Showing posts with label silken. Show all posts
Showing posts with label silken. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

chocolate peanut butter cream pie

this is ALMOST raw... :) i don't mind the tofu. it's worth it. you know i'm a chocoholic and that i firmly believe chocolate and peanut butter are the greatest of friends and should spend as much time together as possible. so this hopefully explains itself.

i got my inspiration from here, but made some alterations. didn't use sugar, made a raw crust, and used raw peanut butter. i didn't have any raw chocolate but you could easily use that instead of conventional vegan chocolate. either way - you're in for a treat. i bet this would KILLA with banana. and if you wanna make it totally raw - use bananas instead of tofu! next time...

chocolate peanut butter cream pie: makes one pie

1 cup walnuts
1 cup cashews
1/2 cup coconut chunks
1 cup dates/prunes

2 1/2 bars vegan/raw chocolate, melted
1/4 cup maple syrup/agave/honey/date paste
14 ounces silken tofu
splash of non-dairy milk
2/3 cup raw peanut butter
1/2 teaspoon salt
pinch of cinnamon

to make the crust, pulse all ingredients together in food processor until they form a ball, or you can press it together with your hands and it stays. press into bottom of your fave pie dish and stick it in the fridge.

to make the filling, blend all ingredients in your food processor or blender until smooth and freaking delicious, adding as much or as little "milk" as needed. scoop it into the pie pan onto the crust and put it back in the fridge for a couple hours to set. or if you can't wait (like me and my family) just eat it right away. it simply won't be as set, which is completely fine with me. enjoy!

for an alternate more RAW recipe: use 3-4 bananas instead of tofu. or if you don't like the taste of banana (you're weird) you could use 2-3 avocados. i took some prettier pictures the next day in the sunshine...

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