Showing posts with label Healthy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Healthy. Show all posts

Sunday, December 1, 2013


You asked for it. No, really; you asked me to make a raw vegan egg nog recipe.. so I did. And dang, I sure am glad. This is delicious, warming, smooth, sweet and satisfying all at once. My dad agrees.

I wasn't actually planning on making anything today because I had a late night last night and meant to get some studying done today. Last night I went dancing with my lady friends and then we headed to an artsy shin dig in a sketchy area of downtown (rent is cheap so the poor artists flock there) I was wandering around the streets of downtown in my pimpin' jacket (it's giant, it's green, it's fake fur), a homemade turban to keep the rain off my glasses, and I was a little bit ahead of my friends... I am pretty sure I was mistaken for a homeless male drug addict. Milestone.

ANYWAY, I don't know where I was going with that, let's get back to decadent drinks and find that holiday spirit.

Although as a kid I loved egg nog because it was sweet and creamy and rich; as I grew older and made the choice to be vegan, this beverage became one of the first things took off my "I want this" list. Safe to say it was moved over to the "Never again" collection of foods. I think we all know it's not even remotely healthy, but we should also acknowledge that the stuff you buy in the grocery store is just weird. I mean, I'm sure the original homemade kind was a bit better; but now the generic variety is totally processed and totally suspicious.

There is really no reason to guzzle the milk of another species (mixed with the potential fetuses of ANOTHER species, mixed with processed white sugar) when you have this recipe! Seriously, check out the ingredients on egg nog next time you're tempted to buy it. Then think about what they really are. Yuck. 

OKAY I AM SORRY I'M BEING ALL WEIRD AND NEGATIVE TODAY. I personally don't tend to dwell on the ickiness - it's a word, shhhh - of animal products, and instead like to focus on the positives of healthy whole foods and plants. I guess my mind is trying to balance it out in this post. Ultimately I am not here to preach or tell you how to live your life and what to eat. I am merely here to humbly provide some simple, easy-to-make, mind-boggling delicious recipes. I hope you can appreciate and understand that. No time for haters up in here.

I am hoping these photos look okay to you, because I edited them on my tiny little lap top screen instead of the large monitor I usually use. The colour is also funky on my lap top screen so my fingers are crossed that these pics aren't terrible. Please forgive me if they look gross. I just realized how completely trippy it is that I am writing this in my bedroom right now, just typing out my thoughts as they come into my brain, and soon YOU are going to read them! And probably think "Wow, who IS this girl? She's lost it. I'm outta here."

But wait! I made you egg nog!


1 cup pecans
3 cups water
1 cup dates
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
2 teaspoons vanilla extract 

Blend it all up. Use hot water if you want a warm drink. It should have the consistency of egg nog but if it's too thin, add more dates or pecans. If it's too thick, add more water. Change the spice amounts as you like. Mmm... This will serve around 4 people.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


I saw this picture of some Hostess cupcakes on Tumblr awhile ago and figured I'd better make a raw and vegan version because... why not. Although I never ate the infamous baked treats before I became vegan, their imagery still managed to infiltrate my eyesight; good marketing does that. If you're not familiar with what I am talking about, Hostess cupcakes are just chocolate cupcakes filled with a vanilla cream, and topped off with chocolate frosting and an endearing little swirl of the vanilla cream.

Sadly, they're full of all the crappiest-quality ingredients you could possibly put together. Seriously - no one is living longer or fighting cancer by eating these guys. Fortunately, apart from their appearance, this recipe is the exact opposite, plus it probably tastes better (I'm a little biased though). The ingredients include dates, oats, cashews, coconut oil and cacao powder. Google any of those and you will see that they are all excellent for you. Hehehe. Sometimes it feels like the world is almost too good to us.

Here's a run down of the recipe: the cupcake part is made up of oats, date and cacao powder; the vanilla cream filling is mostly cashews and coconut oil; and the chocolate frosting is cacao powder, almond butter and whatever sweetener you like. My frosting skills are lacking, as you can tell by the pathetic swirls I failed at creating. I had to use a hoisin sauce bottle, okay? No fancy piping bags in THIS kitchen, we do it thrifty-style. Of course, it doesn't actually matter what your swirls look like, since they're all gonna taste equally delicious and wholesome.

When I made these they were very sweet and rich (almost too much so, and for me that is saying a LOT) so in the recipe I typed up here, I lessened the amounts of sweeteners. But as always: you can - and should - adjust the recipe to suit your tastes/available ingredients/whatever. Note: you will have leftover vanilla cashew cream... I assume this will not be a problem.


1 cup oats
1 cup dates
2 tablespoons cacao powder
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Vanilla cream filling:
1 cup cashews 
Juice of 1 lemon
1/4 cup water
1-2 tablespoons coconut nectar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract 

Chocolate frosting:
2 tablespoons melted coconut oil
1 tablespoon cacao powder
1 tablespoon coconut nectar (or other sweetener)

To make the cupcakes: pulse the oats in a food processor until they become flour-like. Add the rest of the ingredients and process until it all sticks together. Press into lined cupcake tins and indent a thumbprint in the middle of each one for the vanilla cream. Put in the fridge.

To make the vanilla cream: blend all the ingredients together until smooth. Scoop a spoonful into each of the indents you made in the cupcakes. You'll have lots left over. Put the cupcakes back in the fridge.

To make the chocolate frosting: mix together all the ingredients until smooth. Let it re-solidify just enough so that you have a frosting consistency. Frost the top of the cupcakes and then using a piping bag, decorate the tops of your cupcakes with the vanilla cream. Eat right away or within 1-2 weeks.

Saturday, November 9, 2013


You cannot really go wrong with any of the ingredients included in this recipe. For that reason, I don't take much credit for how delicious these bars taste. This is another excellent recipe for sharing with your skeptical loved ones, non-vegan friends or anyone you know who is hesitant to jump on the health food wagon. Their minds and taste buds will be BLOWN. In a good way. 

I know you guys have been asking for more savoury recipes (don't worry - raw vegan enchiladas are COMING), but today I couldn't get my mind off the idea of a sweet, nutty, chocolatey bar with maca and mint involved. Success was reached. These are exactly what I wanted. I think I'm gonna make brown rice paper wraps for my dinner, and these will be the perfect dessert. I don't even know how people find time to eat junk food when there are endless amazing whole food combinations to try! No time for refined white flour on my watch! 

How is your weekend going? I've gotta say that my Friday night was pretty fantastic. First I went over to my friend's place and sat in her sauna for an hour, where we proceeded to spontaneously burst into laughter, look at possible hiking trails for Sunday, punch-dance to this (just wait for it), and cleansed our pores until we were as smooth as new born babes. Then we headed over to a hippie vegetarian restaurant downtown that is literally always open and drank *all the tea*. Finally drove to this rad underground-ish dance party thing and it was basically spiritual boogying - it's a word, alright - until 3 am. Sleep was amazing.

Back to food though! This recipe is pretty rich so I doubt you'll want more than one or two slices but hey, it's a free country. Do what makes you happy. All the ingredients are excellent for you, and when they're put together, this is practically a nutritional supplement... THAT TASTES LIKE HEAVEN ON EARTH. Everyone and their grandma are gonna love these. Make 'em. Eat 'em. Smile. You're welcome.


Almond layer:
1 cup almonds
1 cup raisins 
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Pinch of Himalayan crystal salt 

Coconut mint layer:
2 tablespoons melted coconut oil
Peppermint oil, to taste 
1/8 teaspoon stevia (optional)

Chocolate layer:
2 tablespoons melted cacao butter 
2 tablespoons cacao powder
1 tablespoon maca powder
1 tablespoon coconut nectar

To make the almond layer: pulse the nuts in a food processor until they are crumbs. Add the rest of the ingredients and process until it all sticks together. Press into the bottom of a lined bread pan. Put in the freezer.

To make the coconut mint layer: whisk together the ingredients and then allow the coconut oil to resolidify a little bit, so you can spread it onto your almond layer. Do that. Put back in the freezer until it is totally solid.

To make the chocolate layer: whisk together all the ingredients until smooth. Pour on top of the solid coconut mint layer and put back in the freezer (or fridge) until it has hardened. Cut and serve! These will keep for weeks in the fridge.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


I had an extra sugar pumpkin in the kitchen since I only needed one for my raw pumpkin pie, so I figured I'd make it into a cheesecake-type thing. This isn't really like a cheesecake at all, but it gives you an idea of what to expect: a creamy, sweet, slightly tangy slice of heaven. The difference is, this recipe contains no dairy, gluten, eggs, or refined ingredients! Just whole, healthy foods to keep you living long and laughing... luciously? 

According to family and friends, my last pumpkin pie recipe was "outstanding" and I think this one is on the same level of mind-blowingness (I make up words, you just gotta deal). Because it is raw, you get the full flavour of the whole, fresh pumpkin, not a diluted version from a can. It's kind of like a pumpkin smoothie in the form of a cake. If that's unappealing to you, pretend you didn't read it. Just know: this recipe is a winner for all pumpkin lovers out there. 

The weather here in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada is not so hot today... literally. It's a tad chilly and more than a tad rainy (but what is a tad, anyway?) It's been pouring since yesterday evening. Fortunately, I've got a big ole cozy house to stay warm in, so I actually love this Autumn weather. It gives me a much-needed reason to stay inside and get caught up on my emails and school work. I am also spending a fair amount of time downloading recommended music today. Everything from Bjork to Curtis Mayfield to Big Boi: it is now in my eclectically-driven audio library. 

I am so excited to listen to all these new albums in their entirety! I'm making new friends who share the opinion that albums should be listened to in a social setting, and with full respect and attention given... meaning no distractions: lights out, everyone lying on the floor or in bed or whatever suits ya. It seems people my age take for granted the technological advances in the past few decades that make it possible to pick and choose single songs, and skip through them with a mere click on the iPod. The only way you used to be ABLE to listen to music was by buying the physical record and listening to the whole album; I think there is so much timeless value in that. 

I believe music should MOVE you, emotionally, physically, mentally. I want to nurture my spirituality, personal and universal identity, and humanity when I listen to a good album. Also, any way you can allow yourself to let loose and give into your animal nature (ex. flailing at the club or doing much the same thing in a tribal drum circle in the forest) is healthy and therapeutic! I'm in!

*Now get back on topic, Emily*... you came here for pumpkin cream cake! And pumpkin cream cake you will get. This recipe is delicious, nutritious and fergilicious. Well, not really the last one but I like to rhyme. Get the recipe by clicking here.

Monday, October 28, 2013


If you wish to find nirvana, search no further, fortunate fellow. I've made a couple raw pumpkin pie recipes before. In fact, raw pumpkin pie holds a special place in my heart because it's one of the first raw dessert recipes I ever made, over 3 years ago, and my memories of those times are still clear in my mind. Ah, the beginning of my journey; way back when I didn't think anyone read my blog (and no one really did) and my photos were just depressingly bad. I think my writing style hasn't changed much - I still ramble about nothing in particular. You guys seems to like my stream-of-consciousness prose though, and that is probably why it has survived. Of course, it's also just part of who I am, and it's very useful to me to write in this way; it provides me with a direct reflection of my inner being.

I write quite a lot of "poetry" or whatever you want to call it, and the amount of writing I do has increased in the past month or so. Mostly due to me getting out of a heart-breaking relationship and knowing that I need to reconquer my independence; not merely as a girl or human, but as a spiritual, living unit of energy in this universe. I am happy to say I have been successfully rediscovering old pastimes and finding renewed fulfillment in them. Some are yoga, meditation, writing, reading, and general arts and crafts. Music has also been playing a paramount role. Music done right is, in my humble opinion, the sound of the human condition, often begging a reaction. Fortunately I have friends who are offering up some amazing artists and albums, and currently my favourite way to spend an evening is by myself, lights out, incense and and candles lit, lying in corpse pose (or low-back Savasana) and meditating on an entire album.

My happiness comes down to my selfishness. I'm not ashamed to say that I'm a selfish person; because I think we all are, it's part of being human, but many of us don't want to admit as much. I care for others' and their well being deeply, but ultimately I put myself first. My logic is: I can't love anyone if I don't love myself. So, I am constantly working on improving me, so I can love myself in a more fundamental way. It seems (to me) that a lot of people don't love themselves enough or at all, so they don't feel whole unless they are with others who give them validation and affection. Obviously this is not practical. On the other end of the spectrum, we have those who only love themselves in an inflated way, and they don't give love to anyone else. The solution is a balance: find wholeness in you and you alone, then progress to sharing that wholeness with others. Be happy in being yourself, and love whatever you are. If you don't love what you are, work out what you would like to change and go from there. But certainly everyone deserves all the love in the world, there are no exceptions in my opinion. 

Now, where were we!? Ah yes, pumpkin pie. This Autumn, get healthy/jiggy with it and serve up a pie filled with whole food goodness and mind-blowing flavour. My mom bought a couple sugar pumpkins at the farmers' market and I immediately chopped them up, threw them on a raw pie crust and voila. Bliss in a bowl/plate/whatever. For real, all that is in this is walnuts, raisins, pumpkin, coconut oil, spices, and whatever sweetener you like. THAT'S IT. Ain't life magical? Here's where you answer, "Yes"! This recipe gets simpler every time I make it, and what we've got here is the truly bare-bones version. So go ahead and change it up as you want to. It's all about what you want. Let's eat.


2 cups walnuts
2 cups raisins
Pinch of salt (optional) 

Pie filling:
1 sugar pumpkin, peeled, seeded and cubed (about 6-7 cups) 
1/4 cup melted coconut oil 
3-5 tablespoons coconut nectar or other preferred sweetener
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon each of nutmeg, ginger and cloves 

Whipped coconut cream or cashew cream

To make the crust: pulse the walnuts in a food processor until they're crumbs, add the raisins and salt and process until it begins to stick together. Press into a pie dish and put in the fridge.

To make the filling: blend all the ingredients until smooth, adding however much of the spices you like. If it's quite runny, let it thicken in a bowl in the fridge. Spread into your crust and refrigerate overnight until it's set. Slice and serve with whipped coconut cream, cashew cream or your fave vegan ice cream!

Get your recipes!