Showing posts with label filling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label filling. Show all posts

Thursday, March 21, 2013

strawberry banana cream cake with mint

You can feel GREAT about eating this cake because it's super healthy and has only simple, wholesome ingredients: fruit and nuts. Plus, it makes a cheerful, stunning dessert for any kind of party. Unless you are hosting a black-themed death metal get-together. Then you may want to consider making something else.

The pink filling is strawberries and bananas and the creamy outside is a blend of cashews, dates and orange. I suppose you could say this was made in anticipation of the eminent summer, because it IS sunny today. But at the same time, there's no reason you can't make this anytime of the year. 

I certainly recommend garnishing this cake with chocolate, berries and mint. When I took it out of the spring form pan I thought it looked rather plain (even though I knew about the surprise on the inside) so I chose to decorate the sides with mint leaves. I had dribbled a few spots of chocolate on parchment paper the day before and they looked very nice alongside the frozen berries. They all add different textures and colours to the presentation. 

This was actually quite easy to make and it didn't take much time, not including freezing. It may appear plain on the outside - unless you decorate with berries, mint and chocolate - but when you cut it open there's that burst of pink! My fave colour. If you have a fear of pink (umm...), just use blueberries instead of strawberries. Problem solved. 

strawberry banana cream cake with mint: 

Pink filling:
3 bananas
2 cups frozen strawberries (or other berries)
1-3 tablespoons coconut oil (optional but it will make it creamier) 

Cream exterior:
2 cups cashews
2 cup dates
1 peeled orange
2 tablespoons melted coconut oil
Water, as needed

To make the pink filling: put the bananas in your blender, followed by the frozen berries and blend until smooth. Spread evenly into a spring form pan, this pan should be slightly smaller than the second one you will use. I have an adjustable one so I simply made it smaller for this layer, then widened it for the second part. If you don't have either of those options, don't worry. The bottom part can be pink and you can just add the cream layer on top. Freeze until solid. 

To make the cream layer: blend all ingredients until smooth, adding as LITTLE water possible, if you need any at all. The less water you use, the creamier it will be. Using a larger-sized spring form pan, place the frozen pink layer inside and then spread the cashew cream layer around the sides and top. Or you can use the same pan and spread it on top. Freeze until solid and then garnish, slice and enjoy! Store in the freezer. 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

coconut, ginger + mint tart with kiwi

This is delightful, refreshing and sweet like the summer sun. Okay - I know I am getting ahead of the seasons here but I am just so excited for summer to arrive. We are finally started to get blue sky and warmer temperatures here in good ole British Columbia. That was the inspiration for this tart. Besides... I like mint.

I added ginger just because it was there, I sniffed it, and decided it might pair well with Mr. Mint. Hurrah! I was right. Thank you, nose - rarely have you steered me in the wrong direction (except with durian). My boyfriend was quite happy to run away with the piece of this tart I cut for him, smiling maniacally. I think there might have been a giggle in there too. Point being: this is tasty.

Mint has got to be one of my top three favourite herbs. The other two are sweet basil and rosemary. OH MA GERD they are all just so delicious, unique, beautifully evolved and... green. The best things are always green, when you really think about it. T'is why I topped this baby off with kiwi slices and more mint leaves. Okay - and a bit of coconut shavings because you can't go wrong with those. Unless you are deathly allergic, then things will go as wrong as possible. Bad.

I took photos of this before it had enough time to set, so it didn't hold it's shape very well but don't fret, my dear friends, it will be fine after a few hours or overnight in the reliable and handy refrigerating machine. Also know as your fridge. If you like, add a banana or avocado into the filling for another layer of flavour, creaminess and plain bulk. The more tart, the better. Amiright.

cashew fruit tart with coconut, ginger + mint:

1 cup walnuts
1 cup oats or buckwheat groats
2 cups raisins or dates

1 cup cashews
Handful mint leaves
1 tablespoon peeled ginger root
2 tablespoons liquid coconut oil
1 cup dates
1/4 cup maple syrup (optional) 
Water or other liquid, as needed

To make the crust: process the walnuts and oats/groats in your food processor until they are a rough flour. Add the raisins and process until it starts sticking together. Press in the bottom of a lined tart tin. Set aside. 

To make the filling: blend all ingredients until smooth, adding as little water or other liquid as possible, but enough to make it creamy and smooth. Taste it and add more stuff according to your preferences. Or not. 

Assemble the beauty: spread the filling onto your crust evenly and set in the fridge overnight or for a few hours. Decorate with sliced fruit, coconut shavings and mint leaves. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

golden chocolate maca truffles

Okay, so these sort of failed. They taste great! But I used an old ice cube tray instead of a legitimate chocolate mold, and I also made my chocolate recipe too soft so they were even more difficult to get out. Anyways, the recipe is good - just be sure to use a REAL chocolate mold, or line whatever else you choose to use. I have tweaked the chocolate recipe to be firmer so you don't run into the same problem I did.

I've never used maca powder before but I received a bag of it (along with several other goodies which I will be writing a post on soon) from Nature's Happiness and I wanted to try it out right away. Apparently it has been used as medicine for a fairly long time and recently it has begun being touted as a super food, attracting health nuts around the globe. It helps to provide energy and restore hormonal balance, according to most sources.

It has a bit of a funny taste that may take some time for people to get used to, but I liked it right away. It's a mix between a caramel tone and something more savoury... almost like nutritional yeast. Weird but yummy! I'd like to remake this recipe soon with a real mold so they don't look like a rustic pyramid project.

chocolate maca truffles: makes about 15

1/3 cup agave/maple syrup/date paste
3/4 cup cacao or cocoa
1/2 cup melted coconut oil
Salt, vanilla, cinnamon, chili, etc. if desired 

maca filling:
2 tablespoons thick almond butter
2 tablespoons maca powder
2 tablespoons maple syrup 

To make the chocolate: blend all ingredients until smooth. Coat chocolate molds with 3/4 of the mixture and put in the fridge or freezer until hardened, setting the extra chocolate aside. 

To make the maca filling: blend all ingredients until smooth, then press into the hardened chocolate molds and spread the remaining chocolate evenly on top of each mold. Set in the fridge or freezer overnight, then take out of the molds and enjoy! 

Friday, January 25, 2013

fruit tarts with chai cream filling

Mmm... these tarts are fresh take on this older recipe. I wouldn't say this one is far better or anything, just different. The crust is mostly oats and the filling is infused with chai tea. Once you take your first bite, expect to have trouble putting the tart down. These are an excellent option for breakfast. Load them up with fruit and you're good to go. 

This was the first thing I ate today because I just got back from my boyfriends place and had to take these pictures right away before the light got too dark outside. (It gets dark at like 4:00 PM during the winter here.) Of course then I took all my photos and loaded them onto my computer only to realize I had left the light on in the kitchen so these are not great pictures ANYWAY. Derp. 

fruit tarts with chai cream filling: makes about 4 tarts

1 cup raw oats (or gluten-free buckwheat groats)
1 cup dates

1/4 cup strong brewed chai tea, plus the chai filling in the tea bag
3/4 cup cashews
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 banana
1 tablespoon melted coconut oil
1/4 cup agave/maple syrup

To make the crust: pulse the oats and dates together in your food processor until it starts to stick together. Press into the bottom of tart molds. Set in the fridge.

To make the filling: blend all ingredients together in your food processor until smooth. It should be pretty thick but keep it mind it will thicken more. If it's very thin, add another banana or more cashews. Put the filling in each tart mold and set in the fridge or freezer overnight (or for a few hours if you simply can't wait).

Decorate with fresh and dried fruit and enjoy!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

cinnamon chia pudding with banana, dates & almond butter

This was what I had for breakfast this morning after finishing my short juice fast last night (I had raw zucchini noodles with kale pesto) because chia is a great cleaning food. Its soluble fire gels up when stirred with water and when you eat it, it literally goes through your digestive system soaking up toxins and junk you don't want in there. Think of it as a sponge. But then that's not very appetizing... hmm. A yummy sponge? No, never mind.

Anyways - it's delicious and SUPER nutritious. It is one of the most nutrient-dense seeds on the planet as a matter o' fact. Just look it up on the world wide interweb and see for yourself! Make it anytime of the day for a filling snack or meal.

cheery chia bowl: serves one

2 tablespoons chia seeds mixed with 1/4 cup water
1 sliced banana
Small handful each of pumpkin seeds, goji berries and hemp seeds
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon maple syrup/raw honey/other sweetener
3 pitted, sliced dates
1 tablespoon almond butter (optional)

The chia seeds and water should make a gel-like substance after sitting for a few minutes. Add in the all the other ingredients - and whatever else you like - and enjoy! 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

raw pumpkin pie


raw pumpkin pie was the first recipe i ever posted on this blog. that was over a year ago now. i have come a long way and can't wait to see where i - and this website - will be in another four seasons. i want to take a moment to thank you all for following my blog as it has increased in popularity and support. for those of you who are new - welcome!

your emails, comments, thoughts and kind words are the sole reason i continue to make recipes, photograph and write about them, then put them on the world wide web for all to see. i feel blessed to have the opportunity to reach and positively connect with so many wonderful spirits (that's you)!

okay - gooey, cheesy stuff outta the way! here is a pie for you. i was just confessing to mother-dearest that i actually was never a fan of pumpkin pie before i went vegan. i just ate it at thanksgiving and christmas because it meant i got a serving of ice cream and whipped cream with it (my infamous sweet tooth could not be suppressed, even when i was little).

but this raw, animal-free version of pumpkin pie is seriously delicious and i love it on it's own! having said that - adding coconut ice cream to anything is never a poor idea. NEVER.

that's a life lesson. you're welcome. 

i live in canada, so our thanksgiving was some time ago now... but i know that all my friends in the states are anticipating the coming holiday so this would be a great option for dessert! show your relatives and loved ones how delicious raw food can be. this has gotta be the lowest calorie, most nutrient-dense pumpkin pie on the planet. unless you just ate a pumpkin straight up and called it "pie"... but then you'd be kinda strange.

anyways, let's appreciate fall for all the glorious colours it brings into the world; the trees are a changin' and so are our lives. live in the moment with people you care about and give thanks for all you've been given, and all that you've worked to achieve. you're beautiful. stay sexy! like a pumpkin.

raw harvest pumpkin pie: makes one pie

1 cup cashews
1 cup almonds
1/4 cup raisins
1 cup dates
1/8 teaspoon salt

pumpkin filling:
1 sugar pumpkin (about 7 cups), peeled, gutted and cut into cubes
1 cup dates
4-5 tablespoons melted coconut oil
1/3 cup maple syrup
1-4 tablespoons pumpkin pie spice (cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger & cloves)

to make the crust, process the nuts in your food processor until they are like a rough flour. add the dates, raisins and salt. pulse until it all sticks together in a lump. press into the bottom of a pie dish and refrigerate. 

to make the pie filling, process the pumpkin cubes until they can't get any smaller in your food processor. add in the other ingredients and process until it can't get any smoother. transfer the filling to your high speed blender and blend on the highest setting to get it super smooth like the cooked version. add whatever you think it needs. spread the filling onto your pie crust and let it set in the fridge for a few hours. 

serve with raw ice cream or cashew cream in celebration of thanksgiving, the colourful fall season, or for the simple reason that life is beautiful!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

raw blueberry tarts

the crust of these tastes like raisin butter tarts. holy moly. yet another dangerously delicious recipe...

these were originally going to be one giant raw blueberry pie, complete with a lattice top crust.

why pie? well, first of all - why not. but also because i just got home from an 8-day motorcycle trip with my dad across the cascade mountain range through canada and northern america. along the way i was able to get vegan food everywhere and it was all delicious; but sadly i could never get a slice of homemade, local, fresh, wild berry pie at any of the adorable diners we stopped at! apparently they like butter in small towns.

so i decided to make a raw blueberry as soon as i got home. we have tons of amazing blueberry bushes in our front yard and they make up a large chunk of my diet in the summer. mmm...

i'll be posting about my motorcycle adventure tomorrow, in case you're interested. in the meantime, make these tarts (or make it into one big pie) and enjoy summer before it winds down! i'll also be posting a recipe for a KILLER KALE SALAD. i had it for lunch. man, was it good. 

for one lovely afternoon: i suggest doing some yoga or meditation with this music, creating a kale salad with garden veggies, and finally making these tarts. following that, maybe have a glass of wine with your loved one and watching a movie? whatever floats your boat. it's your day.

mini blueberry tarts: makes about 5

1 cup walnuts
1 cup cashews
1/2 cup dates
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 teaspoon himalayan salt

4 cups organic blueberries
4 tablespoons agave/maple syrup
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon 

for the crust, process the nuts into a rough flour in your food processor, it might get kind of like a really thick nut butter (mine did). then add the dates, raisins and salt. process until it all sticks together. i couldn't stop EATING THIS. quickly press the crust into lined cupcake tins before you devour it all. put in the fridge.

to make the filling, mix the sweetener and cinnamon gently into the blueberries. you could add some vanilla and salt here if you want. then fill the tarts with the blueberries and voila! 

health is simple, health is delicious, health is beautiful!

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