fancy sometimes. I've been wanting to make raw lasagna for you and tonight I did! It was a very quick, spontaneous, improvised recipe that ended up (thank goodness) being quite tasty. 

I made a simple cashew cheese with garlic, rosemary and lemon and then a "pesto" (I don't know what else to call it that sounds nice) of sun-dried tomatoes and broccoli. Like I said, I improvised. Mostly because I am running out of fresh produce and really must go shopping. It is a scary feeling, being myself, when you know you are running out of bananas. 

I don't like doing the same thing over and over again so after making one serving of lasagna, I made rolls with the rest of the zucchini strips and fillings. Mmm... spirals of raw whole food goodness in each bite. I wanna get back to the kitchen now so I can A) clean up the mess I made, but more importantly, B) to eat the rest of these!

lasagna with cashew cheese and broccoli sun-dried tomato pesto: serves 3-4

Lasagna noodles:
1 zucchini

Cashew cheese:
2/3 cup cashews
2 peeled garlic cloves
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
1-2 teaspoons dried rosemary
2-3 tablespoons nutritional yeast (optional) 
Salt and pepper, to taste
Water, as needed

Sun-dried tomato and broccoli pesto: (or use the pesto recipe here)
1/2 head of broccoli
2 tablespoons sun dried tomatoes 
1 tablespoon olive oil (only if your sun-dried tomatoes aren't already stored in oil)
Salt, pepper and dried herbs, to taste
Water, as needed 

Other layerings:
Basil leaves

To make the noodles: slice the zucchini on a mandolin. Or very thinly with a sharp knife. Set aside. 
To make the cheese: blend all ingredients in your food processor or blender until smooth and thick, adding as little water as possible. Set aside. 
To make the pesto: blend all ingredients in your food processor or blender until smooth and thick, adding as little water as possible.
Assembly: layer the noodles with the pesto, cheese and whatever you else you like, alternating as you go. If you want, make roll ups too! Enjoy. 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

coconut, ginger + mint tart with kiwi

This is delightful, refreshing and sweet like the summer sun. Okay - I know I am getting ahead of the seasons here but I am just so excited for summer to arrive. We are finally started to get blue sky and warmer temperatures here in good ole British Columbia. That was the inspiration for this tart. Besides... I like mint.

I added ginger just because it was there, I sniffed it, and decided it might pair well with Mr. Mint. Hurrah! I was right. Thank you, nose - rarely have you steered me in the wrong direction (except with durian). My boyfriend was quite happy to run away with the piece of this tart I cut for him, smiling maniacally. I think there might have been a giggle in there too. Point being: this is tasty.

Mint has got to be one of my top three favourite herbs. The other two are sweet basil and rosemary. OH MA GERD they are all just so delicious, unique, beautifully evolved and... green. The best things are always green, when you really think about it. T'is why I topped this baby off with kiwi slices and more mint leaves. Okay - and a bit of coconut shavings because you can't go wrong with those. Unless you are deathly allergic, then things will go as wrong as possible. Bad.

I took photos of this before it had enough time to set, so it didn't hold it's shape very well but don't fret, my dear friends, it will be fine after a few hours or overnight in the reliable and handy refrigerating machine. Also know as your fridge. If you like, add a banana or avocado into the filling for another layer of flavour, creaminess and plain bulk. The more tart, the better. Amiright.

cashew fruit tart with coconut, ginger + mint:

1 cup walnuts
1 cup oats or buckwheat groats
2 cups raisins or dates

1 cup cashews
Handful mint leaves
1 tablespoon peeled ginger root
2 tablespoons liquid coconut oil
1 cup dates
1/4 cup maple syrup (optional) 
Water or other liquid, as needed

To make the crust: process the walnuts and oats/groats in your food processor until they are a rough flour. Add the raisins and process until it starts sticking together. Press in the bottom of a lined tart tin. Set aside. 

To make the filling: blend all ingredients until smooth, adding as little water or other liquid as possible, but enough to make it creamy and smooth. Taste it and add more stuff according to your preferences. Or not. 

Assemble the beauty: spread the filling onto your crust evenly and set in the fridge overnight or for a few hours. Decorate with sliced fruit, coconut shavings and mint leaves. Enjoy!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

raw carrot cake with cashew cream cheese frosting

I promised carrot cake - I deliver carrot cake (in cyberspace, anyway). This is a delightful recipe that I think everyone can appreciate. We all love(d) the classic dessert version, but I'm not crazy about the processed ingredients like white sugar, refined flour, pasteurized butter and cream cheese. I decided to remake this baby with healthy whole foods! Consider it DONE. 

Most recipes ask for carrot pulp (after putting carrots through a juicer) but I just shredded a couple carrots and used them whole. This way you can keep the flavourful juices in the cake. Having said that - carrot juice is freaking delicious. Dang. Now I want carrot juice. Wait a minute - perhaps other raw carrot cake recipes ask for the pulp alone because it gives the recipe makers an excuse to drink a bunch of the juice. Clever...

This cake is a bit less dense that my other raw cake recipes because it's not 100% oats and nuts. As one might expect - it's mostly carrots. These crunchy orange characters are not only delicious, they have an abundance of health benefits! Not surprising, seeing as how they are a plant - and also not surprising, they are most nutritious and easy to digest when they are eaten in their natural form: whole and raw. These guys will give you great skin, improved vision, a clean mouth, and keep you young - in spirit and body! 

I decorated this cake with pistachios, walnuts and dried edible flowers. I recommend also sprinkling on some cinnamon and maybe coconut. I forgot to do so but I'm sure it would make it even more lovely in taste and appearance. One last thing - cashew cream cheese is dangerously delicious. If you haven't made it before - watch out. If you have made it - you know how amazing it tastes. Thank the universal mother (or whoever is running this place) for cashews! 

carrot cake with cashew cream cheese frosting, pistachios & walnuts:

Cashew frosting:
2 cups cashews, preferably soaked for a couple hours
1-2 tablespoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons liquid coconut oil
1/3 cup maple syrup
Water, as needed 

2 large carrots, peeled
1 1/2 cups oat flour or buckwheat flour
1 cup dates
1 cup dried pineapple (or more dates)
1/2 cup dried coconut 
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 

To make the frosting: blend all ingredients in your high speed blender until smooth, adding as little water as possible. Taste it - mmm. Put in a bowl and set aside. 

To make the cake: cut the carrots into small chunks. Then throw all the ingredients (including the carrots) in your food processor and pulse until it's all in really small pieces and sticks together. 

Assembly: Press half the cake mix into the bottom of an adjustable spring-form pan, mine was about 6 inches. Then spread on about 1/3 of the frosting. Put it in the freezer until the layer of frosting is hard. Then press on the rest of the cake mix. I let it set in the fridge overnight, then frosted the whole thing, but you can do it right away if you want. Take it out of the pan and use the remaining frosting, cover with whatever garnishes you like. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

fudgy raw brownies

Raw brownies are one of the best things in the world. They are - in my opinion - approximately 10,000 times more delicious than regular brownies and on top of that they are infinitely more healthy AND easy to make. I literally made these guys in ten minutes. They were promptly devoured in five.

I'd like to say that I won't be posting fora few days because I am going to Vancouver Island for an annual mini-vacation. Tofino, to be exact. There I will soak up the lovely rain, hug the ancient trees and frolic in the friendly sands. Oh, and probably pick up a few goodies in their raw food grocery store. It's a little town of surfers, hikers and all around kind hippies - I fit right in. See you soon!

fudgy raw brownies: makes 16

  • 1 cup oats
  • 1 cup cashews
  • 2 cups dates
  • 1/4 cup cacao (more or less)
  • 1 tablespoon melted coconut oil
  • 1-2 tablespoons ground coffee beans (optional but recommended)
  • pinch of salt

Put everything in your food processor and process until it is all broken down and starting to stick together. Press a bit together with your fingers and see if it holds or crumbles. If it holds - press into a lined baking pan. If it crumbles, add a few more dates and process until it holds. Put the baking pan in the fridge for 30-60 minutes, then cut and eat! Great with fruit and nut milk.

Friday, January 25, 2013

fruit tarts with chai cream filling

Mmm... these tarts are fresh take on this older recipe. I wouldn't say this one is far better or anything, just different. The crust is mostly oats and the filling is infused with chai tea. Once you take your first bite, expect to have trouble putting the tart down. These are an excellent option for breakfast. Load them up with fruit and you're good to go. 

This was the first thing I ate today because I just got back from my boyfriends place and had to take these pictures right away before the light got too dark outside. (It gets dark at like 4:00 PM during the winter here.) Of course then I took all my photos and loaded them onto my computer only to realize I had left the light on in the kitchen so these are not great pictures ANYWAY. Derp. 

fruit tarts with chai cream filling: makes about 4 tarts

1 cup raw oats (or gluten-free buckwheat groats)
1 cup dates

1/4 cup strong brewed chai tea, plus the chai filling in the tea bag
3/4 cup cashews
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 banana
1 tablespoon melted coconut oil
1/4 cup agave/maple syrup

To make the crust: pulse the oats and dates together in your food processor until it starts to stick together. Press into the bottom of tart molds. Set in the fridge.

To make the filling: blend all ingredients together in your food processor until smooth. It should be pretty thick but keep it mind it will thicken more. If it's very thin, add another banana or more cashews. Put the filling in each tart mold and set in the fridge or freezer overnight (or for a few hours if you simply can't wait).

Decorate with fresh and dried fruit and enjoy!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

raw vanilla coffee creme pie with a chocolate crust

i don't even LIKE coffee; yet this is one of my new favourite recipes. my opinions on coffee are what you might expect: it's acceptable in moderation! i do not think it is a good idea for your mind or your body to chug 5 cups of cream- and sugar-laden coffee every day; but the occasional mug of organic black coffee can be beneficial. i prefer getting my caffeine from green tea simply for the flavour. now that i think about it - i bet this recipe would be delicious with some potent green tea substituted in for coffee! 

hmm... i may have to try that.

this recipe is delightful and - i give you fair warning here - difficult to stop eating. the crust is a mix of nuts, dates, cacao and cinnamon so it is like a spiced chocolate base; then the creme layer is a smooth blend of black coffee, cashews, and a whole food sweetener of your choice (everyone has their preference). i drizzled a salted caramel sauce on top made from date paste and sea salt and for the finishing touch added some goji berries, raw pumpkin seeds and coffee beans for colour and contrast. HECK YA.

bathe in the lusciousness of the creme layer mixed with the crunchy bite of the cinnamon chocolate crust. OH MA GERD - IT'S SO GOOD. i should buy some restraints when i make this from now on to control myself.  i predict the family will enjoy it as much as me and my boyfriend did this morning. yep, that's right. we ate it for breakfast... after some fresh juice of course.

how's the weather where you live? it has been raining here for days and i'm lovin' every minute - i'm lovin' it. (no affiliation to mcdonalds here.) as long as i wear a good pair of boots and bring an umbrella the rain don't bother me none. plus it's really cozy when you're inside with a fire, special people, two cats and this creme pie...

i suggest eating this at most a few hours before you go to sleep otherwise it might keep you up if you are sensitive to caffeine. try it for breakfast! it was perfect. 

cashew coffee vanilla creme cake with a cinnamon chocolate crust: serves 8 or so

cashew coffee vanilla creme:
2 cups raw cashews
seeds scraped from 1 vanilla pod
3 tablespoons melted coconut oil
1/4 cup maple syrup (or agave/raw honey/date paste)
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup very strong, brewed organic coffee

cinnamon chocolate crust:
1 cup pecans
1 cup dates
2 tablespoons cacao powder
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder

salted caramel drizzle:
1/2 cup dates covered in enough water (or coffee) to cover them
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1 tablespoon nut butter (optional)

to make the creme, blend all ingredients until smooth. set aside. 

to make the crust, process the nuts into a rough flour in your food processor and add all the other ingredients until you can press it together, then press it into the bottom of lined small spring-form pan. scoop on the creme and let it set in the fridge or freezer. 

to make the caramel drizzle, blend the dates, water/coffee, salt and nut butter (if using) until smooth and pretty liquid. if it is too thick - add more water; if too thin - add more dates. drizzle on top of your creme pie and garnish with coffee beans, goji berries and pumpkin seeds. it is better - but difficult - to wait until the next day to eat this, let the flavours get to know each other. then DEVOUR. 

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