Showing posts with label e-book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label e-book. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

my e-book has arrived!

Well it technically never "arrived" because it is online and not physical - but you get what I'm saying. My newest e-book is complete and ready to be viewed by your beautiful and eager eyes. I put a lot of thought, work, time and love into this thing so if you choose to purchase it (yes, please) I truly hope you like it. In this e-book there's a few never-before-seen recipes like raw Chocolate Cake with Fudge Icing & Vanilla Cashew Cream... who doesn't want that!?

As my blog continues to increase in popularity I am realizing this could become my actual job! I never thought I would be able to do this for a living but if things keep going the way they are, it is a possibility. Of course I am no where near that point yet, but I see an exponential pattern. 

I want to thank all of you for supporting me this entire time and encouraging me to keep growing my website and sharing recipes. You make it worth while! If I can spend my time creating recipes, photographing them and sharing them with you instead of trudging to a conventional job every day - that would be my dream come true. I love what I do on This Rawsome Vegan Life and with your support I hope I will be able to continue doing this for the rest of my days. SO THANK YOU! If you have any problems getting your e-book, please contact me. My email is
Much love! Em

Sunday, November 25, 2012

raw pizza with spinach pesto & marinated vegetables

every saturday for as long as i can remember, we have family video night. this entails pizza for everyone and a good movie or two. it's the night of the week where we can all relax and be together. since adopting a vegan diet, my family has naturally stopped eat most processed foods as well as most animal products. most of the time our meals are vegan now. yahoo! so as you would assume, our pizza nights now include vegan pizza (which is always delicious). the carnivorous men of my family are usually merrily surprised with the taste. this week i decided to make a raw version because, ya know... raw food is totally rad and stuff.

i wish we had some raw cheese to top this off with but alas, not this time - anyway it was delectable sans aged nut cheese. i could seriously eat a bowl of the pesto by itself, i luuuurve me some spinach. and as for the crust - i was schnarfing spoonfuls while i put it in the dehydrator. if you don't have a dehydrator then just use your oven at its lowest temperature. i do this all the time and never fret; work with what ya got. 

one thing (of the plethora of things) i LOVE about raw food - you can eat as much as you want, but often that isn't as much as you might predict because the food is so nutrient dense! it fills you up super fast. so as you can see, these pizzas are pretty small, but very satisfying. i do warn you, don't expect this to taste just like cooked pizza. in all honesty it has nothing to do with it except the inspiration and general shape. it is DIFFERENT and delicious... 

so open your mind (and your mouth). 

raw pizza with garlic & seed crust, spinach pesto and marinated veggies: makes four small pizzas

1/2 cup each of hemp seeds, raw pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds
1 cup walnuts
1 teaspoon salt & pepper
2 teaspoons dried basil (or a handful of fresh, lucky you)
1 tablespoon agave/maple syrup or a few dates
1-2 tablespoons water, as needed
1/2 onion, sliced
4 peeled garlic cloves

spinach pesto:
4-5 cups organic spinach
1/2 cup raw pine nuts
1 peeled garlic clove
1/2 teaspoon salt & pepper
1/4-1/2 cup water, as needed
1 teaspoon agave/maple syrup or a couple dates

3 mushrooms
1 bell pepper
1 tomato 
1 teaspoon tamari
1 teaspoon fave dried herb blend

to make the crust: pulse all ingredients in your food processor until it sticks together (and tastes delicious!) now divide the mixture into four and shape each of them into your desired pizza crust shape with your hands on dehydrator trays or parchment paper. dehydrate (or cook in your oven at the lowest temperature) for 4-5 hours, or until crispy. 

to make the pesto: put all the ingredients in your food processor (no need to wash it after making the crust) and process until it reaches that yummy pesto consistency - not totally smooth, but still quite creamy. mmm. put in a bowl, cover with plastic wrap and put in the fridge. 

to prepare the veggies: cut them all into thin slices and mix in with the tamari and herb blend.  marinate them in your dehydrator (or oven) until they are soft and taste freaking amazing. 

put it all together: when the crusts are finished, gently spread the pesto on all of them, followed by the veggies. if you have any raw vegan cheese that would be a tantalizing addition for your taste buds. 


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

raw vanilla coffee creme pie with a chocolate crust

i don't even LIKE coffee; yet this is one of my new favourite recipes. my opinions on coffee are what you might expect: it's acceptable in moderation! i do not think it is a good idea for your mind or your body to chug 5 cups of cream- and sugar-laden coffee every day; but the occasional mug of organic black coffee can be beneficial. i prefer getting my caffeine from green tea simply for the flavour. now that i think about it - i bet this recipe would be delicious with some potent green tea substituted in for coffee! 

hmm... i may have to try that.

this recipe is delightful and - i give you fair warning here - difficult to stop eating. the crust is a mix of nuts, dates, cacao and cinnamon so it is like a spiced chocolate base; then the creme layer is a smooth blend of black coffee, cashews, and a whole food sweetener of your choice (everyone has their preference). i drizzled a salted caramel sauce on top made from date paste and sea salt and for the finishing touch added some goji berries, raw pumpkin seeds and coffee beans for colour and contrast. HECK YA.

bathe in the lusciousness of the creme layer mixed with the crunchy bite of the cinnamon chocolate crust. OH MA GERD - IT'S SO GOOD. i should buy some restraints when i make this from now on to control myself.  i predict the family will enjoy it as much as me and my boyfriend did this morning. yep, that's right. we ate it for breakfast... after some fresh juice of course.

how's the weather where you live? it has been raining here for days and i'm lovin' every minute - i'm lovin' it. (no affiliation to mcdonalds here.) as long as i wear a good pair of boots and bring an umbrella the rain don't bother me none. plus it's really cozy when you're inside with a fire, special people, two cats and this creme pie...

i suggest eating this at most a few hours before you go to sleep otherwise it might keep you up if you are sensitive to caffeine. try it for breakfast! it was perfect. 

cashew coffee vanilla creme cake with a cinnamon chocolate crust: serves 8 or so

cashew coffee vanilla creme:
2 cups raw cashews
seeds scraped from 1 vanilla pod
3 tablespoons melted coconut oil
1/4 cup maple syrup (or agave/raw honey/date paste)
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup very strong, brewed organic coffee

cinnamon chocolate crust:
1 cup pecans
1 cup dates
2 tablespoons cacao powder
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder

salted caramel drizzle:
1/2 cup dates covered in enough water (or coffee) to cover them
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1 tablespoon nut butter (optional)

to make the creme, blend all ingredients until smooth. set aside. 

to make the crust, process the nuts into a rough flour in your food processor and add all the other ingredients until you can press it together, then press it into the bottom of lined small spring-form pan. scoop on the creme and let it set in the fridge or freezer. 

to make the caramel drizzle, blend the dates, water/coffee, salt and nut butter (if using) until smooth and pretty liquid. if it is too thick - add more water; if too thin - add more dates. drizzle on top of your creme pie and garnish with coffee beans, goji berries and pumpkin seeds. it is better - but difficult - to wait until the next day to eat this, let the flavours get to know each other. then DEVOUR. 

I selected this post to be featured on Vegan Blogs. Please visit the site and vote for my blog!

Friday, November 16, 2012

chocolate banana pie with coconut whipped cream

oh, baby! this pie rocks. or should i say... it RAWKS. (i know, i know. comedic genius. i think i might go on tour.) it's pretty much all raw but i can't lie - the coconut milk i used was not. i don't mind. this pie is too delicious to care. besides, before i went vegan i LOVED whipped cream and this vegan version hits the spot where whipped cream is missing in my life. it's actually better because it has hints of coconut.

i have made a pie like this before, and i felt i should make it again because well... do i need a reason? no. but now i have some nicer pictures of it. 

i would write a longer post but yesterdays post provided a pretty good summary of how i have been. busy but happy! i've actually gotta run now to make some fabulous quinoa sushi with my girlfriend while we watch lord of the rings. those movies are the most epic things that exist, i am pretty certain. 

try to think of something more epic. 

anyhoo - life is good. this pie TASTES good; makes ya feel good, look good - if someone were to bite you, it'd probably make YOU taste good. don't judge my logic. my excuse is that i am crazy. i am just rambling about nothing right now because there is some excellent music playing while i type this so i can't concentrate  but i also do not have the will power to turn off my music. wanna hear what i am listening to? check it.

chocolate banana pie with whipped coconut cream: makes one pie

1 cup pecans
1 cup walnuts
1 1/2 cups dates or raisins
pinch of salt 
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

3 peeled bananas (save one to slice)
1/4 cup cashew butter
2 tablespoons melted coconut oil 
1/4 cup agave/maple syrup
1/4 cup nut milk (use as little as possible)
pinch of salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 cup cacao powder

coconut whipped cream:
1 can coconut milk, put in the fridge overnight
seeds from 1 vanilla pod
1/8 teaspoon stevia or powdered raw sugar

to make the crust, process the nuts (in your food processor) into very small crumbs and add the dates or raisins and the rest of the crust ingredients. process until it all sticks together. press into a pie dish and put in the freezer.

to make the filling, blend all the ingredients until smooth then let it set and thicken in the fridge. when it's thick enough, spoon into the pie crust and layer with that remaining sliced banana. set in the fridge.

to make the coconut whipped cream, put your mixing bowl and whisk in the freezer. take the coconut milk out of the fridge and spoon off the really thick stuff on top (full fat, baby, mmm). put this in your mixing bowl with the stevia/sugar and vanilla seeds and whisk until it's thick! i have a kitchen-aid so it's really easy for me. spread this all over your pie and let it set in the freezer or fridge for a few hours. or... devour it right away.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

green love

i will never get over my infatuation with green smoothies. it simply will not happen. they are about as perfect, beautiful and miraculous as something get. take a gander at that luscious colour... that is LIFE you are seeing (or is gandering a word?)

i had this smoothie for my dinner because well... why not? so that means i had all liquids today! i drank a delicious glass of juice (cucumber, bell pepper, pineapple, apple, orange, tomato) for breakfast after my workout and this smoothie for dinner. i have had a really busy day and my body should probably have more calories but i am just SO TIRED and i don't like eating right before i go to sleep. i will make sure to have a big smoothie with extra protein tomorrow after i exercise. mmm, smoothie... *dopey smile*

I HAVE EXCELLENT NEWS: i have successfully converted my darling boyfriend to the dark, satanic and freaky cult of veganism. all jokes. veganism is the bees knees! or perhaps the more appropriate term would be the corn's ear? potato's eye? artichokes heart? i dunno where this is going. nevermind. point is - being vegan is the best option for you, the planet and our fellow animals! ANYWAY...

the boyfriend is vegan. 

green smoothie love affair: serves one

1 peeled frozen banana
1 cup kale
1 sliced apple
1 peeled orange 
2 tablespoons raw hempseeds
1 cup water or so
1/8 teaspoon stevia, if desired (or use a couple dates)

blend. sip. love. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

raw pumpkin pie


raw pumpkin pie was the first recipe i ever posted on this blog. that was over a year ago now. i have come a long way and can't wait to see where i - and this website - will be in another four seasons. i want to take a moment to thank you all for following my blog as it has increased in popularity and support. for those of you who are new - welcome!

your emails, comments, thoughts and kind words are the sole reason i continue to make recipes, photograph and write about them, then put them on the world wide web for all to see. i feel blessed to have the opportunity to reach and positively connect with so many wonderful spirits (that's you)!

okay - gooey, cheesy stuff outta the way! here is a pie for you. i was just confessing to mother-dearest that i actually was never a fan of pumpkin pie before i went vegan. i just ate it at thanksgiving and christmas because it meant i got a serving of ice cream and whipped cream with it (my infamous sweet tooth could not be suppressed, even when i was little).

but this raw, animal-free version of pumpkin pie is seriously delicious and i love it on it's own! having said that - adding coconut ice cream to anything is never a poor idea. NEVER.

that's a life lesson. you're welcome. 

i live in canada, so our thanksgiving was some time ago now... but i know that all my friends in the states are anticipating the coming holiday so this would be a great option for dessert! show your relatives and loved ones how delicious raw food can be. this has gotta be the lowest calorie, most nutrient-dense pumpkin pie on the planet. unless you just ate a pumpkin straight up and called it "pie"... but then you'd be kinda strange.

anyways, let's appreciate fall for all the glorious colours it brings into the world; the trees are a changin' and so are our lives. live in the moment with people you care about and give thanks for all you've been given, and all that you've worked to achieve. you're beautiful. stay sexy! like a pumpkin.

raw harvest pumpkin pie: makes one pie

1 cup cashews
1 cup almonds
1/4 cup raisins
1 cup dates
1/8 teaspoon salt

pumpkin filling:
1 sugar pumpkin (about 7 cups), peeled, gutted and cut into cubes
1 cup dates
4-5 tablespoons melted coconut oil
1/3 cup maple syrup
1-4 tablespoons pumpkin pie spice (cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger & cloves)

to make the crust, process the nuts in your food processor until they are like a rough flour. add the dates, raisins and salt. pulse until it all sticks together in a lump. press into the bottom of a pie dish and refrigerate. 

to make the pie filling, process the pumpkin cubes until they can't get any smaller in your food processor. add in the other ingredients and process until it can't get any smoother. transfer the filling to your high speed blender and blend on the highest setting to get it super smooth like the cooked version. add whatever you think it needs. spread the filling onto your pie crust and let it set in the fridge for a few hours. 

serve with raw ice cream or cashew cream in celebration of thanksgiving, the colourful fall season, or for the simple reason that life is beautiful!

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