Showing posts with label apple pie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label apple pie. Show all posts

Sunday, February 26, 2012

chocolate banana coconut cream pie

Super easy, super healthy, super delicious. Trust me. Actually - don't trust me! Make it yourself and see. I am going to assume you won't be disappointed. My friend Amanda was here yesterday and was feeling a little down. What could possibly fix this?


I had been wanting to make a coconut cream pie for some time, because I'd seen a recipe that showed whipped coconut cream - it looks identical to dairy whipped cream! Whatta miracle. There isn't anything I could possibly want or need that doesn't have a superior vegan and/or raw alternative.

This pie made everyone happy, and helped Amanda feel better =) It's full of whole foods like fruit, nuts and coconut. Eat it up for breakfast, dessert, or both!

I don't know why I haven't made a pie like this before. I guess I'm just lazy. Also, there's always other recipes I want to try, and things to do, so the perfect opportunity never struck. Til yesterday! We both wanted to make food (I always do so that's not saying much), I had been waiting to make a banana cream pie, I had chilled coconut milk ready in the fridge, aaand! - oh. Wait.

"We don't have any bananas."

So it was off to the grocery store. Not exactly what me or Amanda wanted to do in our PJ's on a super-windy, cold Saturday afternoon. But we took it as a challenge. We were successful. So we had all the ingredients (including love) to make this wonderful creamy treat.

Here it is now for your viewing pleasure! And mine.

The chocolate cream part is basically avocado chocolate pudding; the coconut cream is whipped coconut milk, and the crust is just nuts and dates. The bananas were themselves.

Chocolate Banana Coconut Cream Pie: makes 1 glorious pie 

1 1/2 cups nuts
1 1/2 cups dates
Salt and/or vanilla, if you want

Chocolate Cream:
2-3 avocados 
1/3 cup agave
Pinch salt
1/2 t cinnamon
1/4 cup cocoa/cacao
2 Tb mesquite (optional)
2 Tb melted coconut oil

Whipped Cream:
1 can chilled full fat coconut milk
3 Tb raw powdered sugar 
Seeds from 1/2 vanilla bean 

To make the crust, pulse nuts in food processor until they're the size of crumbs. Add dates and pulse until it lumps together. Feel free to add cinnamon, salt, vanilla or more sweetener here. Press into your favorite pie pan and stick in the fridge.

To make the chocolate cream, blend/process all ingredients until silky smooth. Nom. I could just eat this. Now slice 3-4 bananas and put them on the bottom of the crust. Spoon on the chocolate cream and put on another player of banana slices. Set in the fridge again. 

Right before serving, CAREFULLY take out coconut milk from the fridge. Spoon off the thick fat from the top - you want this. (There was about 1/2 a can left of milk when I got all the thick stuff.) Put the milk you spooned out into a mixing bowl (Kitchen Aid) with the sugar and beat until thick and fluffy! Spoon onto your pie and voila! Enjoy.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

frankie FINALLY says relax

Sorry... haven't posted in awhile.

Anyways, my final exams are almost OVER! And I am so excited. Lately (as you could tell from my posts) I've had the case of winter blues; basically I was down-in-the-dumps for no good reason. What can ya do.
Well, this week has helped me get out of that a little. For some reason the universe chose to give me a great mood and a simple, wonderful day! Ironically, it was looking to be a bit of a bad day.

I had to wake up at the unimaginable hour of *gasp* - 7:00 AM. I know, I know. It's insanity. Keep in mind I am just not a morning person, never have been. Night time is my love. As is chocolate, and cats... but back to the point. I had to get up that early for my math exam (yuck). But that's when the day took a turn for the better. The exam went great! I feel awesome about it. Plus since I got up so early, I got to see the moon slowly going back to sleep in the sky until the next night, as the dark winter morning turned lighter. Beautiful.

Then on the way home from my exam, I saw a coyote running through the forest! I saw it as a great sign, a blessing. I wonder what he's doin' now... I literally couldn't stop smiling at that point =D

Then I got home, did some house chores, and listened to some classical music. I started making more christmas presents for the fam (shh don't tell... oh wait, they can read this) and just sat around, watching the trees and birds. Ahhhh. Frankie FINALLY says relax ;)
I've been having so much trouble with that lately. It's crazy... because I think of myself as the calmest, most laid back person I know... and I think all my loved ones would agree.

All I do is meditate, practice yoga, and eat fruit. 

But since university it's been a little hectic =S
POINT BEING: I am back, Chill World (fingers crossed?)

Now onto what you're actually interested in: FOOD. Because - let's be honest - I'm sure my personal level of mental and physical activity and daily chore regime is not that exciting.
Onto the yumminess. (I don't provide the recipes here, but if you email me I can get them for you!)

 Stir-Fry Broccoli with Peppers & Mushrooms

Bok Choy with Sweet Sauce and Fried Tofu

Eggplant & Onion Coconut Curry

Sauteed Eggplant, Onions & Cucumber 

I admit, I haven't made anything too exciting in a few days, but I did bake an apple pie! =) And the other day my mom made a wonderful vegan feast to say goodbye to a swiss guy who's been living with us for months. It was bountiful. I love life.

 I ask you: who doesn't like apple pie? WHO?

I hope you have the BEST. DAY. EVER.

Get your recipes!