Showing posts with label dehydrate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dehydrate. Show all posts

Saturday, February 9, 2013

raw yam burgers & daikon fries with ketchup

Oh MAN, these are yummy. Fun and easy to make - what else is new? - and equally fun and easy to eat. They do get a tad messy but I trust you can handle this. It's family pizza and movie night at the von Euw household but this week I'm skipping the pizza and snarfing down one of these babies. (I don't literally mean an infant - I don't eat kids.) 

All that's in these burgers and fries is a whack load of vegetables and spices. Goes like this: throw stuff in the food processor, rub things with your hands, toss something in the dehydrator and you'll get a gourmet raw food meal in no time! (Okay, I may have simplified that process a little.) But seriously - it's pretty much that easy. Look at the colours of this food.

It's alive. I'm alive. Let's boogy. 

I didn't actually mean to get daikon for the fries - I was looking for jicama but the grocery store didn't carry it so I went with what there was. The fries turned out great, nonetheless! They have a fresh crunch and are superb with the ketchup. I should say this though - if you are new to raw food and the flavours that go with it - you may want to use jicama for the fries. The burgers are bursting with flavour and when you pile them up with fixing's and lettuce - there ain't no better option for dinner. 

yam burgers & daikon fries with ketchup: serves 5 or so

1 yam 
2/3 cup green onions (or onion)
1 red bell pepper
4 dates
5 tablespoons ground flax seeds
4 tablespoons nutritional yeast
4 large mushrooms
4 garlic cloves 
Salt, pepper, cumin, coriander, cinnamon, basil, turmeric, paprika (to taste)

1 jicama root or daikon radish (the size depends on how many you're feeding)
1 teaspoon veg oil (optional but recommended)
Salt, pepper, cumin, coriander, cinnamon, basil, turmeric, paprika (to taste)

1-2 tomatoes
1/2 cup sun dried tomatoes
Salt (to taste)
3 dates
Water or lemon juice (as needed)

To make the burgers: prep the veggies as needed and cut them into chunks. Then pulse all the ingredients in your food processor until everything becomes a thick, wet-ish mixture, but don't pulse too long. You want pieces of the food still visible and you don't want it to be too wet. Adjust according to taste. Then form into patties and dehydrate for 3-4 hours, or use your oven at it's lowest temperature. You could eat them right away if you like, but they won't hold their shape too well. 

To make the fries: peel the daikon and slice into fries. Rub in the oil and spices. Dehydrate for 3 hours or in your oven at it's lowest temperature, (or you could eat them right away if you like).

To make the ketchup: blend all ingredients in your food processor or blender until smooth, adding liquid as needed. Adjust according to taste. Serve the burgers, fries and ketchup with lettuce, tomatoes, marinated mushrooms, onions, sprouts, avocado, and anything else you like. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

sprouted chickpea bread

You can use either sprouted or cooked chickpeas, depending on your preference. This is delicious with hummus (dat double chickpea flava!), raw pesto or a sun-dried tomato spread; and you can use it for pizza crust, a raw sandwich or whatever you like. There's endless possibilities here, people. 

sprouted chickpea bread with garlic & sun-dried tomatoes:

2 cups cooked or sprouted chickpeas
1/4 cup raw pumpkin seeds
3 tablespoons hemp seeds
3 tablespoons ground flax
1/4 cup whole flax seeds
2 tablespoons sun-dried tomatoes
4 garlic cloves
1-2 tablespoons tahini
salt, as needed
water, as needed

Put everything in your food processor and process until it comes together. Spread onto a dehydrator tray and dehydrate for 4-6 hours, or until crisp, cutting it into pieces and flipping them halfway through. Or you could use your oven at it's lowest temperature. Serve with hummus, pesto, nut cheese, or any other spread you like. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

BBQ kale chips

oh my goodness gracious holy cats. the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. i have already done the hardest part. buuuut... I JUST CAN'T STOP EATING KALE CHIPS!

i could have a worse addiction though; like... almost any other substance actually. kale chips are uber healthy. you know how good kale is for you, and when you dehydrate it - you concentrate all it's incredible life-giving nutrition. just make sure to have them with a big glass of water, because obviously you're also taking out the H20 when you "DE-hydrate".

we bought beautiful kale from the farmer's market on saturday just for kale chips. ain't it perdy?
(the answer is yes.)

the sauce for these is mega good. i used liquid smoke so they taste like barbeque chips. get ready to have garlic breath too - it's totally worth it. as usual, over half of them were devoured (or should i say inhaled) by time they were actually done... like i said: i have a problem.

cheesy barbeque kale chips: makes a huge bowl, but only serves one :)

2 cups walnuts
1/2 cup nutritional yeast
2 tablespoons mustard
2 tablespoons agave syrup (or 1/2 cup dates)
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
3 tablespoons tamari
2-4 garlic cloves
1 tablespoon liquid smoke
1 teaspoon each of chili flakes, paprika, salt & pepper
1/2 cup water

3 big bunches of organic, local kale!

to make the dressing, blend all the ingredients until smooth. tear up the kale leaves (leaving the stems out) and throw them all in a giant bowl with the dressing. massage in with your hands until each leaf is covered. i eat so many just like this. it's like the greatest salad ever. BUT YOU MUST RESIST. now put them on dehydrator trays and dehydrate for 1-3 hours until they're dry and crispy. you'll have to check on them. you can also use your oven at it's lowest temperature and put them on baking sheets.

i'm always listening to music when i write my posts and - as i should be - in love with whatever song from my library is playing. which is why i HAVE to share it with you. hence, my links to songs lately. i think i'm gonna make that a habit. here's some police and modeselektor.

Get your recipes!