Showing posts with label Cream. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cream. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Note: I know I usually keep things light and cheery on my blog but I lay my heart out a little bit in this post; I hope that's okay with you. It just kinda happened.

I got an email from a reader a couple (?) weeks ago, in which they asked me to recreate a raw treat served at their local cafe. This treat was a "delicious choc mint slice cake" and it looks like this. Oh and apparently some of the ingredients are green powders. That is what I had to go on. Into the kitchen I went! Ended up with these bad boys and BOY, ARE THEY BAD (in a good way).

The base is an oat and date crust, the middle is a raw chocolate-maca mixture, and the top is an avocado/mint/green powder concoction. All together they make one amazing result. And they are SUPER nutritious. Think of this recipe as a health supplement and dessert all in one. I know, life seems too good to be true sometimes. Just like my cat, Dante, seems too adorable to be real. He is currently trying to divert my attention to me rubbing his ears and kissing his nose. He does this by pulling my hand away from the computer mouse and to his face. CAN HE GET ANY CUTER? No.

Back to food. I won't lie; I made these a couple days ago and since I never write down my recipes, the precise amounts of ingredients are now slightly foggy in my confusingly and consistently fluid mind. This means your recipe may not turn out EXACTLY as what you see in these photos, but that's cool, right!? Life is about variety. Try making the recipe and adjusting it to your liking. I mean, you should always do this but you know... just sayin'. If it turns out horribly, please tell me - because maybe I forgot to write an ingredient down. 

Well, since there's nothing left to discuss concerning the recipe, I am going to rant a little about my personal life right now, because I'm feeling kinda low. Maybe it's just the change of seasons (hello, Autumn); maybe I'm getting bored with my day-to-day routine; or maybe, subconsciously, I don't WANT to be happy all the time! In any case, I'm glum as a chum. What's a chum. Irrelevant. 

I'm having a lot of mixed emotions involving past and current lovers, what they mean to me, and how they make me feel and think (compared to how I would on my own). You have to understand that I'm an independent person. I have always valued time by myself and often cancel or avoid plans with friends so I can have MORE time alone. It's not that I don't like my friends, I simply am most comfortable when left by myself, in my own head space. I have trouble - more so lately - expressing myself to others successfully and this usually makes me just want to give up communicating. Fortunately there's a few people in my life who understand this, and we can spend time together not saying a word. As recently acknowledged with a newly intimate partner, you don't have to talk to have beautiful conversations with another person. 

Having said that, I still feel that no one really gets me, but me. Thus I prefer to be left alone because that is where I am most comfortable. And yet I find myself missing certain people from my past. Are they thinking about me? Do they still love me? Do they still hate me? Do they think I am a terrible or beautiful person? Regardless, I can't be with them anymore... we had too much passion for two people. They knew me as much as any person possibly could but ultimately they didn't like what they saw, and neither did I. 

Talk about "fate"; this person literally just called me as I was typing that last sentence. Apparently they do love me, but we will "never be speaking again". Now I am almost in tears. Too much emotion for one person

With all that going on (and now being done with, apparently...), I have also struck up a new flame. Whether it's a rebound or not, I do not know. But either way it's nothing serious, and mostly for pure and simple fun. It's very pleasant having a partner you can be candid and affectionate with. I think we can all benefit from being completely naked with someone (literally and/or figuratively). It's therapeutic and can be healing if you allow it. But now I am polarized: I am starting to care about this person in a serious way so I want to spend more time with them while at the same time, I am wanting to cut things off because of the same reason. 

Here is where we return to my need for independence. I believe I shouldn't have to depend on any external substance to be happy, and that includes people. When I begin getting very close with a romantic partner, I find that I quickly become "addicted" to them; I want to spend all my time with them, give them everything I can, and simultaneously throw all my other responsibilities out the window. Obviously this is not healthy, so I don't want it to be this way. Perhaps this is a reason I love being alone: it stamps out any chance of me becoming dependent on another person. Ah, who knows. Not I. So I am left unsure of what to do about this new individual, my heart and brain being pulled in opposing directions; while I am still recovering from a very trying, emotionally-charged and painful relationship with another that is now "officially" over. 

I suppose that wasn't a conclusive story at all... but that's fitting, since my thoughts and decisions on these situations and relationships aren't conclusive either. I'm in the dark midst of figuring out what to do and think and how to feel about all this. 

No matter, here's a healthy recipe for you guys. Thank you for always being here for me and giving me your love and support. It's very helpful for me to write out my thoughts and I hope they are in someway useful to you; whether you can relate, contrast, or simply sympathize. You're my rock! 

minty green chocolate cream bars 

1 cup oats or buckwheat groats
1 cup dates
1 teaspoon cacao powder (optional) 
1 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional) 

Chocolate layer:
2 tablespoons cacao powder
1/4 cup melted cacao butter
1/4 cup dates
1 tablespoon maca powder
1 tablespoon lucuma powder
1 banana (optional, to add bulk) 

Mint layer:
1 avocado
3-4 tablespoons greens powder (I used this one)
1/6 cup coconut nectar (or other preferred liquid sweetener) 
2 tablespoons melted coconut oil 
1/8 cup packed mint leaves (or approximately 10 drops of peppermint oil) 
1 teaspoon vanilla extract 
Pinch of salt (optional) 

To make the base layer: pulse the oats or buckwheat groats in your food processor until you have a rough flour. Add the rest of the ingredients and process until it all begins to stick together. Press into the bottom of a lined baking pan and put in the fridge. 

To make the chocolate: blend all the ingredients together until smooth. If it's too thick, add some water. Pour onto your base and put in the freezer until solid, about 1 hour. 

To make the mint layer: blend all the ingredients until smooth. Spread onto your chocolate layer and refrigerate overnight until it's set. Decorate with mint leaves and cacao nibs if you wish. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Walnut butter for the win. The other day I got home in the afternoon and really wanted some walnuts. Then I really wanted walnuts with dates. Then I thought "Hey, Emily - why you don't you whip up some almond butter than pair it with a chocolatey date cream type thing?" I did it. Wowza. 

And how the HECK have I never made walnut butter before? Walnuts are one of the most nutritious nuts in town and they also taste a-mazing. Plus they blended into a creamy thick butter in the food processor with no problems. Cha-ching. 

You might notice a weird ingredient in the chocolate cream layer... it's miso. I know, you think I've lost my marbles. (But actually I've never owned marbles, so how could I have lost them? Hah.) Just trust me - the sweet saltiness from the miso tastes really interesting with the chocolate date cream, in a good way. If you really cannot trust me (sad face) then leave it out. SEE IF I CARE... *quiet sobbing*. 

walnut butter & chocolate cream cups

4 tablespoons walnut butter

1/4 cup dates
2-4 tablespoons water, as needed
1 teaspoon white miso paste (optional) 
1 tablespoon cacao powder

Spoon the walnut butter into 2-4 cupcake papers. Put in the fridge. Now blend up the ingredients for the top, using just enough water to make it creamy. Spread this evenly onto your walnut butter bases and put in the freezer until solid. Chomp!

Friday, August 9, 2013

chocolate cream caramel bars

This is one of those dangerously delicious recipes. I warn you now that these bars are basically addictive, thus they'd be the perfect treat to bring to party or to give to people whom you're trying to bring over to the vegan side (A.K.A. THE COOL SIDE). A mocha version of them will be featured in my upcoming cookbook (out March 2014). If you like things sweet and decadent - you're gonna love these.

I am very happy to be sharing this recipe with you today not just because it's ridiculously good-tasting (that was a bad Zoolander reference) but also because I haven't been sharing many recipes with you at ALL lately. As I'm sure you know, it's because I am busy busy busy working on my book. I promise it will be finished soon and I'll be back here giving you raw vegan recipes out the whazoo.

What. Is. A whazoo. 

chocolate cream caramel bars

1 cup almonds or other nuts 
1 cup dates
Pinch of salt (optional) 

½ cup cashew butter
½ cup coconut oil
1 cup dates

Chocolate cream:
1/3 cup coconut oil
2-3 tablespoons cacao powder
¼ cup preferred liquid sweetener

To make the crust: process the almonds into flour in your food processor, then add the dates and process until it all begins to stick together. Press into the bottom of a lined baking pan (I used a small bread pan) and refrigerate. 

To make both the caramel and mocha layers: just blend the ingredients in each list until smooth. Feel free to add other flavours like vanilla, chili , ginger, etc. Spread the caramel onto your crust, followed by the chocolate cream. Refrigerate until completely set; this will take a couple hours.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

avocado banana chocolate milkshakes with vanilla bean coconut cream

I assure you, these WILL bring all the health-conscious and morally compassionate boys to the yard. What other kind would you want running around on your lawn anyway? The recipe is a rich, creamy, chocolate milkshake made with bananas, avocado and dates. I topped it off with whipped vanilla bean coconut cream and cacao nibs. It is actually perfection, and I don't take any credit - as per usual, this is all thanks to Momma Nature. 

If you don't like or have avocado, you can use this "milkshake" recipe instead. It basically just has more bananas and is equally delicious, in my humble opinion. 

I guess sometimes you just need to drink a giant whole food milkshake, not stopping to breathe, and fighting anyone who tries to steal a sip, then of course lick the glass clean afterwards... right!? I mean, it contributes to a healthy mind and body! Necessary pleasures are... necessary.

I WILL say that this recipe has a proud amount of fat - but don't run and hide from me just because I said that, okay? They are super healthy fats that your gorgeous bod needs to thrive. Just keep your other fat intake low on the day you eat this and you ain't got nuttin' to worry about. In fact - expect to see your skin and hair look a bit shinier. Coconut milk is mega awesome for you, and so is the mean, lean, green avocado.

avocado banana chocolate milkshakes with vanilla bean coconut cream: serves 3 or 4

Chocolate millshake or use this recipe:
1 avocado
1 banana
1 cup dates
1 large scoop Vega chocolate protein powder (or 2 tablespoons cacao powder + 1/4 teaspoon stevia)
1-2 cups vegan milk 
1-2 cups ice

Whipped coconut cream:
1 can coconut milk, left in the fridge or freezer overnight
Bean from 1/2 vanilla pod
1/8 teaspoon stevia 

To make the milkshake: blend all the ingredients until smooth, adding as much vegan milk and ice as needed to make it thick, creamy and cold. Adjust according to taste, then fill up 3 or 4 glasses.

To make the whipped cream: take the can out of the fridge - DON'T SHAKE IT! Open it gently and scoop off the solid fat that has settled on the top. Put it in your mixer bowl (I have a Kitchen Aid), or a normal bowl if you have a handheld mixer. Add the stevia and vanilla beans and whisk until stiff peaks form. Top off your glasses with it and enjoy the heck out of what you just made. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

strawberry banana cream cake with mint

You can feel GREAT about eating this cake because it's super healthy and has only simple, wholesome ingredients: fruit and nuts. Plus, it makes a cheerful, stunning dessert for any kind of party. Unless you are hosting a black-themed death metal get-together. Then you may want to consider making something else.

The pink filling is strawberries and bananas and the creamy outside is a blend of cashews, dates and orange. I suppose you could say this was made in anticipation of the eminent summer, because it IS sunny today. But at the same time, there's no reason you can't make this anytime of the year. 

I certainly recommend garnishing this cake with chocolate, berries and mint. When I took it out of the spring form pan I thought it looked rather plain (even though I knew about the surprise on the inside) so I chose to decorate the sides with mint leaves. I had dribbled a few spots of chocolate on parchment paper the day before and they looked very nice alongside the frozen berries. They all add different textures and colours to the presentation. 

This was actually quite easy to make and it didn't take much time, not including freezing. It may appear plain on the outside - unless you decorate with berries, mint and chocolate - but when you cut it open there's that burst of pink! My fave colour. If you have a fear of pink (umm...), just use blueberries instead of strawberries. Problem solved. 

strawberry banana cream cake with mint: 

Pink filling:
3 bananas
2 cups frozen strawberries (or other berries)
1-3 tablespoons coconut oil (optional but it will make it creamier) 

Cream exterior:
2 cups cashews
2 cup dates
1 peeled orange
2 tablespoons melted coconut oil
Water, as needed

To make the pink filling: put the bananas in your blender, followed by the frozen berries and blend until smooth. Spread evenly into a spring form pan, this pan should be slightly smaller than the second one you will use. I have an adjustable one so I simply made it smaller for this layer, then widened it for the second part. If you don't have either of those options, don't worry. The bottom part can be pink and you can just add the cream layer on top. Freeze until solid. 

To make the cream layer: blend all ingredients until smooth, adding as LITTLE water possible, if you need any at all. The less water you use, the creamier it will be. Using a larger-sized spring form pan, place the frozen pink layer inside and then spread the cashew cream layer around the sides and top. Or you can use the same pan and spread it on top. Freeze until solid and then garnish, slice and enjoy! Store in the freezer. 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

coconut, ginger + mint tart with kiwi

This is delightful, refreshing and sweet like the summer sun. Okay - I know I am getting ahead of the seasons here but I am just so excited for summer to arrive. We are finally started to get blue sky and warmer temperatures here in good ole British Columbia. That was the inspiration for this tart. Besides... I like mint.

I added ginger just because it was there, I sniffed it, and decided it might pair well with Mr. Mint. Hurrah! I was right. Thank you, nose - rarely have you steered me in the wrong direction (except with durian). My boyfriend was quite happy to run away with the piece of this tart I cut for him, smiling maniacally. I think there might have been a giggle in there too. Point being: this is tasty.

Mint has got to be one of my top three favourite herbs. The other two are sweet basil and rosemary. OH MA GERD they are all just so delicious, unique, beautifully evolved and... green. The best things are always green, when you really think about it. T'is why I topped this baby off with kiwi slices and more mint leaves. Okay - and a bit of coconut shavings because you can't go wrong with those. Unless you are deathly allergic, then things will go as wrong as possible. Bad.

I took photos of this before it had enough time to set, so it didn't hold it's shape very well but don't fret, my dear friends, it will be fine after a few hours or overnight in the reliable and handy refrigerating machine. Also know as your fridge. If you like, add a banana or avocado into the filling for another layer of flavour, creaminess and plain bulk. The more tart, the better. Amiright.

cashew fruit tart with coconut, ginger + mint:

1 cup walnuts
1 cup oats or buckwheat groats
2 cups raisins or dates

1 cup cashews
Handful mint leaves
1 tablespoon peeled ginger root
2 tablespoons liquid coconut oil
1 cup dates
1/4 cup maple syrup (optional) 
Water or other liquid, as needed

To make the crust: process the walnuts and oats/groats in your food processor until they are a rough flour. Add the raisins and process until it starts sticking together. Press in the bottom of a lined tart tin. Set aside. 

To make the filling: blend all ingredients until smooth, adding as little water or other liquid as possible, but enough to make it creamy and smooth. Taste it and add more stuff according to your preferences. Or not. 

Assemble the beauty: spread the filling onto your crust evenly and set in the fridge overnight or for a few hours. Decorate with sliced fruit, coconut shavings and mint leaves. Enjoy!

Friday, December 28, 2012

vanilla blueberry tart

Holy walnuts, this is delicious. The filling is basically just an awesome blueberry-banana smoothie and the crust is walnuts and dates. You're gonna love my nuts (or be disturbed by my grotesque and obscure sense of humour). In any case, you actually will love this recipe, which includes nuts. Owned by me. Making them my nuts. So you will love my nuts. HAH.

Try to get organic blueberries, since you just need frozen ones it'll be easier to find them. If you'd like to use less nuts in this recipe then sub in another banana instead of a cup of cashews in the filling. The cashews do make it creamier though, so it just depends on what you like.

My food processor broke down when I was trying to make the crust so we ended up returning it and buying a new one - but not before I finished this recipe. I cut up the dates and nuts for the crust BY HAND. So it looks a bit rustic. It made me appreciate my food processor a tad more intensely. 

What is your favourite kind of music? I like all kinds but the ones that usually gets me in the best mood are 90's R&B and hip hop songs... I know. They all just have such positive messages and are fun to listen and dance to. The 90's were the sexiest and most original time for hip hop. I MEAN LOOK AT THIS. 

vanilla blueberry tart: makes one large tart and a few smaller ones

1 1/2 cups walnuts
1 1/2 cups dates

Blueberry filling:
1 cup cashews
1 cup dates
1 tablespoon melted coconut oil (optional) 
2 cups frozen, organic blueberries
1 banana
seeds from 1/2 vanilla pod (or 1 teaspoon vanilla extract)

Cashew Cream:
1/4 cup cashews
1/4 cup agave syrup
seeds from 1/2 vanilla pod
water, if needed

To make the crust: pulse nuts in your food processor until crumb-sized. Add the dates and pulse until it all sticks together. Press into the bottom of a tart shell or spring form pan.

To make the filling: blend all ingredients until smooth, adding as little as possible to keep it creamy. It should taste RIDONKULOUS. Pour onto your crust and let it set in the freezer overnight. (I lined my tart tin with whole blueberries then poured my filling around them so it looked cool when I removed the tin.) 

To make the cashew cream: blend all ingredients until smooth, adding as much or as little as you need. Slice and serve with fresh blueberries.

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