Showing posts with label tarts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tarts. Show all posts

Friday, January 25, 2013

fruit tarts with chai cream filling

Mmm... these tarts are fresh take on this older recipe. I wouldn't say this one is far better or anything, just different. The crust is mostly oats and the filling is infused with chai tea. Once you take your first bite, expect to have trouble putting the tart down. These are an excellent option for breakfast. Load them up with fruit and you're good to go. 

This was the first thing I ate today because I just got back from my boyfriends place and had to take these pictures right away before the light got too dark outside. (It gets dark at like 4:00 PM during the winter here.) Of course then I took all my photos and loaded them onto my computer only to realize I had left the light on in the kitchen so these are not great pictures ANYWAY. Derp. 

fruit tarts with chai cream filling: makes about 4 tarts

1 cup raw oats (or gluten-free buckwheat groats)
1 cup dates

1/4 cup strong brewed chai tea, plus the chai filling in the tea bag
3/4 cup cashews
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 banana
1 tablespoon melted coconut oil
1/4 cup agave/maple syrup

To make the crust: pulse the oats and dates together in your food processor until it starts to stick together. Press into the bottom of tart molds. Set in the fridge.

To make the filling: blend all ingredients together in your food processor until smooth. It should be pretty thick but keep it mind it will thicken more. If it's very thin, add another banana or more cashews. Put the filling in each tart mold and set in the fridge or freezer overnight (or for a few hours if you simply can't wait).

Decorate with fresh and dried fruit and enjoy!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

my e-book has arrived!

Well it technically never "arrived" because it is online and not physical - but you get what I'm saying. My newest e-book is complete and ready to be viewed by your beautiful and eager eyes. I put a lot of thought, work, time and love into this thing so if you choose to purchase it (yes, please) I truly hope you like it. In this e-book there's a few never-before-seen recipes like raw Chocolate Cake with Fudge Icing & Vanilla Cashew Cream... who doesn't want that!?

As my blog continues to increase in popularity I am realizing this could become my actual job! I never thought I would be able to do this for a living but if things keep going the way they are, it is a possibility. Of course I am no where near that point yet, but I see an exponential pattern. 

I want to thank all of you for supporting me this entire time and encouraging me to keep growing my website and sharing recipes. You make it worth while! If I can spend my time creating recipes, photographing them and sharing them with you instead of trudging to a conventional job every day - that would be my dream come true. I love what I do on This Rawsome Vegan Life and with your support I hope I will be able to continue doing this for the rest of my days. SO THANK YOU! If you have any problems getting your e-book, please contact me. My email is
Much love! Em

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