Wednesday, December 4, 2013


This is seriously one of the best recipes I've ever made. It only survived a couple days due to its irresistible deliciousness. Having said that, it tastes better the second and third days so try to be patient. Make it today, tomorrow, for Christmas, a Birthday party, whatever. You don't really need a reason. It's that good.

Lemme giva ya the rundown. You've got a dense, dark chocolate pecan cake base topped off with a sweet, creamy, spiced caramel sauce and covered in pecans: can you wrong here? No. Serve this over the holidays to your loved ones and I guarantee they will all be shocked when you tell them it is raw, vegan, gluten-free and super healthy. Praise pecans! 

Keep in mind this cake is quite dense and rich so you probably won't want more than a slice but c'mon... it's all nuts and dried fruit so eat as much as you want; then dance until ya sweat to balance it out! This cake gives me energy, makes my hair strong, skin glow, muscles happy (after a workout) and puts a giant smile on my goofy face. I hope it does the same for you.

As always, adjust according to what you have and/or want. For example: no pecans? Any other nut will do. I'm sharing the actual recipe text over at Skinny Limits today, so get the recipe here.

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