Showing posts with label 365 vegan smoothies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 365 vegan smoothies. Show all posts

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Cantaloupe Spin Matcha Shake - with a cookie- my best cookie recipe yet!

The culinary highlight of most of my workdays is my smoothie break. Fast, easy, delicious, energizing. And I usually whip up my fave matcha (or spirulina!)protein shake. Today I made a tiny change with some delicious results! Check out the recipe..

Frozen melon. Frozen melon is delicious in smoothies and one of my smoothie secrets. It adds the iciness of ice without adding plain water to "water down" the flavor. Plus it adds some sweetness and healthy nutrients like potassium, vitamin C and more.

I usually put frozen watermelon in my matcha shake but today I subbed in frozen cantaloupe. It tasted so creamy and "milky" in a delicious dairy-free way. Cantaloupe has a unique creamy melon flavor and when frozen creates some amazing blends.

Give this recipe a try and fall in love with frozen melon...

ps - be sure to freeze sliced cantaloupe that is RIPE and very sweet. Do a taste test before freezing to make sure your melon is sweet.

Cantaloupe Spin Matcha Shake
vegan, serves 1-2

1/2 cup soy or almond milk
1 cup frozen cantaloupe
1/2 cup frozen watermelon
1 large banana, frozen
1 scoop vanilla vegan protein powder
3/4 - 1 tsp matcha powder

Blend and serve!
If you need to add a few more splashes of non-dairy milk to blend, you may. But using as little liquid as possible ensures a thick shake-like smoothie.

ps... the cookie in the top photo does indeed have a recipe attached. My best cookie recipe yet!

Vanilla Berry Smoothie - Colorful Spicy cayenne on top...

Smoothie Break. And it seemed that whenever there was a hungry pause in the day, I whipped up a mini smoothie. This berry-vanilla smoothie was our holiday energizer. We served with a side of sprouted grain toast + either almond butter or spicy hummus and fennel seeds sprinkled on top.

So I decided to start today with a larger version of it. Perfect for my sleepy morning mood.

Antioxidants, fiber, (I added protein powder too.)

Two versions below. One made using Vega's Energizing Smoothie Powder. One without it.

Vanilla Berry Smoothie (version 1)
1 banana, frozen
1/2 cup raspberries, frozen/organic
1/2 cup almond milk, vanilla
2 Tbsp walnuts, raw
1/4 cup ice
pinch of cayenne (optional) - add during blend + as garnish on top

Vanilla Berry Smoothie + Vega (version 2)
1 banana, frozen
1/2 cup raspberries, frozen/organic
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup almond milk, plain
2 Tbsp walnuts, raw
1/2 cup ice
1 scoop Vega Vanilla-Almond Energizing Smoothie Powder (adds sweetness, flavor and nutrients.)
pinch of cayenne (optional) - add during blend + as garnish on top

Blend and serve with a dash of cayenne over top. Some walnuts and raspberries as garnish too.


* any non-dairy milk can be used.
* for a thicker smoothie, use less liquid.
* Vega's powder is quite sweet, so if you use it be sure to use plain non-dairy milk and balance it out with enough water and ice. If it tastes too sweet, add more plain liquid or ice.
* Any frozen berry can be used! Try strawberries or blueberries if you'd like.
* You could also use another vanilla protein/nutrient powder if you'd like. Or none at all.
* The banana adds the natural sweetness. If you are not using Vega and would like your smoothie sweeter and thicker, add in another 1/2 banana. (For sweetness, make sure to use a vanilla/sweetened non-dairy milk.)

with Vega powder added..

optional spicy cayenne on top..

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Juicy Mango Margarita Mocktail - Great for summer!

Start with this..

And make this..


Juicy Mango Margarita Mocktail
vegan, serves 1-2 (depending on glass size)

1 champagne mango (use whole mango - some for garnish, mostly for blending..)

1 1/2 "shots" coconut water (1 1/2 ounces)
1/2 cup freshly diced champagne mango cubes (any mango will work, but champagne mangoes are the creamiest)
3 limes, juiced (about 1/4 cup fresh lime juice)
1/2 banana, frozen
1/2 cup organic peaches, frozen (add a few more slices for a frostier blend)
1/3 cup ice

2 lime wedges + generous pinch lime zest + mango cubes

Real Deal -> switch out the coconut water for a shot of tequila.


Slice mango in half and cube. Reserve a few cubes for garnishing. Add remainder of mango to blender (about 1/2 cup cubes).
Add lime juice, frozen peaches, frozen banana, ice and coconut water to blender as well. Blend until smooth.
Garnish with fresh mango, plentiful lime slices and fresh lime zest on top.

Berry Smoothie with a little carrots and tomatoes for Hot Summer! It's tangy.

Please do not be put off by the carrots and tomatoes, you cannot taste it at all!
Wow, out of all the smoothies I made, this is probably one of my favourites. I was so shocked that this tasted so good with carrots and tomatoes, as I never imagined it would be so great and fruity! I totally recommend anyone to give it a go!
It will give you a kick!
Tangy Berrie Smoothie with a Kick
1/2 cup baby carrots
1/2 large orange (including the peel)
1/2 red delicious apple
3 cups frozen strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and red grapes
1/2 tomato
1 tablespoon chia seeds
5 blocks ice
1/2 cup water
Freeze a container of blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and grapes in the freezer.
Chop the apple and orange in chunks. Be sure to leave the peel of the orange in, as that’s what gives it the awesome zesty kick! It’s also important that you wash the orange and apple with special vegetable wash to remove a lot of the pesticides.
Add all the ingredients except for the ice blocks and water into the blender (I use Vitamix).
Use a food tamper to press it down so that all parts can be blended. Lastly, add the ice and water, then blend again until everything is smooth.
Tangy Berrie Smoothie with a Kick
Serves: 2
  • ½ cup baby carrots
  • ½ large orange (including the peel)
  • ½ red delicious apple
  • 3 cups frozen strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and red grapes
  • ½ tomato
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • 5 blocks ice
  • ½ cup water
  1. Freeze a container of blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and grapes in the freezer.
  2. Chop the apple and orange in chunks. Be sure to leave the peel of the orange in, as that’s what gives it the awesome zesty kick! It’s also important that you wash the orange and apple with special vegetable wash to remove a lot of the pesticides.
  3. Add all the ingredients except for the ice blocks and water into the blender (I use Vitamix).
  4. Use a food tamper to press it down so that all parts can be blended. Lastly, add the ice and water, then blend again until everything is smooth.

AMAZING CONCOCTIONS-Coconut Water and Cleansinng Pineapple Cucumber

Well, my favourite thing is to drink the juice version, chilled. It’s seriously got such an amazing taste that you would not even believe it’s made out of cucumbers. I remember about a year ago, I winced at the thought of adding cucumber to a smoothie, now I believe it’s the greatest idea just because it tastes so refreshing and amazing. You seriously need to TRY IT OUT to know what I mean.
I was inspired to make this because I drank a juice exactly like this in LA at Juice Crafters. I just loved it so much I had to try and make it. Though I don’t have a juicer, the blended version is great enough.
Cleansing Pineapple Cucumber and Coconut Water
1 1/2 cup pure coconut water
1 cup chopped pineapples
1 medium cucumber
Optional additions: Mint, lemon juice.
Add all the ingredients into the blender and blend until it’s completely smooth and then pour it in a glass to drink. You may want to wait for about 30 minutes for the thick part to foam at the top. If you scoop it out, you end up with juice underneath.

Cleansing Pineapple Cucumber and Coconut Water
Serves: 2
  • 1½ cup pure coconut water
  • 1 cup chopped pineapples
  • 1 medium cucumber
  1. Optional additions: Mint, lemon juice.
  2. Add all the ingredients into the blender and blend until it’s completely smooth and then pour it in a glass to drink. You may want to wait for about 30 minutes for the thick part to foam at the top. If you scoop it out, you end up with juice underneath.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Summertime Reboot Salad: Kale + Sweet Corn - Great for Summer!!

I think I inspired myself on this one. After writing up my 15 Fave Salad Dressings post I found myself craving .. salad! And since my fridge produce drawer was overflowing with summer goodies, I knew I had to whip something up.

This Summertime Reboot Salad features marinated kale, crisp, sweet, lightly cooked summer corn, vibrant red bell peppers, sweet white onion, some carrots, cabbage and a generous handful of finely chopped flat leaf parsley. The dressing contains all my favorite flavors: white miso (rich in probiotics!), tamari, tahini, grade B maple syrup, a splash of rice vinegar and my own custom blend of spices to accent these delicious summertime-infused flavors. Plus, I folded in a generous amount or raw organic hemp seeds to add fiber, protein and omega fatty acids.

Make-Ahead. Or not. I love this salad because you can make it during the day (whenever you have 15 minutes to spare to whip it up) - then just stick it in your fridge and it will be ready to pull and serve at dinnertime. Some salads will wilt in the fridge, but hearty kale leaves, moisture-absorbing hemp seeds and crunchy onion and peppers hold up very well in the fridge.

Or you can eat it right away. It tastes amazing within seconds of tossing the ingredients together.

This salad will remind you how yummy simple veggies can be when properly seasoned and prepped with some TLC.

Craving a delicious salad to reboot your body and make you just feel amazing? Lets go..

Some fun interview news: I will be a guest on Marilu Henner's AWESOME radio show next Friday - August 2nd. You can listen online. The show repeats all day long so you can listen at any hour you choose. If you listen live you can call in to chat with Marilu or ask guests questions. I have been listening to her show all week and just love it. Her show discusses "life through the prism of health." -->

Reboot Salad. This is one of those big bowl salads that you really have to chew, digest and let absorb slowly into your body. In other words, do not eat a giant bowl of this stuff and head out for a five mile run. But all the goodness in these greens, veggies, seeds and corn is going to make you feel amazing. Salad glow you can call it.

To make this salad a meal, try adding some tempeh croutons or miso-dipped tempeh logs on top. Fold in a handful of beans or cooked grains like barley, quinoa or farro to the salad. Or add a dollop of hummus on the side. Or serve with my super fast chipotle sweet potato soup. You could also add a side of rice or a side baked sweet potato just to round things out a bit. Or add a side of sprouted grain toast slathered in vegan mayo if you crave. These spunky, green, sweet, miso, tamari, tahini, maple flavors go with so. many. foods. - you can really embrace the versatility of this recipe. Serve as a side or entree salad.

Corn Nutrition: Even though corn is incredibly sweet, it is still incredibly healthy. One ear of corn has around 75 calories, 1g fat, 3g protein and 2-3g fiber. It contains some vitamin C, thiamin, folate, phosphorus, magnesium and more.

..but really, the best part is how sweet and delicious corn is.

How to Eat Summer Corn. Did you know that you totally can eat corn right from the stalk - raw? Yup. It is pretty yummy that way. Crisp, juicy and sweet. It is an odd texture and taste the first time you try it, but then once the sweet fresh flavor registers on your taste buds you will be loving it! OK, or not. Fresh corn is a unique taste and I'm guessing some of you may prefer the cooked version. But at least give it a try! One tip: wash your corn very very well if eating raw. (Just like any veggie really.)

I personally like my corn "lightly cooked" So instead of boiling until the kernels are deep golden yellow, I boil for a very brief 2-3 minutes. This softens the corn and cooks a bit, but still retains that lovely fresh summer flavor.

You can use raw, cooked or slightly cooked corn in this salad. Actually grilled or roasted corn would be amazing too.

Starting the dressing:

Summertime Reboot Salad: Kale + Sweet Corn
vegan, serves 4

2 ears of summer corn
4-6 cups kale, washed and finely chopped (remove thick stems)
1 small red bell pepper, diced
1/4 cup shredded carrots
1 small white or sweet onion, chopped
1/4 cup chopped red cabbage
1/3 cup raw organic hemp seeds

Sweet Miso Tahini Dressing:
2 Tbsp white miso paste
1 1/2 Tbsp tahini
1 1/2 Tbsp grade B maple syrup
1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 1/2 Tbsp tamari
1-2 Tbsp seasoned rice vinegar (apple cider vinegar, lemon juice or unseasoned rice vinegar can also be used)
pinch of fine black pepper
1/4 tsp coriander
pinch of cayenne

This salad would be amazing with miso-dipped tempeh logs


1. Boil water in a large pot. When water is boiling, drop corn and cook for 3-5 minutes, until the color darkens a bit. (You can cook shorter or simply serve corn raw if you'd like.) Pull corn from pot and set aside to cook a bit.

2. In a large salad tossing bowl, add all the dressing ingredients (including spices) and with a spoon start whipping until smooth and creamy. Set aside.

3. Prep your veggies. Wash/dry kale and remove tough stems. Chop finely. Also finely chop the flat leaf parsley. Chop onion and bell pepper. Chop cabbage and carrots (if adding). Add all prepped veggies to large salad bowl with the dressing in it.

4. Toss the veggies with the dressing very well. Toss for a few minutes until the veggies have absorbed much dressing and the kale has wilted down a bit. (If you'd like to add more or different veggies, go for it.)

5. Grab your corn and carefully slice off the kernels and add directly to the salad bowl. I usually use a bread knife and hold the corn cob carefully with a paper towel so it doesn't slip. Add both cobs - about 1 1/2 cups of kernels.

6. Toss the warm corn with the salad. This will further wilt and marinate the veggies.

7. Add in the hemp seeds and toss.

8. Do a taste test. You can alter the flavor if desired. Add more rice vinegar for a wetter, tangier flavor, more oil for a richer texture or more miso, tamari or table salt for more salt. You can also add more veggies if the dressing as is is too strong for you. Just add in another handful of chopped kale or other veggies and toss.

Serve right away (slightly warm) or allow to marinate and chill in the fridge for up to 8 hours. If storing in the fridge over 8 hours you may want to add dressing later and just set prepped veggies in the fridge covered.

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