Showing posts with label holiday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holiday. Show all posts

Sunday, December 1, 2013


You asked for it. No, really; you asked me to make a raw vegan egg nog recipe.. so I did. And dang, I sure am glad. This is delicious, warming, smooth, sweet and satisfying all at once. My dad agrees.

I wasn't actually planning on making anything today because I had a late night last night and meant to get some studying done today. Last night I went dancing with my lady friends and then we headed to an artsy shin dig in a sketchy area of downtown (rent is cheap so the poor artists flock there) I was wandering around the streets of downtown in my pimpin' jacket (it's giant, it's green, it's fake fur), a homemade turban to keep the rain off my glasses, and I was a little bit ahead of my friends... I am pretty sure I was mistaken for a homeless male drug addict. Milestone.

ANYWAY, I don't know where I was going with that, let's get back to decadent drinks and find that holiday spirit.

Although as a kid I loved egg nog because it was sweet and creamy and rich; as I grew older and made the choice to be vegan, this beverage became one of the first things took off my "I want this" list. Safe to say it was moved over to the "Never again" collection of foods. I think we all know it's not even remotely healthy, but we should also acknowledge that the stuff you buy in the grocery store is just weird. I mean, I'm sure the original homemade kind was a bit better; but now the generic variety is totally processed and totally suspicious.

There is really no reason to guzzle the milk of another species (mixed with the potential fetuses of ANOTHER species, mixed with processed white sugar) when you have this recipe! Seriously, check out the ingredients on egg nog next time you're tempted to buy it. Then think about what they really are. Yuck. 

OKAY I AM SORRY I'M BEING ALL WEIRD AND NEGATIVE TODAY. I personally don't tend to dwell on the ickiness - it's a word, shhhh - of animal products, and instead like to focus on the positives of healthy whole foods and plants. I guess my mind is trying to balance it out in this post. Ultimately I am not here to preach or tell you how to live your life and what to eat. I am merely here to humbly provide some simple, easy-to-make, mind-boggling delicious recipes. I hope you can appreciate and understand that. No time for haters up in here.

I am hoping these photos look okay to you, because I edited them on my tiny little lap top screen instead of the large monitor I usually use. The colour is also funky on my lap top screen so my fingers are crossed that these pics aren't terrible. Please forgive me if they look gross. I just realized how completely trippy it is that I am writing this in my bedroom right now, just typing out my thoughts as they come into my brain, and soon YOU are going to read them! And probably think "Wow, who IS this girl? She's lost it. I'm outta here."

But wait! I made you egg nog!


1 cup pecans
3 cups water
1 cup dates
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
2 teaspoons vanilla extract 

Blend it all up. Use hot water if you want a warm drink. It should have the consistency of egg nog but if it's too thin, add more dates or pecans. If it's too thick, add more water. Change the spice amounts as you like. Mmm... This will serve around 4 people.

Citrus Maple Glazed Roasted Carrots

Citrus Maple Glazed Roasted Carrots, where have you been all my life? These golden rods coated in sticky, glossy, maple-citrus sweetness do not taste like vegetables. They taste like CANDY. No really, I should've lobbied to have these babies passed out on skewers at Halloween, rather than waiting for Thanksgiving to roll around to serve these. These long skinny carrots have crispy blackened edges and tender insides that melt in your mouth and not on your fork.

And this recipe is super simple. So grab a bunch of carrots at the store, or better yet, the farmer's market, and glaze some carrots today! You will feel oh so sassy and gourmet with this platter on your table. And when holiday dinner tables need to be set, you can pull this recipe out of thin air and look like a kitchen whiz.

Kids, adults and picky eaters of all sorts will fall in love at first golden bite. Make these just once and you will forever be a roasted + glazed carrot fan. Everyone who tries these will want to finish all their veggies. Have I convinced you yet?

And a bonus side dish recipe that pairs perfectly as a base layer for these carrots: Tahini lemon short grained brown rice...

The inspiration..

Stemmed local, organic carrots..

Chop chop, and ready for glazing + roasting..

These carrots will be on my holiday table(s) this year..

And I'm pretty sure there will NOT be leftovers.

Over rice..

In a flash, your carrots go from au natural to totally sassy + glazed.

Glam carrots.

Rice too. This simple short grained brown rice (short grained is my fave!) acts as the perfect bedding for your glossy sweet carrots. The diced carrots in the rice add a subtle sweetness that compliments the savory, nutty tahini and lively lemon juice.

Carrots are rich in vitamin A and some studies have shown that cooking foods like carrots may help release some of the vitamin A to make it more easily absorbed by your body. While cooking will reduce the amount of vitamin C in most veggies, for carrots , it may help increase vitamin A. So there is a trade off.

Nutritional estimate per recipe - carrots:
Citrus Maple Glazed Roasted Carrots
makes one small platter

1 bunch of stemmed carrots (about 7-8 medium - not large - carrots) - stems removed, halved (long strips)
2 Tbsp grade B maple syrup
2-3 tsp extra virgin olive oil
1/4 tsp coarse pink salt
1/8 tsp fine black pepper
1 satsuma or tangerine (2 round slices with peel, the rest juiced + pinch of zest)

Extra glazed: for bolder carrots, you can add an extra splash of EVOO + maple syrup. You will get more sticky pourable glaze for serving this way.


1. Wash and scrub carrots. Remove stems and slice down the center into long strips. Extra large carrots can be sliced into quarters. Skinny carrots may be kept whole.

2. Heat oven to 400 degrees.

3. Place carrots in a dish - I used a bread loaf pan. Add the maple syrup, citrus juice, 2 citrus slices and zest, oil, salt and pepper. Toss carrots well so the coating is evenly distributed. Lightly grease a shallow baking pan or foil liner on a cookie baking sheet. Pour carrots into baking dish so that all carrots are single layered. Pour leftover glaze liquid over top carrots. Roast carrots with the two citrus slices.

4. Bake at 400 degrees for five minutes, then turn oven to broil for two minutes. Turn back down to 400 and flip carrots. Bake for another five minutes at 400 and then broil again for two minutes. Edges of a few carrots should be slightly blackened. Remove from oven, transfer to serving platter, be sure to pour excess baking dish liquid over top carrots, and serve warm.

Friday, December 7, 2012

chia caramel pecan pie with cinnamon chocolate sauce

I am so proud of myself. Today I - Emily von Euw - woke up, wide-eyed and ready to use my noggin' - at 7:30 AM. I have not risen so early in approximately a year or so. Oh, stop that applause now, that's enough. Why in the world did I break from my slumber so early? To write a final exam. I think I did well. Now we will move on to more important matters...


This pie actually began as butter tarts. In my effort to rawify all the holiday food favourites, I remembered a Canadian Christmas classic: butter tarts. As you may be able to guess by the name, they aren't the healthiest thing you can put in your stomach. They are pretty much white flour, sugar, butter, raisins, more butter and more sugar. Time for me to step up to the plate and see what I can do (I like to pretend I'm a superhero.) 

The idea was to make a basic raw crust, then make a raisin caramel filling and add in whole raisins. I was going to make them all cute little individual tarts like the real thing, but then I got lazy. I didn't feel like shaping out as many tarts as I had made crust for so I decided to make a giant butter tart instead. Then I saw some pecans and I'm like "Hey! If I throw pecans on top of this baby, I can call it a pecan pie and no one will know! HAH!" Except I just told you.. So there goes that plan. This pie is a deceitful liar that can't be trusted - just eaten mercilessly. 

The filling ended up being a caramel sauce but it was too sweet and dense so I added gelled chia seeds for bulk and to dilute the sweetness; it turned out wonderfully! I made a simple chocolate sauce for contrast, and had leftovers so I made one baby tart and filled it with chocolate sauce. Secret treat for later. 

chia caramel pecan pie with cinnamon chocolate sauce: makes one pie

2 cups nuts or raw buckwheat flour (I used pine nuts and cashews)
1 cup dates or prunes
1/2 teaspoon salt

1 cup raisins
1/2 cup dates
1/4 cup melted coconut oil
6 tablespoons chia seeds mixed with 12 tablespoons water
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
more water, if needed
1/2 cup more raisins

Cinnamon chocolate sauce:
1 tablespoon cacao 
1 tablespoon nut butter or melted coconut oil
1 tablespoon agave/maple syrup
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

To make the crust: pulse nuts in your food processor until they are crumb-sized. Add dates and salt and process until it stick together. Press into the bottom of a tart plate. Put in fridge.

To make the filling: process all ingredients - except the last 1/2 cup of raisins - until smooth. It will taste like a divine entity has landed in your mouth, plus chia seeds. Stir in the 1/2 cup of raisins by hand and pour into your crust. Let it set in the fridge then decorate with pecans, pumpkin seeds and chocolate sauce. Or not. 

To make the chocolate sauce: mix all ingredients together until smooth. Drizzle onto your pie. Eat it while
listening to this song.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

raw egg nog for the holidays

This stuff "rawks" - ha-ha, laugh away at my hilarity - especially with the sneaky addition of a little rum. I can confidently assure you will not miss the uncooked hen periods or puss-filled protein secretions from sad bovine mothers (that one normally experiences with conventional egg nog). oh, those are eggs and milk if  you didn't catch that. 

Nothing nasty here, just a bit nutty. I began by making pecan milk (you wouldn't believe how easy it is to milk a pecan, they're agreeable little guys!) then added cinnamon and nutmeg until it tasted right. I did use a can of coconut milk which is not strictly raw but it makes it so much better. If you're looking for a creamy, thick egg nog look-alike - do the coconut milk. If you just want a nice holiday drink, don't worry about it. I blended in a few dates for sweetness and finally finished it off with some rum to make it a REAL drink. I know, I know - rum is not raw, but it sure is fun. 

Following my pumpkin pie and gingersnap recipes, you may have noticed a holiday theme. That's right! I am theming myself now... although I don't think theming is a word. In any case - I'm am rawifying the holidays!

Also, not a word. 

Nevertheless, you will continue to see your holiday favourites magically morphing into wonderfully vegan, raw versions of themselves. Everyone will rejoice in the animal-free revolution of Christmas dinner! The turkeys are planning a rebellion and I suggest you get on their side, where there's raw egg nog, pie, cookies, gravy and alcohol. 

raw nog: makes enough for you and your friendly friends (about 4 or 5 people)

1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1 cup pitted dates
3/4 cup pecans
2-3 cups water
4-5 shots of rum (1 shot is about 44 ml) 
1 can coconut milk (optional but recommended) 

Blend everything together in your high-speed blender. Add the rum one shot at time to make sure you don't make it too strong and render all your guests unconscious by the end of the evening. If you don't use the coconut milk, just make up for it by adding 1/4 cup more of pecans and 1 cup more of water. But the coconut milk makes it really creamy and delicious... just saying. Change it as you desire... then CHUG! 


One last thing - I want to take a moment to wish dear Dave Brubeck (I desperately hope you know who he is) a peaceful sleep in the afterlife... or wherever we go... or don't go. He was an amazing musician and his genius will be missed!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

happy father's day

sorry in advance: i haven't posted in awhile, this isn't raw, and the pictures are bad. BUT ANYWAY...

i hope your dad enjoyed his day! mine did. it was sunny here for most of the day, some friend's visited, greg made a great breakfast, we bought a new barbeque and grilled veggies, and i made him a cake.

oh... and he got to eat meat -.- hmph! seriously though, if this was 2 years ago... the fact that my dad eating meat on father's day was a big deal and a treat for him would be pretty much unbelievable. i'm so happy we've come this far. i'm very proud of my family.

anyways - cake.

two of my dad's fave things are marzipan and chocolate (two others are beer and BMW motorcycles). so i made him a chocolate cake with marzipan and chocolate frosting. it's baked, but i used organic whole wheat flour and raw sugar. yay!

it was... very good. if you love cake - make this! :) i used a recipe that was already on the blog.

Chocolate Cake (with chocolate and marzipan frostings): makes 1 cake

2 cups cashew milk
2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
3/4 cup cane sugar/brown sugar
2/3 cup canola oil
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 teaspoon almond extract 

2 cups whole wheat flour
1 cup cocoa/cacao 
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 tsp (or more) each of cayenne, ginger and cinnamon powder

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix ingredients from first list together, and let sit for 5 minutes. Sift in other ingredients and mix until smooth. Taste it... yes. Orgasmic, probably because of the straight-up sugar. 
Pour evenly into two circular cake pans and bake for about 30 minutes, but check it yourself every few minutes after 20 minutes or so. (while they're baking, make the frostings)
When they look done, do the tooth-pick test to see if it comes out clean. Let them sit out in the pans for 10 minutes or so, and then naked on a cooling rack for like 5 minutes.
Chocolate frosting:
1 cup cashew milk
1/2 cup softened Earth Balance 
2/3 cup cocoa/cacoa 
1/2 cup powdered sugar
2/3 cup peanut butter
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 teaspoon salt
Marzipan frosting
1/4 cup cashew milk
1/2 cup softened Earth Balance 
1/3 cup powdered sugar
1 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 teaspoon almond extract
1 1/2 cups marzipan
1/2 teaspoon salt

(Make each frosting in their own bowl.) mix all the ingredients together until smooth. Refrigerate until the cakes are ready to be iced. use the marzipan in the middle of the two cakes, then frost the rest with the chocolate frosting. yahoo! 

in other news - check out this thing! it's called "cleanse america". it's a 10-day raw food (or liquid if you prefer) cleanse taking place from june 20th to june 29th and there's 1,000,000 americans participating! it's really exciting to see initiatives like that this one gaining followers. i think i'll take part too, even though i live in canada. but i think this will be the perfect preparation for my 21-day water fast. i can do a mainly liquid, 100% raw cleanse for 10 days, then my fast. 

gah im so stoked!!! i know my parents aren't particularly keen on my decision to do this but it's my life and i have a good head on my shoulders (thanks in part to mom and dad!) if i start to lose too much weight or anything else seems funny, then i will stop! 
simple as that.

Get your recipes!