Showing posts with label travelling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label travelling. Show all posts

Monday, March 12, 2012

where SHALL i live?

Oh... the places I'd like to go. 

There are too many. I am fortunate I've already been to such a large amount of them because my family and I travel so much; especially me and my dad (on his BMW motorcycle).

Those bike trips are some of the best experiences I've had in my life, along with all our giant family road trips. Travelling for me is a time of learning - either completely new things, or realizing the truth about things I already knew about. Since you're in a unusual environment your brain thinks differently and you're able to look at things in a refreshing new light. I've had most of my epiphanies on the back of the BMW.

Travelling also gives you more knowledge about yourself; like all experience does. When you are in a new situation, your reaction to it is also new. That reaction is a part of you that you didn't know about before. In other words: you won't how you feel about something until you experience it! Thus the more you experience, the more you know abut yourself. I think this is vitally important in human life. It is a main reason I am who I am; because I've learned so much about my own soul-being on all my travels.

Now, I am on the subject of travelling to new places for a reason! Lately I have been thinking increasingly about building my tiny house, and where I want to settle down in it. I would LOVE to start building this summer, and then just use the portable home for road trips with friends (can you say FUN?!) until I actually move out, which shouldn't be for a few years at least.

I know generally what the layout of the house will be, and I want to use solar panels for electricity. I'm looking into self-composting toilets (... I know, okay) that I heard about from a reader. If I don't want to install plumbing, I can simply use filtered rain water - closed water system, hell yeah. 

As for my future place of residence - who KNOWS?! That's what this post if about. My criteria is that this place needs to:
- have a warm, sunny climate
- be excellent for growing a variety of fruits
- have tons of cheap fruit and veggies
- close to the ocean (it is the earth's heart!)
- have cheap, large and isolated properties that are still beautiful and in nature!
- have a rich cultural history
- be full of kind, wise, hard-working, welcoming people
- speak a wee bit of English so I'm not totally lost before I learn their language
- preferably be on the same continent as home (Canada)! This means easy travel with my house, and I can     drive to see my parents whenever I want.
- be fairly politically and economically stable (...)
- hmm... I can't think of anything else

So with that list in mind, I've narrowed my options down quite a bit. Currently I have my eyes set on: Costa Rica, Mexico, Hawaii, or Thailand.

Some more options are Australia, Bali, California, Peru, Brazil, and Tristan da Cunha. As of this moment, I really like the sounds of Mexico or Costa Rica. They are SUPER cheap, still virtually untouched by development and industry in a lot of their land, right beside the ocean, on the same continent, I can easily grow/buy fruit here for next to nothing, needless to say their cultures and climate are incredible, and their people are kind. They both fit all my criteria. After my visits to Mexico, it is my favorite right now. 

I think if Thailand were on this continent it would be my first choice without a doubt. But sadly it's very far away, and I cannot own land there unless I'm married to a Thai. For those reasons don't think it will be my eventual home. New Zealand is also a little expensive compared to my other options, plus it's not close by. 

And I hate to say this but... Hawaii is PERFECT for climate, except that it's in the US, a little pricey and far away. I also would rather not live in California for the same reason; it's in America. Too many people! There are more people in Cali than in ALL of Canada. Too bad, because California is no question the best place to live for it's raw vegan community and climate for fruit-growing. 

As for the other options, they are all still on my radar. Tristan da Cunha is actually a pretty random one,and more of a joke than serious. It's the most remote and isolate island in the world, it's near South America, discovered in the 1500's, and only has 275 residents - all of whom are farmers. No new people are allowed to move there so there goes my chance. (Click the link to read more). Just interesting! =) 

Here's some good links if you're veggie and also looking for a new place to call home that's affordable and beautiful! Green Traveller Guides, Cheapest Destinations Blog, Buzzle, Best Places to Live For Raw Vegans, The Most Veg-Friendly Cities in North America, and Open Travel

Questions for YOU: where do you want to live? Where do you think I should live? Am I crazy? 

Thursday, January 26, 2012


YAY! So yesterday my mom bought me, my parents and my little brother our plane tickets to MEXICO!


We're going in late February. Less than a month. And it gets even better. A week before we leave for Mexico, we're going to Tofino (on Vancouver Island) for 5 days. We go to Tofino every year, and it's the ultimate west coast vacation. Cold, rainy and beautiful. Huge trees, big rocks, and a heck of a lot of ocean, sand, and surfboards. I will always love it. 
I'd live on Van island for sure, if only I could grow the bounty of fruit that I need to live =( That's okay though, like I said, we have been going every year since I was like 9 or something. We stay here.

And it's honestly the greatest place in the world!!!! AGHH! Sorry, I'm sort of freaking out right now, seeing pics of it and knowing it's that time of year when we return to our cottage. If you're thinking about vacationing in Tofino - stop thinking. Go. 

West Coast is da BEST COAST. Don't argue. 

Tofino for me means relaxing time with the fam; long, wet beach walks; hikes through ancient forests; hot chocolate; board games; and lots of laughter and memories. It has become a part of every member of my family, and will stay that way for ever.
(I hope to stay predominantly raw in Tofino, but I can't promise anything.)

On to Mexico! I'm so stoked. You don't understand. We're staying at this crazy-gorgeous resort with my uncle and aunt. I know, I know - big resort - "Oh, it's not environmentally friendly, there's no real culture, etc." I KNOW, OKAY. But I just don't care. I get to spend a week in the Mexican sun with my loved ones, and have a great time with all the fruit I could imagine... perhaps meet a gorgeous raw vegan Mexican boy? Fingers crossed.

And I was actually surprised and pleased to find that this resort has been given an environmental resort management award every year for the past few years! So it's not ALL bad. In fact, there ain't nothin' bad about this. This will be an amazing experience and I cant hardly contain my excitement!!!

I've been to Mexico once before (also with the parents and my lil bro) and it is something I remember fondly and day dream about a lot. Family, food, beach, dancing, memories. Just one of those times. I had so much fun, and I can't really describe it. But I'm sure you know what I mean.

In Mexico this year, I plan to stay all raw... HOW CAN YOU NOT?! Look at all that fruit. 50% of my excitement right now is about being able to eat all this exotic, fresh fruit for a week!!! I'm not gonna bring any technology with me (why would you...?!) so I won't be blogging during these two vacations. But I WILL be keeping journals every day and taking tons of pics - duh. So I'll be able to tell ya what happened when I get home.

At this point, all I'm thinking about are these vacays:
When I wake up - "TOFINO. MEXICO. YES. SOON."

I don't know if I can wait...
Please - universal, supernatural force of the cosmos; 
grant me the power to contain myself and not explode with excitement, 
until we get to Tofino and Mexico. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

i want to live in a shoebox

Howdy folks. So if you read my blog regularly, you probably have figured out I'm a bit of a hippie. Okay, a lot of a hippie. I can't help it - I am the quintessential flower child. And I ain't changin' any time soon.

Now having said that; what do you imagine a dirty, kale-munching hippie living in? Perhaps a colourfully painted VW microbus, complete with peace signs and psychedelic flowers? That WAS one of my original dreams: drive around the world in one of those puppies, with a bunch of friends, good music and no plan. I think I'll still do that sometime, but the plan has changed a tad.

No, I'm not going to live in a dumpster, or be homeless, wild and free. NOW, I have the perfect plan for my future living situation. One of these babies.

They're super tiny houses! I'm going to buy the plans for one of them (haven't decided which one yet) and use salvaged wood and materials to build it for cheap! This is so ideal for me, though it might not be the best idea for most people. Do you:

- want to save money?
- not like doing housework?
- not like paying the mortgage, or other monthly bills?
- love to travel? 
- like to build things?
- love the outdoors?
- are comfortable with smallish spaces?
- don't have too many people to take care/live with?

Then this is for you!!! I hit all of those criteria on the mark, so I don't see me doing it any other way. 

I used to want to save up a butt-load of money and build my own off-the-grid, renewable energy-run zion house, complete with garden and forest. Something like this: 

This house is actually the most energy efficient in the world, and it's in Victoria!

But then I realized it would cost me about $500,000. I don't wanna spend that much of my life working to make that much money. One of these tiny houses will only cost me $20,000 TOPS. I'm thinking it'll be more like $5,000 or $10,000. Very do-able. In fact, there's tons of videos on YouTube about people who have done this for under $4,000. Check them out here.

I've been serious about doing this after I move out for several months now. I don't know WHEN that will be, but I'd like to start building one of these in the next few years! Then all I gotta do is grab a friend or find a romantic companion (or not...) and hit the road! Driving wherever I want, buying fresh produce along the way.

Anyways, just wanted to let ya'll know what my living conditions are gonna be... in case you were wondering =) I'm gonna go make a green smoothie now. I want that lettuce IN MA BODAY. 

Get your recipes!