Showing posts with label smoothie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label smoothie. Show all posts

Monday, December 9, 2013

RASPBERRY blend for a new day


This frosty red Raspberry Ritual Vitality Smoothie is one tall glass of pure refreshment. With fresh squeezed citrus, a touch of banana and plenty of antioxidant-infused, super food raspberries, this bright pink blend will have you feeling on top of the world. No matter how crazy your day.

Start your day with this blend or enjoy it as an afternoon pick-me-up. You will love the flavor and feel the glowing, wellness results with every sip. I know I sure did!...

What is in this RASPBERRY blend that is so good for you??..

* Raspberries. Raspberries are rich in vitamin C, manganese, potassium and fiber. They are part of the super food "berry" family and may even help reduce your risk of certain cancers. Fruits rich in vitamin C are important to your overall sense of wellness and vitality since vitamin C acts as a free radical fighting antioxidant. Vitamin C also helps reduce inflammation, supports your immune system and helps with iron absorption.

* Oranges. Oranges are also rich in vitamin C. One orange contains contains enough vitamin C to satisfy your daily needs. Oranges, when eaten whole, are also an excellent source of fiber. My smoothie used orange juice, but if you have a Vitamix, you could easily blend in a whole orange instead.

* Almond Milk. Non-dairy milks provide a nice dose of a variety of nutrients. Fortified non-dairy milks usually contain calcium, vitamin B12, vitamin D and more. Some non-dairy milks like soy milk provide a nice dose of protein. I used almond milk in my smoothie to keep it soy free - and because I like the smooth nutty flavor of almond paired with raspberry.

* Banana. OK, if you didn't hear enough about bananas in THIS post, let me sum things up. Bananas contain potassium, both insoluble and soluble fiber, manganese, vitamins B6 and C - and when added frozen, they help form a frosty-thick texture in smoothies.

* Optional Ingredients.
I added in one scoop of avocado just to add in some monounsaturated (healthy) fats. Add in healthy fats to your smoothie may help slow the absorption of sugars and prevent and blood sugar spikes and crashes. Avocado is also a heart-healthy, skin-nurturing ingredient. Other great add-in ideas: chia seeds, flax oil, flax seeds, vegan yogurt, protein powder and maybe a dash or two of cayenne if you like a spicy accent.

Yup, smoothies in fall! All part of my Healthy Makeover Wellness Routine for fall 2012! I'm probably not going to squeeze in a workout today, nor have I done one all week to be honest, but at least I can squeeze in good nutrition! What are you doing today to make yourself feel a little more well??

Raspberry Ritual Vitality Smoothie
vegan, serves 1-2

1 cup raspberries, frozen/organic (another berry could substitute!)
1 1/2 bananas, frozen
1/4 cup almond milk (or sub any non-dairy milk)
3/4 cup freshly squeezed orange juice
1-2 Tbsp avocado (optional)

add-ins: pinch of fresh orange zest, dash of cayenne, chia seeds, flax oil... your call! (even a handful of spinach would be awesome)

Blend and serve - try a frosted glass!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Vanilla Berry Smoothie - Colorful Spicy cayenne on top...

Smoothie Break. And it seemed that whenever there was a hungry pause in the day, I whipped up a mini smoothie. This berry-vanilla smoothie was our holiday energizer. We served with a side of sprouted grain toast + either almond butter or spicy hummus and fennel seeds sprinkled on top.

So I decided to start today with a larger version of it. Perfect for my sleepy morning mood.

Antioxidants, fiber, (I added protein powder too.)

Two versions below. One made using Vega's Energizing Smoothie Powder. One without it.

Vanilla Berry Smoothie (version 1)
1 banana, frozen
1/2 cup raspberries, frozen/organic
1/2 cup almond milk, vanilla
2 Tbsp walnuts, raw
1/4 cup ice
pinch of cayenne (optional) - add during blend + as garnish on top

Vanilla Berry Smoothie + Vega (version 2)
1 banana, frozen
1/2 cup raspberries, frozen/organic
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup almond milk, plain
2 Tbsp walnuts, raw
1/2 cup ice
1 scoop Vega Vanilla-Almond Energizing Smoothie Powder (adds sweetness, flavor and nutrients.)
pinch of cayenne (optional) - add during blend + as garnish on top

Blend and serve with a dash of cayenne over top. Some walnuts and raspberries as garnish too.


* any non-dairy milk can be used.
* for a thicker smoothie, use less liquid.
* Vega's powder is quite sweet, so if you use it be sure to use plain non-dairy milk and balance it out with enough water and ice. If it tastes too sweet, add more plain liquid or ice.
* Any frozen berry can be used! Try strawberries or blueberries if you'd like.
* You could also use another vanilla protein/nutrient powder if you'd like. Or none at all.
* The banana adds the natural sweetness. If you are not using Vega and would like your smoothie sweeter and thicker, add in another 1/2 banana. (For sweetness, make sure to use a vanilla/sweetened non-dairy milk.)

with Vega powder added..

optional spicy cayenne on top..

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Juicy Mango Margarita Mocktail - Great for summer!

Start with this..

And make this..


Juicy Mango Margarita Mocktail
vegan, serves 1-2 (depending on glass size)

1 champagne mango (use whole mango - some for garnish, mostly for blending..)

1 1/2 "shots" coconut water (1 1/2 ounces)
1/2 cup freshly diced champagne mango cubes (any mango will work, but champagne mangoes are the creamiest)
3 limes, juiced (about 1/4 cup fresh lime juice)
1/2 banana, frozen
1/2 cup organic peaches, frozen (add a few more slices for a frostier blend)
1/3 cup ice

2 lime wedges + generous pinch lime zest + mango cubes

Real Deal -> switch out the coconut water for a shot of tequila.


Slice mango in half and cube. Reserve a few cubes for garnishing. Add remainder of mango to blender (about 1/2 cup cubes).
Add lime juice, frozen peaches, frozen banana, ice and coconut water to blender as well. Blend until smooth.
Garnish with fresh mango, plentiful lime slices and fresh lime zest on top.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Chilled Maple-Lime Citrus Salad

Chilled Maple-Lime Citrus Salad
vegan, serves 3-4

2 large navel oranges, rind sliced off, diced into large cubes
1 large pink grapefruit, rind sliced off, diced into large cubes
1-2 red plums, sliced
2-3 Tbsp goji berries
1 large lime, juiced + zest (+ reserve one slice for garnish)
2 tbsp grade B maple syrup
1 dash cayenne
tiny pinch of pink salt (optional)

optional to serve: candied almonds + cold-pressed raw pumpkinseed oil


1. Prep all your fruit. Place in a large mixing bowl. If you have any leftover flesh or juicy skin, squeeze that juice into the bowl.
2. Add the goji berries, lime juice, plentiful lime zest and maple syrup to the fruit. Add the dash of cayenne and optional pinch of salt.
3. Fold gently.
4. Place fruit in the fridge to chill. When fully chilled and the flavors have marinated and the goji berries plumped, it is ready to serve.

Serving Suggestion: If serving on a plate, add a drizzle of your favorite cold-pressed oil. I used pumpkinseed oil and some homemade candied almonds. To make the almonds I add 2 tbsp sunflower oil to a skillet over high heat. And toast about 1/2 - 3/4 cup raw almonds for about 2-4 minutes. In the last minute I add 1-2 Tbsp maple syrup and a pinch of salt and spices. Toast for another minute or so and allow to cool before serving. Add a slice of lime and additional lime zest over top.

Chocolate-y Berry Acai Smoothie

What is an Acai Bowl? An acai bowl is similar to an acai smoothie because it is a set of frozen fruit (and accent) ingredients blended until thick and frosty. But this acai blend is meant to be served in a bowl and with plenty of fun and delicious toppings on top. Acai bowl blends are meant to be thick and creamy, eaten with a spoon like ice cream. On top: fresh fruit, granola, nuts and more. You will often find acai bowls in tropical regions where the weather calls for frosty-deliciousness as your breakfast of choice. I have had delicious acai bowls in Hawaii and Miami. Have you had a delicious acai bowl somewhere?

Some points about acai:

- Acai Health Benefits: One 100g serving contains just 60 calories, 3g fiber, 6% RDA iron, 15% RDA vitamin A, 5,800 ORAC units, 4.58mg heart-healthy omega fatty acids, 0g sugar and zero caffeine or gluten. It also contains various minerals, vitamin C and even some calcium.

- Buying Acai.
Acai comes in a few forms. Frozen acai smoothie packs, acai juice and acai powder. My favorite way to enjoy acai is via the frozen smoothie packs because you can easily blend up frosty smoothies and creamy purple acai bowls.
- When choosing acai you can either buy 100% acai or a "blend" product. Below I show three brands and options for frozen smoothie packs.

1. Samzabon: This sweetened acai smoothie pack contains energizing guarana. To taste, the pack is quite sweet, and almost tastes like a popsicle. The acai flavor is a bit less bold due to the added sugar that "waters down" the acai content a bit. The color is a light purple rather than deep purple. Delicious, but a bit less potent than 100% acai packs. Note: The Sambazon brand has a wide variety of delicious acai juices worth trying and testing out as well!

2. Wonderfruit Acai - Amazon Planet: This 100% wild grown acai is deep purple and super creamy. Delicious option for 100% acai.

3. Acai Roots:
This pure premium acai is 100% wild grown and organic too! Again, 100% acai, unsweetened, nothing added so you get a super deep purple color and rich caco-berry acai flavor.

- Acai Powder. You can also buy acai powder. carries the wonderful Navitas Naturals brand of acai. It is super easy to add to smoothies to boost the flavor and nutritional content.

I would advise trying the 100% acai products first to truly taste the pure acai flavor and see that deep color. You want your acai to be fresh purple in color - not brown or too muddy purple.

* My acai pack taste testing. The 100% acai, unsweetened brands (Wonderfruit and Acai Roots) had the deepest purple color and most creamy chocolate-y flavor I love. The sweetened Sambazon pack was a bit lighter in acai flavor and color - and a tad sweeter - still delicious. You can see above the lightest purple chunk of frozen acai is the sweetened version. Deeper purple colors being 100% pure acai.

How-to Build an Acai Bowl:

1. Blend. First blend together two acai smoothie packs, a generous splash of liquid and (optionally) some frozen fruit. I like to add one fresh or frozen banana. Vanilla almond or soy milk tastes delicious as the liquid base of an acai bowl. Or you can try coconut milk for a richer, creamier tropical flavor. Blend the ingredients in a high speed blender until creamy, but still very thick and frosty.

Texture troubleshooting:

Too thin? To prevent a too-thin texture, add the liquid in very small amounts, gradually. Just until the blend starts churning.

Too thick? If you have trouble with a "too thick" blend, simply keep adding liquid slowly until things smooth out. You could also add in vegan yogurt or even a scoop of silken tofu. Taste test the blend before serving. You can add sweetness (if needed) via agave or maple syrup, fruit like bananas or even using a more sweetened non-dairy milk base.

Chocolate spin:
Want a super chocolate-y flavor? Blend 1-3 tsp cacao powder into your acai blend. Or blend in raw cacao nibs. You could even use a chocolate protein powder if you'd like.

2. Pour. After your acai is thick, frosty and blended, spoon it out into a bowl. Tips: Use a chilled bowl to help keep your acai from melting too quickly! - Or add some frozen fruit to the bottom of the bowl (frozen wild blueberries or frozen organic strawberries perhaps) to prevent quick melting as you eat.

3. Top. Start adding toppings! Nuts, cacao nibs, a splash of coconut milk, coconut shreds, fresh berries, sliced fresh banana, chopped nuts, chia seeds, ground flax seeds or even a spoonful of almond butter. There are so many options for toppings. Choose healthy foods you have on hand and fresh fruits that are in season or have a tropical vibe.

Serve right away and eat with a spoon!

Coconut Acai Berry Bowl (pictured)
vegan, serves 1-2

2 frozen acai smoothie packs
1/3 cup vanilla almond milk (+ more as needed to blend, add in tiny splashes)
1/4 cup coconut milk (chilled from can)
1 frozen banana
1/4 cup frozen blueberries

Toppings: raw peanuts, shredded coconut, fresh blueberries, goji berries, cacao nibs + a creamy splash of coconut milk

Follow instructions above to prepare.

Dive in..

Acai Smoothie! You will find plenty of creative acai smoothies in my book. But here is one super simple recipe that I love. I blend this creamy cool treat smoothie up after long workouts for a refreshing, re-fueling, relaxation-filled smoothie break.

Chocolate-y Berry Acai Smoothie
vegan, serves 1-2

1 frozen acai smoothie pack (feeling bold? Add 1 1/2 - 2 packs!)
1 Tbsp raw cacao powder
1/3 cup frozen wild blueberries (or blackberries)
1 banana, frozen
1/2 - 1 cup vanilla almond or soy milk

Blend and serve.

* Add more liquid for a thinner smoothie, less for a thicker shake-like texture.
* Add a drizzle of agave syrup or another 1/2 banana for more sweetness.
* Add a scoop of protein powder or sub cacao with chocolate protein powder if desired.

Bowl or smoothie, both options are delicious + healthy.


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