Showing posts with label facial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label facial. Show all posts

Saturday, July 28, 2012

chocolate coffee face mask

i've had the worst sleeping hours lately and because of it i have been suffering deprivation symptoms - puffy face, baggy eyes, messed up digestion, and just being really frickin tired but not being able to fall asleep. SO I FINALLY DID SOMETHING ABOUT. i made this glorious, delicious, chocolate coffee face mask, adapted from crunchy betty. here it is on my face. laugh at me.

chocolate coffee face mask: makes enough for one face... aaaand a snack

2 tablespoons freshly, finely ground organic coffee
2 tablespoons cacao/cocoa powder
water/fresh almond milk, as needed

mix the coffee and cacao together and add water until it's a good face mask consistency. you want it sticky but easy to spread. smear all that goodness onto your gorgeous face and gobble up the leftovers in the bowl! yum! i don't even like coffee... let it stay on for around 15 or 20 minutes. rinse it off gently with warm water.

P.S. this is a lovely song that i am obsessed with currently. you'll probably think it's weird but i hope you like.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

10 day juice fast: day 9

SO CLOSE! i have the rest of today, and tomorrow... then i fill my body with the raw food it's been craving the last few days. i'm so excited to jump back into raw food and the entire lifestyle. it's time for this juice fast to END!

don't get me wrong. i haven't begun to hate juice or fasting or anything. i still love and respect it as much as i did on day 1. but i want to EAT! today i was writing down a bunch of recipes i can't wait to make after saturday. they are all raw versions (besides the toasted rice) and include:

- zucchini pasta with creamy alfredo and cauliflower "parmesan" crumble
- tomato and pine nut lasagna with marinated mushrooms, eggplant and herbs
- veggie pizza with sun dried tomato and garlic sauce, marinated peppers and pineapple
- spinach avocado soup with garlic, onion and tomatoes
- sushi rolls of mango, cucumber and avocado with toasted brown rice and sweet/sour tahini dipping sauce
- yam burgers with sunflower seeds and all the fixins, along with jicama fries and chipotle dip
- durian ice cream and cacao nibs, spiced with cinnamon, vanilla and nutmeg
- chocolate discs layered with spiced bananas, dried figs, and organic berries

you better be thinking "HECK YES!" i sure am. 
my passion for life and raw foods has been REBORN!

today i went out and bought frozen durian meat for the pudding, and we got avocados a couple days ago so they will be ripe by saturday. (because first things first: i want salad, and salad ain't complete without avocado.) we also bought some castor, jojoba and avocado oil because from now on i will be using a mix of them for my facial cleanser. check this out. i love this site. we went to the library (best place evaaa!) too and i finally got mad cowboy. i've been meaning to read this book for a long time but i've been distracted by... life? and other excellent novels. i know it will seem a bit dated, but i also know it'll make me really proud to be vegan - and get me re-inspired to convert others!

yes... i used the word "convert". veganism is totally a religion, folks.
seriously though, i do worship my kale.

my mom made a big pitcher of juice this morning before we went grocery shopping so i drank the one recipe all day. it was yummarific and made of:

2 oranges
2 apples
1 grapfruit
2 mini cukes
1 1/2 cups grapes
huge chunk ginger
1/2 pineapple
1 cup cantelope
1/2 large bell pepper

my energy levels are alright today, better than in the middle there. yikes. i must admit, i've snuck in a few strawberries. my logic is that i'm juicing them... in my mouth. don't argue with it. this saturday i will back in my own bed (i've been house sitting all week), eating food again, and seeing special people in my life that i haven't seen for weeks! i am very excited, and at the same time i am keeping the importance of these last 2 days of juice fasting in my mind and soul.

talk to you all tomorrow! much love. namaste.

oh and p.s. - i can't take all the credit for those recipe ideas. i always make up my own but here's a few that got me creating: durian pudding, fettucine alfredo, and jicama fries.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

the secret to clean, glowing skin? steam.

*Check out more recipes for gorgeous skin here.*

Got clogged pores? Do a facial steam.
For me, sometimes they're the only thing that makes me feel like I really deep-cleaned my skin. You know when you go into a sauna or steam room, and feel great afterwards 'cause all your pores have been opened and cleaned? Same thing with facial steams.

They're so easy, and a great way to find 10-15 minutes to relax during your busy day. That's how I use the time anyway. All you have to do is boil some water, then add your favourite essential oils and herbs. Pour the water in a big bowl, put your freshly washed face over the bowl and put a towel over your head.

I usually use lavender, ylang ylang and lemon oils. They make the water smell divine. Like a spa.
Sometimes I add some dried roses if I have them. Homemade rosewater! They make it look pretty =)

Let your face perspire over the steam, cleansing each little pore, for about 10 minutes. Afterwards, rinse your face with warm water and soap. Then splash some toner or cold water on it and moisturize. Your skin will look and feel amazing!

If my directions weren't detailed or clear enough, here's a site with step by step instructions.

Get your recipes!