Showing posts with label break. Show all posts
Showing posts with label break. Show all posts

Friday, November 2, 2012

juice fast: complete

hey ya'll. today is an odd one. i think i may be starting to feel signs of my body telling me to end this. i know, i know. 7 days is not much, especially since i was planning on a 10- or 21-day fast. erg.

i'm probably my harshest critic when it comes to this, and tend to be kind of hard on myself for not finishing what i told myself i would do. but i don't think doing something for the SOLE reason you said you were going to, is a good idea. i am doing this juice fast for health, well-being, to refresh my love for food, achieve mental clarity, and center my soul/chakras. 

i am always surprised how short of a time it takes me to accomplish all those goals when fasting, and this time was no different. i can't lie - i am pretty bummed. i want keep going... but i don't feel i need to. i just WANT to.

my ego shouldn't determine how i treat my body.  

in addition to that chunk of logic, it has become apparent that juice fasting while trying to help my boyfriend move in to his new apartment is a problem. i can't keep going back and forth between my house and his place to make fresh juice. yes, yes - laaaaame excuse. but hey, that's what's up.

all i ask is you don't judge. the thing i feel worst about is that i know many of you are fasting with me! i urge you to keep going, i am right here.

much love & namaste to you all. happy halloween! 

Monday, July 2, 2012

break [the] fast

so the day before yesterday - i finally broke the juice fast. my mom had bought me a papaya and i had been letting it ripen the last few days of the fast so it could be the first delicious piece of solid food i put in my mouth on saturday.

i look kinda crazy... but hey, i go nuts for papaya

it was an other-wordly experience. i transcended! i could hardly even control the ecstasy that was food-tasting. if you ever lose your passion for eating, or think everything tastes bland - just drink juice for a week. the rest of the day i had a few pieces of fruit and then an AMAZING smoothie at gorilla food. remember how i was super stoked to eat a salad for the first thing? nah. i don't think i could've handled that much on saturday, plus i was only craving fruit, to be honest.

later in the day my muscles were getting really sore, especially in my legs. i also had a head ache. i suppose it was the final steps of my detox. i slept really well saturday night.

yesterday i ate several fruits most of the day. it was canada day! so my friend came over and we went downtown to celebrate. super fun ;) when we got home we made a raw feast of creamy pasta with mushrooms, basil and tomatoes along with an avocado spinach soup, and durian pudding for dessert! i will post all the delicious recipes in the days to follow :) don't ya worry. here's some pics to tempt you:

i hope you all had a great weekend; i sure did. namaste!

Get your recipes!