Showing posts with label sleep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sleep. Show all posts

Sunday, October 28, 2012

juice fast: day 3

today was busy but i am still feeling really good, mentally. physically, all my muscles are sore and feel tired, as if i had a hard workout but then didn't eat enough afterwards. i am also having a bit of trouble sleeping, slight headaches, and an occasional light-headed feeling. oh, detox... what a love-hate relationship we share.

i've had three delicious juices today: a simple carrot and apple based one for breakfast; a replica of my current fave juice for lunch; then a delicious beet pink juice for dinner. i'll have some tea later and maybe some prune juice (the soak water from prunes).

admire the lovely bouquet my mother made from our garden plants in celebration of the fall season. oooh boy do i love the colours of fall. the trees in our city are just mesmerizing and i cannot help stopping what i am doing and taking a breath (and moment) to appreciate the glorious and elegant universe we are blessed to live in. PLUS i have the best juicer ever. what more can a girl ask for?

i spent most of today driving around with la copine and all his belongings, helping him move into his new place. exciting! then i had to watch my whole family eat sushi - GRR. oh well. i was PERFECTLY satisfied drinking my beet juice... yum? 

but seriously, it wasn't that bad. yes, my brain was telling me to dig into those heavier calories but my mind knew i didn't need to and that in the long run continuing on this juice fast will be best. it's all about remembering the big picture. if you do - fasting is easy! especially when you get to drink delicious and luscious beet juice on a daily basis...

 earthy tones beet juice: serves one or two

4 beets
3 carrots
1 apple
1 orange
1/2 cucumber
1 bell pepper
4 pineapple slices

peel, slice and cut as needed. juice it up and drink it down. 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

chocolate coffee face mask

i've had the worst sleeping hours lately and because of it i have been suffering deprivation symptoms - puffy face, baggy eyes, messed up digestion, and just being really frickin tired but not being able to fall asleep. SO I FINALLY DID SOMETHING ABOUT. i made this glorious, delicious, chocolate coffee face mask, adapted from crunchy betty. here it is on my face. laugh at me.

chocolate coffee face mask: makes enough for one face... aaaand a snack

2 tablespoons freshly, finely ground organic coffee
2 tablespoons cacao/cocoa powder
water/fresh almond milk, as needed

mix the coffee and cacao together and add water until it's a good face mask consistency. you want it sticky but easy to spread. smear all that goodness onto your gorgeous face and gobble up the leftovers in the bowl! yum! i don't even like coffee... let it stay on for around 15 or 20 minutes. rinse it off gently with warm water.

P.S. this is a lovely song that i am obsessed with currently. you'll probably think it's weird but i hope you like.

Friday, June 22, 2012

10 day juice fast: day 3

seriously... where are all of the terrible detox symptoms? today was another great day. i feel on top of the world. i've noticed all my senses are heightened. my emotions are also very strong, but easy to control. i feel quite light, as if i'm floating sometimes. i can feel every cell in my body and it's a magical experience.

last night i suddenly became very tired around 10 PM. i could hardly keep my eyes open. but after watching a movie with my friend i gained all the energy back! i wanted to run around and do everything at once. i couldn't sleep until 5 AM. i woke up at 11 AM or so, which is early for me. as i'm typing this - i'm realizing that's only 6 hours of sleep; yet i feel great!

my parents are being really understanding with this (PHEW!) and my mom bought me a bunch of fruit yesterday for the coming week of juice fasting. i cut up some pineapple this morning :) i need to get some more cucumbers, carrots, and celery though...

look at this beautiful juice! it is a work of art. it was made of:

handful baby heirloom tomatoes
2 carrots
2 stick celery
1 orange
1 apple
chunk of ginger
2 slices pineapple
2 bell peppers
1 kiwi
huge handful kale

YUM! looking at these photos is making me want more... maybe later. 

along with heightened senses, i am really appreciating music these past 3 days. i love my music and am so grateful i have the collection i do, but for a week or so leading up to the fast i was beginning to tire of listening. now...

forget it!

i am loving every single song that comes on, and i'm listening to it in a whole new way. so wonderful. i'm really in the best mood right now, and have been since i started fasting. i feel elated. 

my friend gave me this CD of radiohead remixes and it's so impressive. you probably won't like it - it's a bit weird - but give it a shot. i was listening to this song at the bus stop the other day and dancing (literally like no one is watching, i just don't care) when a man approached me and asked if i was aware i looked crazy. i said yes and thank you.

i had tons of positive energy today so i went downtown to buy a dress for my friend. on the way back it started raining and i soaked it up :) i stood on the street holding my arms out, staring at the sky. lovely! i could feel every drop hitting my skin and i was totally connected with the clouds.

for my second juice i used a papaya mom bought for me. the juice was made of:

1 orange
chunk of ginger
handful of baby heirloom tomotoes
2 slices pinapple
1 bell pepper
1 kiwi
huge handful lettuce
1 papaya
1 lime

i added some lime to the juice because whenever i eat papaya i put on lime juice. they're best friends and should always be together. 

i had a terrific bath today as well. i posted a link on facebook but if you didn't see it, no worries. all you need to know is to put olive in your next bath! it makes your skin sooooo soft. i added some lavender oil too, of course. 

tonight i'll be taking it easy. see you all tomorrow! love.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

how to beat a cold without drugs

Howdy folks. So for the past 4 days I have been plagued with sickness =( It's just a cold, but that doesn't make it any more enjoyable. What's worse? I virtually never get sick anymore since I've become vegan and predominantly raw.

Thus, I don't really GET colds anymore. Except this week, apparently.

It's my dad's fault! He brought the cold into the house and it was promptly caught by my big brother and myself. Luckily my dad recovered in about 4 days, so he's fine now. My brother and I got sick about 4 days ago... and today we're both feeling better! So it looks like this cold has run it's course.

On top of me never getting sick anymore, plus the crappy-ness OF being sick, this is was an unusually worrisome cold because we are leaving for Tofino soon! I don't wanna be sick on vacation. No one does.

I had to beat this cold fast and naturally. I was successful!
So what, you may ask, did I do? Let me share with you. 

First of all, you need the common-sense basics: LOTS of water and sleep.

(Yes, my bed is awesome.) I was drinking about 4 of those mason jars a day, and sleeping 10-12 hours.
You will also want to get TONS of vitamin C in your diet, I ate mostly grapefruit and kiwis the past 4 days. You can also take vitamin C pills, but getting it in whole foods is a much better idea.

Along with vitamin C, which helps fight colds and sickness, you'll want to eat some spicy foods. Another good idea is garlic, ginger and onions, they are great for strengthening the immune system as well. I had some delicious veggie curry last night and it helped LOADS. Not raw, but honestly, at this point you just want to get better.

The spices in the curry, along with the hot sauce (Frank's Red Hot or Sriracha work great, they're basically liquid chili pepper) cleared my nose, my throat, and made me cry!

Okay here's something that that you may not hear about much, and it seems really weird.
BUT I swear - it's a miracle worker. I was skeptical about it for many years, even though my mom kept urging me to try it, before I finally DID try it last year. It is amazing. It clears your sinuses like nobody's business. Just don't do it in front of people. It is called the Neti Pot.

You get the idea. Basically you fill the pot with warm salt water and pour it in your nose, it comes out the other side, cleaning your whole nasal passage. It's also great for headaches, ear aches, and sore throats. I know, it looks totally bizarre. But I highly recommend this. I use it whenever I feel a little plugged.

Okay, what else? Well, I love baths, and that doesn't change when I have a cold. I take lots of hot bubble baths to which I add Epsom salts and essential oils.

These essential oils are magic. I LOVE essential oils at all times, but especially when I'm not feeling 100%. I use them in facial steams, baths, shampoo, soap, to help me sleep, focus or relax, and I burn them to make my room smell lovely and be balanced.

You may notice when you have a cold, you really get to know these guys: 

Well, you may ALSO notice that when you spend a lot of time using tissues, you tend to get dry, irritated skin around your nose. Thus, you should be moisturizing like a mad person. I favour coconut oil, but use whatever works best for you. Vaseline is also a great option. Something else to consider? VapoRub. This stuff is great for clearing you nose, throat, and therefore - your mind! Because my brain seems to get clogged up just like my nose when I'm sick.

Okay, I'm just about done giving you my cold-fighting strategies. To finish up, drink lots of tea; peppermint and green tea are great for headaches and flu-fighting antioxidants. And lastly, I hadn't used them until now, but they practically saved my life. Fisherman's Friend. Wow. I did not think they'd work so well. And surprisingly, they're fairly natural!

Okay - that's about it. I hope if you have a cold, these ideas help you out. It's important to remember that when you're sick you shouldn't stress your body further. If you can, take a few days of work or school (lucky for me it's reading break). Don't try to exercise too intensely, perhaps just walk around the house or yard. 

Last but not least - let the cold happen! You can alleviate your symptoms and make yourself feel a bit better with the above methods, but at the same time - there's no instant cure. May as well embrace the opportunity to be lazy! 

So just a head's up, I won't be posting for awhile as I'll be quite busy with mid-terms coming up, among other things. But in a few days I'll give you a recipe for lip scrub! And yummy veggie wraps with hemp sauce. PLUS some awesome news!

Get your recipes!