Thursday, December 5, 2013

Vanilla Berry Smoothie - Colorful Spicy cayenne on top...

Smoothie Break. And it seemed that whenever there was a hungry pause in the day, I whipped up a mini smoothie. This berry-vanilla smoothie was our holiday energizer. We served with a side of sprouted grain toast + either almond butter or spicy hummus and fennel seeds sprinkled on top.

So I decided to start today with a larger version of it. Perfect for my sleepy morning mood.

Antioxidants, fiber, (I added protein powder too.)

Two versions below. One made using Vega's Energizing Smoothie Powder. One without it.

Vanilla Berry Smoothie (version 1)
1 banana, frozen
1/2 cup raspberries, frozen/organic
1/2 cup almond milk, vanilla
2 Tbsp walnuts, raw
1/4 cup ice
pinch of cayenne (optional) - add during blend + as garnish on top

Vanilla Berry Smoothie + Vega (version 2)
1 banana, frozen
1/2 cup raspberries, frozen/organic
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup almond milk, plain
2 Tbsp walnuts, raw
1/2 cup ice
1 scoop Vega Vanilla-Almond Energizing Smoothie Powder (adds sweetness, flavor and nutrients.)
pinch of cayenne (optional) - add during blend + as garnish on top

Blend and serve with a dash of cayenne over top. Some walnuts and raspberries as garnish too.


* any non-dairy milk can be used.
* for a thicker smoothie, use less liquid.
* Vega's powder is quite sweet, so if you use it be sure to use plain non-dairy milk and balance it out with enough water and ice. If it tastes too sweet, add more plain liquid or ice.
* Any frozen berry can be used! Try strawberries or blueberries if you'd like.
* You could also use another vanilla protein/nutrient powder if you'd like. Or none at all.
* The banana adds the natural sweetness. If you are not using Vega and would like your smoothie sweeter and thicker, add in another 1/2 banana. (For sweetness, make sure to use a vanilla/sweetened non-dairy milk.)

with Vega powder added..

optional spicy cayenne on top..

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