Showing posts with label sweet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sweet. Show all posts

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Yeah, baby - I WENT there and made raw vegan cinnamon rolls - you know you love me. And even if you don't love me, you will love this recipe; so in a non-direct way I am receiving some love and I will take what I can get. It's a hard-knock life... NOT.

Okay who am I kidding?
Am I even funny.
No. I apologize.
Onto food.

These guys are freaking awesome. They are low fat-ish, nut-free and gluten-free so eat as many as your heart desires. Oh and duh - they're also raw and vegan which means no processed or refined ingredients; no dairy, eggs or other weird substances from animals that I don't desire! Hmm... what if when a recipe doesn't have eggs in it, we call it fetus-free? That makes sense, doesn't it? I crack myself up... JUST myself, most likely. You're probably sitting at your computer like "who IS this girl... she is crazy."

Well, I won't disagree. I probably am nuts; but I can still appreciate a good cinnamon roll!

I ate three of these in mere minutes - it's part of my duty as a food blogger, alright - while moaning "oh my god... better than cinnamon buns... mmmm... what is happening..." And I meant it! Somehow these really do taste better than the baked version, though they don't taste exactly the same. Maybe it's because I know that they are super good for me, and nobody had to get hurt to make them. Maybe not. Maybe they just taste damn good for other reason than that. Either way, I am very pleased with how these turned out and I DEMAND you make them as soon as possible.

Obviously they aren't all puffy like the original thing because there's no baking involved, but they make up for this with their flavour and density. Have these for breakfast with some fresh juice and you will be hopping around the like the energizer bunny (who's a herbivore, by the way) all day! I feel like I could take on the world right now! Put that in real terms and I am actually going to do homework now. Ah well.

If you think these look or taste too good to be healthy - think again. (I love you! Why would I give you unhealthy recipes? DON'T YOU TRUST ME.) The main ingredients in these cinnamon rolls are oats and buckwheat groats, raisins and dates, coconut, and cinnamon; let's see what these fabulous foods do for us, shall we? 

Buckwheat groats regulate blood sugar and cholesterol, are rich in fibre, disease-fighting flavonoids and magnesium, fight against heart disease and have an enormous amount of phytonutrients like phenolics which are now being found to prevent disease. Raisins and dates are excellent for oral and eye health, alkalizing in the stomach, rich in bone-strengthening calcium, blood-building iron and copper and cancer-preventing antioxidants. Coconut is finally being recognized as the super food that it is: toting antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic properties that keep your immunity strong; they are rich in fibre, calcium, potassium, amino acids, magnesium and electrolytes. Coconut is almost identical to human blood plasma and can actually be used for blood transfusions (best when mixed with green juice which has almost the exact same make up as human hemoglobin)!

Here's to health! 

cinnamon rolls with coconut frosting and caramel raisin filling: makes 6-7 servings

3/4 cup gluten-free oats
3/4 cup buckwheat groats
3/4 cup raisins 
3/4 cup dates
Pinch of salt (optional)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 tablespoon water
Dash of cinnamon 

coconut frosting:
1 heaping cup young coconut meat
3 tablespoons melted coconut oil
4 tablespoons agave syrup (or other preferred sweetener) 
3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract 
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Water, as needed

caramel raisin filling:
1 cup dates
1/4-1/2 cup coconut water 
Cinnamon powder, to taste
1/4 cup raisins

To make the dough: pulse the oats and buckwheat groats in your food processor until they become a rough flour. Add the rest of the ingredients and process until it all begins to stick together. Roll the dough into a square about 1/4-1/2 cm thick. Put this in the fridge for 1-2 hours. 

To make the frosting: blend all the ingredients together until it's smooth and drizzly. Set aside.

To make the cinnamon caramel filling: blend all the ingredients together - except the raisins - until smooth and thick like a paste. Set aside.

Cut the dough (which should now be a little more pliable) into strips and spread the filling evenly on each one, then sprinkle on the raisins and gently roll the strips up. Cover with the frosting and freak out at the awesomeness of the planet.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Walnut butter for the win. The other day I got home in the afternoon and really wanted some walnuts. Then I really wanted walnuts with dates. Then I thought "Hey, Emily - why you don't you whip up some almond butter than pair it with a chocolatey date cream type thing?" I did it. Wowza. 

And how the HECK have I never made walnut butter before? Walnuts are one of the most nutritious nuts in town and they also taste a-mazing. Plus they blended into a creamy thick butter in the food processor with no problems. Cha-ching. 

You might notice a weird ingredient in the chocolate cream layer... it's miso. I know, you think I've lost my marbles. (But actually I've never owned marbles, so how could I have lost them? Hah.) Just trust me - the sweet saltiness from the miso tastes really interesting with the chocolate date cream, in a good way. If you really cannot trust me (sad face) then leave it out. SEE IF I CARE... *quiet sobbing*. 

walnut butter & chocolate cream cups

4 tablespoons walnut butter

1/4 cup dates
2-4 tablespoons water, as needed
1 teaspoon white miso paste (optional) 
1 tablespoon cacao powder

Spoon the walnut butter into 2-4 cupcake papers. Put in the fridge. Now blend up the ingredients for the top, using just enough water to make it creamy. Spread this evenly onto your walnut butter bases and put in the freezer until solid. Chomp!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

blueberry tarts for two

Guess who's back! Me. I am basically done all the dirty work for the book ("WOW EMILY YOU ARE SO AMAZING HOW DID YOU CREATE AND PHOTOGRAPH ALMOST 100 RECIPES IN JUST 3 MONTHS!?") Okay I am kidding but in all seriousness I am not ashamed to say that I am proud of myself. This summer has been crazy; mind and body completely devoted to thinking of, creating, photographing and typing up raw vegan dessert recipes. Oh, and always cleaning my messes up. Every. Day. 

Well now I am rambling. Point of this all is: with the hard work for my book (out March 2014) outta the way, I now am free to go back to focusing on my one true love. That'd be you. I miss you! I miss giving you recipes and hearing your feed back! So here is a recipe; and I demand feed back. 

These tarts are super simple to make (what else is new...) and equally delicious (I am officially a broken record). Most of my recipes leave you with several servings and that's all fine and dandy but what if you just want enough for two people? Or, one hungry person? Then you use this recipe. Whip these tarts up in a few minutes and surprise your friend or lover when they walk in the door, fort entrance, or whatever opening you have in your habitat.

Oh, I have more space to write than I thought I did. Okay. What shall I talk about? I got it. Berries and the Divine. In this recipe I used blueberries straight from our front yard, where they bloom in abundance for 3 glorious months each summer. These months give my life meaning: I live for these berries. Anyways, I have had many an epiphany whilst picking blueberries; my mind wanders to a peaceful, still place where the world is simple and I am but a humble human foraging for food. It's cathartic, to be perfectly honest. A few weeks ago while I was snacking on berries from the bushes, I realized that this was the original day job! Our ancestors spent their entire days - when they weren't running from giant cats or pro-creating - simply finding fruits and other edibles, picking them, and later eating them.

This gave me such a sense of oneness within and of the world. Truly, we have hardly changed a bit since our early days of hunting and gathering. What has changed is our surroundings, but that is virtually all. I enjoy participating in this majestic and intrinsically-connected universe and it's very much a reassuring feeling knowing that I am the same as those who came before me, and those who are yet to come. We are all the same. In our DNA, in our desires, in our perceived duties, there's hardly a difference among us when you get right down to our foundations. I am the blueberry and the blueberry is I.

Enough with the hippie talk, though. I know you just want dessert.

blueberry tarts for two:

1/2 cup almonds
1 tablespoon coconut oil
1 tablespoon maple syrup 

1 cup blueberries
2 tablespoons coconut powder (dried coconut process into powder) 

To make the crust: process the almonds into powder in a food processor. Add the the coconut oil and maple syrup and process until it all sticks together in a ball. Press into two single-serving lined tart tins. Put in the fridge for 30-60 minutes or until solid. Fill with blueberries and sprinkle with coconut powder. 

Friday, August 9, 2013

chocolate cream caramel bars

This is one of those dangerously delicious recipes. I warn you now that these bars are basically addictive, thus they'd be the perfect treat to bring to party or to give to people whom you're trying to bring over to the vegan side (A.K.A. THE COOL SIDE). A mocha version of them will be featured in my upcoming cookbook (out March 2014). If you like things sweet and decadent - you're gonna love these.

I am very happy to be sharing this recipe with you today not just because it's ridiculously good-tasting (that was a bad Zoolander reference) but also because I haven't been sharing many recipes with you at ALL lately. As I'm sure you know, it's because I am busy busy busy working on my book. I promise it will be finished soon and I'll be back here giving you raw vegan recipes out the whazoo.

What. Is. A whazoo. 

chocolate cream caramel bars

1 cup almonds or other nuts 
1 cup dates
Pinch of salt (optional) 

½ cup cashew butter
½ cup coconut oil
1 cup dates

Chocolate cream:
1/3 cup coconut oil
2-3 tablespoons cacao powder
¼ cup preferred liquid sweetener

To make the crust: process the almonds into flour in your food processor, then add the dates and process until it all begins to stick together. Press into the bottom of a lined baking pan (I used a small bread pan) and refrigerate. 

To make both the caramel and mocha layers: just blend the ingredients in each list until smooth. Feel free to add other flavours like vanilla, chili , ginger, etc. Spread the caramel onto your crust, followed by the chocolate cream. Refrigerate until completely set; this will take a couple hours.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

lavender lemonade

I've made another raw vegan recipe for Skinny Limits! Get the recipe here, and check out all the photos below. This lemonade is equally refreshing, sweet and delicious as the conventional kind; but it's NOT loaded with sugar. Instead it's just sweet enough, and has a lovely hint of lavender after each sip.

Monday, April 15, 2013

basil + peanut butter cookies with coconut + chili ice cream

This recipe and post is a big thanks to you. Thanks for what? Voting me FIRST PLACE in The Vegan Woman's 2013 Vegan Food Blog Guide. I had no idea I was even a contender so I was absolutely shocked, honoured and flattered when I saw my placement. I love you all so much, not only for supporting me, encouraging me, and constantly sending me your love from around the globe - but also because you are such beautiful, caring, positive people. You make the world a better place, and I am forever grateful to share this green planet with you.

The reason I continue creating, photographing and sharing the recipes I do, is because you are here to see them! You are my inspiration and every day I work hard to think of recipes that will help make you happier, and make your lives a bit sweeter (literally and naturally). I cannot believe I am where I am today - being acknowledged as the #1 vegan food blog of 2013, having emails and and wonderful comments flooding my inbox, blog and Facebook page daily, and seriously thinking of making this my professional job - but I am so thankful I am. Without you, I wouldn't be here. So thank you... thank you.

I give all my love to you.

Now that the mushy love stuff is over (boo), I will give you the food porn (yay)! I was actually inspired by photos and flavours in this recipe from Desserts for Breakfast (notice the gorgeous photography all over the website) but I didn't have any fresh rosemary. I did, however, have fresh Thai basil! So I thought "Hey, basil and peanut butter would taste great together, right?" Yes. Then my mom gave me the idea to make the whole thing Thai-themed by adding chili to the coconut ice cream. HECK YA. Now we're cooking (or rather, un-cooking).

I know the flavours are little funky slash exotic but TRUST ME - the result is amazeballs. The ice cream is made from coconut milk (not technically raw) and raw cane sugar, but if you want to use banana ice cream or my other raw ice cream recipe - go right ahead. Just make sure to add some chili powder! In the cookies, the peanut butter flavour comes through right away and then you are hit with the flavour of basil - it works.

It works deliciously.

basil peanut butter cookies with coconut chili ice cream: serves five lucky people

3/4 cup buckwheat groats (or oats)
1 cup dates
1 cup fresh basil leaves
4 tablespoons peanut butter (or your preferred nut butter)

Ice cream:
1 can full fat organic coconut milk
1/4 cup raw cane sugar (or your preferred sweetener) 
1-2 teaspoons chili powder, to taste!

To make the cookies: pulse the buckwheat groats in your food processor until they become a rough flour. Add the rest of the ingredients and process until you can press the mixture in your hand and it sticks together. Press into 10 cookies and dehydrate for a few hours if desired. Or put them in the fridge.

To make the ice cream: blend all ingredients until smooth. It will taste SO GOOD. If you have an ice cream maker, use it. If not, Put the ice cream mixture in a container and put it in the freezer, stirring it every 30 minutes until it's all solid.

Assembly: you know what to do. Cookie. Ice cream scoop. Cookie. Bite. Smile.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

jewel fruit tart with caramel almond filling

This simple recipe is sure to please those skeptical that delicious desserts can also be healthy. Although there is nothing like a fresh-picked bowl of berries in the summer, I love the way frozen berries glisten with frost; I think they look like gems or jewels. Jewels packed with anti-oxidants! The beeest kind. 

I made this tart for a friend's housewarming party this evening, which I am looking forward to attending. The new house is right by the beach and the weather is gorgeous today so I anticipate a beach walk tonight, after we all enjoy the berry goodness positively overflowing in the walnut raisin crust of this recipe. 

I was going to keep it extremely minimal and just make the crust then fill it with fruit and be done (to be honest, extremely minimal would be just bringing fruit... but too bad) but I decided to make an almond caramel filling that I put the berries on top of. You can leave it simple or add the sweet filling - up to you, as always!

fruit tart with caramel almond filling: 

2 cups walnuts
2 cups raisins

Filling (optional but recommended):
1/4 cup almond butter
1/4 cup melted coconut oil
1/4 cup maple syrup or 1/2 cup date paste
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
Water, if needed

3 cups frozen berries (or however much you want)
1/2 cup goji berries

To make the crust: pulse the walnuts in your food processor until they become a rough flour. Add the raisins and process until it stick together, forming a rough dough. Press into a tart tin. Put in the fridge and let it set for about 2 hours (this is preferable but not absolutely necessary). 

To make the filling: blend all the ingredients until smooth. Spread gently into the bottom of your tart crust and then let it harden in the fridge for 30-60 minutes. Now top the tart off with all the berries, slice and serve! 

Get your recipes!