Monday, December 9, 2013

Blueberry Amazing cake!!!

Blueberries. Blueberries are amazing little fruits. One cup contains about 80 calories and zero fat. 4g fiber and 24% of your daily vitamin C needs. They are rich in vitamins C and K - and they also contain smaller amounts of various B vitamins and vitamin E. They are rich in manganese and contain some potassium too. Blueberries are quite amazing based on their strong antioxidant capacity. Beyond the rigid nutrition data facts - the power of blueberries is in their color - their phytonutrients.

Fron "Virtually all of the (blueberry) phytonutrients function both as antioxidants and as anti-inflammatory compounds in the body, and they are responsible for many of the well-documented health benefits we get from regular consumption of blueberries."

..the short story: eat more blueberries! Here is one delicious way (scroll down for recipe!)..
Blueberry Cake
vegan, makes one 9" round cake

1 1/2 cups organic white flour
*sub with other flours if desired
3/4 cup sugar, organic (why organic here)
1 Tbsp baking powder
3 Tbsp vegan butter, softened
1/2 tsp almond extract (sub with vanilla if desired)
3 Tbsp rolled oats
2 Tbsp flax seeds + 2/3 cup warm water
1/3 cup soy milk, vanilla
1/4 cup applesauce, unsweetened
3 Tbsp orange juice + pinch orange zest (fresh squeeze room temperature oranges - or warm OJ to about room temp)
1/2 tsp salt
optional: 1/2 tsp cinnamon

fold -ins:
1/2 cup blueberries
1/2 cup chopped walnuts (or almonds)

topping: blueberries +pinch rolled oats + sprinkle of almonds

note: I used about 10 ounces blueberries total - buy 2 6oz packs and eat any leftovers :)

1/3 cup vegan butter, softened
2/3 cup virgin coconut oil
3 cups powdered sugar
pinch salt

note: if you only use coconut oil this frosting is STILL super yummy. You could also add in or sub in some vegan cream cheese if you'd like.


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Add flour, baking powder, salt, sugar, oats and optional cinnamon to a large mixing bowl. Toss a bit.

3. In a small dish, combine the water and flax seeds. Stir briskly and let sit for about 2-4 minutes.

4. Add the water/flax mixture, orange juice, applesauce, vegan butter, salt, extract and soy milk. Tip: try to make sure these ingredients are either room temperature or slightly warmed. I used room temperature oranges to fresh squeeze - and room temp applesauce. This will help your batter blend more seamlessly - and the vegan butter will stay smooth.

5. Stir your batter by hand until smooth. Fold in the blueberries and chopped nuts.

6. Pour your batter into your cake dish - grease and flour the sides before pouring.

7. Bake at 350 degrees for about 25-30 minutes - or until edges begin to brown a bit. Remove from oven to cool.

8. Start your frosting about 20 minutes before you want to frost your cake. Your cake must be cooled when you frost it or the frosting will melt.

9. Add frosting ingredients to mixing bowl and blend with hand beater mixer until fluffy and smooth. Add in a splash of room temperature soy milk or coconut milk if needed to thin out the blend. Place frosting in fridge for just about five minutes before frosting. Any longer and the frosting will get too firm.

10. Frost cake and add blueberries on top. Serve with softened frosting. Store in fridge - but allow frosting to soften a bit before re-serving from fridge.

Coconut Cream Cashew-Chai Pancakes

Up early, like watch-the-sunrise early, I made these amazing Coconut Cream Cashew-Chai Pancakes.

..because when one wakes up early on a Saturday, One must make pancakes. I think it's a rule.

No boring pancakes today thank you. These are luscious, coconut-maple-cream-filled, pillowy-stacked, cashew-studded, chai-essenced, coconut-dusted, kamut pancakes.

I used a Kamut grain vegan pancake mix - I adore kamut. And these are easy! Lets put it this way, I got out of bed at 8am and was photographing these babies by 8:30. Fast and yummy for a happy Saturday morning feast...

Kamut. I am in love with kamut pasta - so I decided to try kamut pancake mix. It has the same texture and consistency as a buckwheat pancake - perhaps a tad lighter. I was very impressed with the nutty sweet flavor of the pancakes. You can use any pancake mix you'd like. The one I used (Arrowhead Mills) basic ingredients: kamut flour, baking powder, dry soy milk powder, salt. 6g protein and 2g fat and good stuff like 8% RDA of iron and 20% RDA of calcium per 1/4 cup mix.

Then comes the coconut-maple cream filling. I used light coconut milk and made a stove-top thickened creamy sauce. A generous dose of maple syrup and cinnamon and suddenly my basic kamut pancakes become dessert-inspired and dreamy.

Get my recipe..

Coconut Cream Cashew-Kamut Pancakes

1 cup Kamut Pancake Mix
1/2 cup almond milk, plain
1/2 cup chai tea concentrate (or sub with more almond milk + 1 Tbsp sweetener)
2 Tbsp agave or maple syrup
dash of cinnamon
1/3 cup roasted/salted cashews
2 Tbsp oil (I used grape seed, canola works well too)

Coconut Cream
1 1/4 cups light coconut milk
dash of salt
1 Tbsp corn starch
4-5 Tbsp maple syrup

dusting: raw unsweetened coconut shreds


1. Make your coconut sauce by dissolving corn starch into the light coconut milk. Add in the cinnamon and maple syrup as well. Heat in a soup pot - constantly stirring until thickened. I like to run a beater through my sauce to make it extra light and silky. Pour into a dish and chill in the fridge until needed. I like my sauce to thicken up a tad in the fridge - but still stay loose enough to drizzle nicely on the pancakes.

2. Next up you need to mix your pancake mix in a large bowl. Fold int he nuts. Then grease a sauce pan and start cooking your pancakes over a medium flame. If your pan is too hot the pancakes may burn more than you'd like. Transfer pancakes to paper towel to cool for stacking.

3. Assembling your stack is fun! First do a light dusting of coconut shreds. I use raw unsweetened organic coconut shreds. Then add one pancake, a dollop of coconut cream from the fridge and repeat until three layers have been created...

4. Top with coconut. Serve warm!

Peanut Butter Banana Oat Pancakes

I have been experimenting with peanut butter pancakes lately and I've found that I sorta, kinda, love them. My go-to, crave-it recipe is for these vegan Peanut Butter Banana Oat Pancakes. Creamy peanut butter, sweet circles of banana, cozy rolled oats, a pinch of flax seeds, a hint of vanilla, plenty of cinnamon and a waterfall of dark amber maple or raw agave syrup over top.

Scene -> Lazy-breakfast Sunday. You are feeling splurge-y.

..What do YOU crave?

 My splurge-worthy AM meal: pancakes. Childhood-memory thing, I think. Every Saturday morning when I was a kid the menu included three things: fresh squeezed OJ, freshly sliced cantaloupe and fluffy fresh apple pancakes - made using the apples from the tree in our backyard.

And just because pancakes are indeed a carb-fest, that doesn't mean they can't have a few redeeming qualities.. Pancakes can easily be infused with plenty of good-for-you ingredients like fruit, whole grains, nuts, seeds and more.

Pancake morning. Go. Set this tall stack of pancakes on the table, fresh fruit salad and soy lattes too, and don't you dare change out of your pajamas. The dress code is very strict for this cozy morning spread: no slippers, no service.

Easy Banana Slicing.. I have to admit, the one totally unnecessary kitchen gadget I love - this banana slicer I found at Williams and Sonoma. It is just a fun little gadget. Perfectly width-ed slices in a flash..

 To be or not to be .. gluten-free?.. For this recipe, I used a mixture of buckwheat and whole wheat flours - although I'm pretty sure this recipe would be awesome if you subbed in a gluten free flour. Like many people, I have been experimenting with less gluten in my diet lately. I've found less gluten is a good thing, but I still eat plenty of it I assure you. I am always anxious to improve the way my body reacts and thrives from the foods I eat - so gluten is just another one of those interesting variables in my diet. My curiosity continues.
Peanut Butter Banana Oat Pancakes
vegan, makes 7-8 large pancakes

3-4 Tbsp peanut butter, softened
3 Tbsp rolled oats
3 Tbsp maple or agave syrup
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1/4 cup buckwheat flour
1 cup soy milk, vanilla
1 tsp flax seeds
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp apple cider vinegar

2 large bananas, sliced

safflower oil for pan


1. Combine flax seeds and soy milk. Let stand for at least 2-3 minutes to thicken.
2. Combine dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl.
3. Stir peanut butter and agave or maple syrup into the flax/soy then fold this wet mixture into the dry ingredients. Fold in the apple cider vinegar last.
3. Heat a small drizzle of safflower oil in a nonstick pan.
4. Pour batter onto hot pan. When pancakes start to bubble through - add banana slices to wet batter and flip. Cook for another few minutes and transfer to paper towel to cool.
5. Serve with fresh bananas and a nice drizzle of agave or maple syrup.

RASPBERRY blend for a new day


This frosty red Raspberry Ritual Vitality Smoothie is one tall glass of pure refreshment. With fresh squeezed citrus, a touch of banana and plenty of antioxidant-infused, super food raspberries, this bright pink blend will have you feeling on top of the world. No matter how crazy your day.

Start your day with this blend or enjoy it as an afternoon pick-me-up. You will love the flavor and feel the glowing, wellness results with every sip. I know I sure did!...

What is in this RASPBERRY blend that is so good for you??..

* Raspberries. Raspberries are rich in vitamin C, manganese, potassium and fiber. They are part of the super food "berry" family and may even help reduce your risk of certain cancers. Fruits rich in vitamin C are important to your overall sense of wellness and vitality since vitamin C acts as a free radical fighting antioxidant. Vitamin C also helps reduce inflammation, supports your immune system and helps with iron absorption.

* Oranges. Oranges are also rich in vitamin C. One orange contains contains enough vitamin C to satisfy your daily needs. Oranges, when eaten whole, are also an excellent source of fiber. My smoothie used orange juice, but if you have a Vitamix, you could easily blend in a whole orange instead.

* Almond Milk. Non-dairy milks provide a nice dose of a variety of nutrients. Fortified non-dairy milks usually contain calcium, vitamin B12, vitamin D and more. Some non-dairy milks like soy milk provide a nice dose of protein. I used almond milk in my smoothie to keep it soy free - and because I like the smooth nutty flavor of almond paired with raspberry.

* Banana. OK, if you didn't hear enough about bananas in THIS post, let me sum things up. Bananas contain potassium, both insoluble and soluble fiber, manganese, vitamins B6 and C - and when added frozen, they help form a frosty-thick texture in smoothies.

* Optional Ingredients.
I added in one scoop of avocado just to add in some monounsaturated (healthy) fats. Add in healthy fats to your smoothie may help slow the absorption of sugars and prevent and blood sugar spikes and crashes. Avocado is also a heart-healthy, skin-nurturing ingredient. Other great add-in ideas: chia seeds, flax oil, flax seeds, vegan yogurt, protein powder and maybe a dash or two of cayenne if you like a spicy accent.

Yup, smoothies in fall! All part of my Healthy Makeover Wellness Routine for fall 2012! I'm probably not going to squeeze in a workout today, nor have I done one all week to be honest, but at least I can squeeze in good nutrition! What are you doing today to make yourself feel a little more well??

Raspberry Ritual Vitality Smoothie
vegan, serves 1-2

1 cup raspberries, frozen/organic (another berry could substitute!)
1 1/2 bananas, frozen
1/4 cup almond milk (or sub any non-dairy milk)
3/4 cup freshly squeezed orange juice
1-2 Tbsp avocado (optional)

add-ins: pinch of fresh orange zest, dash of cayenne, chia seeds, flax oil... your call! (even a handful of spinach would be awesome)

Blend and serve - try a frosted glass!

Get your recipes!