Showing posts with label lavender. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lavender. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

lavender lemonade

I've made another raw vegan recipe for Skinny Limits! Get the recipe here, and check out all the photos below. This lemonade is equally refreshing, sweet and delicious as the conventional kind; but it's NOT loaded with sugar. Instead it's just sweet enough, and has a lovely hint of lavender after each sip.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

lavender vanilla dream balls

i dreamt about these, woke up and wrote down the recipe, then went back to sleep. hence the "dream" part of the title. all my dream recipes are so much better than reality ones.

these were a big hit. my family loved them and so did my friends. i really tried to do something sans chocolate, but hey - can you blame me? i'm sorry i dipped these delicious, healthy treats in dark chocolate.

sue me.

you can leave out the chocolate, but - no surprise - i recommend adding it. chocolate and lavender seem to like each other, and who am i to deny them a great relationship?

for some reason the coconut oil in these did not want to be part of the party. i only put in about 2 tablespoons but it wouldn't combine with the other ingredients! you can see it soaking into the cutting board... hopefully this won't happen for you. start with 1 tablespoon and see what it does.

after rolling out all the balls with my friend, we had coconut oil dripping from our hands - literally! so i just rubbed it all over my body. yum! i love when the food i eat is also the stuff i put on my skin to keep it glowing and healthy. like avocados, bananas, oats, papaya, lemon, mango, etc.

vanilla lavender balls: makes around 25?

1/2 cup coconut chunks
1 cup walnuts
1 cup cashews
3/4 cup dates
1-2 tb melted coconut oil
1-2 tb agave/maple syrup (optional)
1/2 t salt
1/2 t cinnamon
1/8 t ginger powder
seeds from 1 vanilla pod
2 t vanilla extract
1 t dried lavender
2-3 tb hemp seeds

in food processor, process coconut chunks and nuts until they're crumb sized. add dates and pulse until it clumps together. add all other ingredients and process until it forms into a ball.

roll this into balls and then dip in raw chocolate, or melted dark chocolate. stick 'em in the fridge for maybe 10-15 minutes and then gobble them up.

Friday, February 3, 2012

lavender ice cream with dark chocolate

Luscious, light, and lovely. That's what this ice cream is.

Oh my goodness. It's better than any ice cream I've ever made; and guess what. It's full of raw whole foods that will bring you closer to excellent health. There's not much else to say about it. I suggest you make it ASAP, and enjoy the wonders our planet full of plants has to offer. 

No stealing the milk of another species here! Nor is there any disease-causing refined sugar, or freaky-deaky preservatives and stabilizers. Just some coconut, cashews, chocolate and lavender!

Before I made my lavender cheesecake, and now this ice cream, I didn't think I'd dig the taste of lavender in my food. 

I was wrong.

It's divine! I've grown up with the smell of lavender emanating through the garden and home. My aunt is also a lavender NUT, so whenever we visit each other you can bet there will be lavender gifts involved. 
I also use lavender oil to calm my nerves, keep my skin clear, scent my baths, and put me to sleep! It's a wonderful flower with endless uses. One of which being flavour! I want YOU to experiment with lavender in your food. Seriously. You won't regret it. 

It brings out this dimension in desserts I didn't know existed. Light, summery, delicate notes that remind you of the sun, wicker chairs, and busy bees traveling from flower to flower in the afternoon light. 

Okay so I said there wasn't much else to say and then wrote a paragraph... my bad. 
Bottom line: make this ice cream! 

(By the way I'm just using my basic raw ice cream recipe and adding a few things.)

lavender ice cream with dark chocolate: makes 3-6 servings

2 cups soaked raw cashews 
Coconut meat from 2 young Thai coconuts (1-2 cups)
1 cup of water
1 cup agave/honey/maple syrup
Seeds from vanilla bean
2 Tb vanilla extract 
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup plus 1 T or so of coconut oil, melted
3 teaspoons dried lavender
1 bar dark chocolate, roughly chopped (optional)

Blend all ingredients except coconut oil and chocolate in your blender (Vita-Mix works best!) until smooth and creamy. Add in the coconut oil and blend until the chocolate chunks are the size you want, and the oil is mixed in. 
Try it now... Yeah. I know. 
Feel free to add some lemon to this - I bet it would taste heavenly.

Now try to resist eating it all before it's frozen: if you have an ice cream maker use that. 
If not, stick it in the freezer and stir it every 30 or 60 minutes until it's solid.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

lavender & lemon "cheesecake"

Oh my. This is raw, vegan, and absolutely divine.

I know the flavours are rather summery, and yet it's January. But I thought "what the heck"... I doubt anyone will complain.I highly suggest you make this as soon as possible, and feel your world come alive. This is actually my first raw cheesecake, and I now know it will become one of my stand-by special desserts. It's delightful, truly. 

It's wonderful how first you get that taste of lemon, fresh and light; then right after, you begin to taste the subtle lavender coming through and are surprised by how much you like it!

Who could have imagined a handful of raw, whole foods could create such a beautiful and elegant dish? Well I'm not gonna lie... I could easily imagine it. But that's only because I'm so in love with raw desserts (and food).

Share this delicate and lovely cheesecake with your loved ones; and enjoy the tastes, textures, and simple happiness they all bring.

Lavender & Lemon Cheesecake: makes 1 cheesecake 

1/2 cup dates
1 1/2 cups nuts (I used soaked walnuts and almonds)

Surround the inside of a cake pan with wax paper or plastic wrap. Process dates and nuts together until you get a rough, sticky mixture that you can pat down with your hands into the bottom of the cake pan. Do so. Set in fridge.

3 cups cashews (preferably soaked for 3-4 hours)
3/4 cup lemon juice
2/3 cup honey/agave/maple syrup
3/4 cup melted coconut oil
1 teaspoon salt
1-3 teaspoons dried lavender  (depends on how much you like lavender; I used 3)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract/seeds from 1/2 vanilla pod

Blend all ingredients together until smooth and creamy. It will taste... glorious. I'm not kidding, angels may start singing. Pour onto crust in cake pan and set in the freezer or fridge until it has the hardness you want (probably 3-5 hours or overnight). Take out of cake pan holding the wax paper or plastic wrap and put on your favourite plate. Slice and enjoy.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

the secret to clean, glowing skin? steam.

*Check out more recipes for gorgeous skin here.*

Got clogged pores? Do a facial steam.
For me, sometimes they're the only thing that makes me feel like I really deep-cleaned my skin. You know when you go into a sauna or steam room, and feel great afterwards 'cause all your pores have been opened and cleaned? Same thing with facial steams.

They're so easy, and a great way to find 10-15 minutes to relax during your busy day. That's how I use the time anyway. All you have to do is boil some water, then add your favourite essential oils and herbs. Pour the water in a big bowl, put your freshly washed face over the bowl and put a towel over your head.

I usually use lavender, ylang ylang and lemon oils. They make the water smell divine. Like a spa.
Sometimes I add some dried roses if I have them. Homemade rosewater! They make it look pretty =)

Let your face perspire over the steam, cleansing each little pore, for about 10 minutes. Afterwards, rinse your face with warm water and soap. Then splash some toner or cold water on it and moisturize. Your skin will look and feel amazing!

If my directions weren't detailed or clear enough, here's a site with step by step instructions.

Get your recipes!