Showing posts with label maca. Show all posts
Showing posts with label maca. Show all posts

Saturday, October 12, 2013


I made these with the sole goal of pleasing my non-vegan extended family members on pizza and movie night. Yes, we have pizza and movie night EVERY Saturday and we've done it since before I even knew the days of the week. My fam is the coolest. 

These are just delicious. 100% pleasing and 100% good for you. Make them for your loved ones (or not-loved ones) to show them that the raw vegan world of food and flavour is not all carrot sticks and grass! These are creamy, chocolatey, pecan-y (it's a word, okay) delight wrapped into cute little squares and anyone who doesn't like them is crazy.

Maybe that was a little critical. I'm sorry. I just love chocolate. But you already know this.

The base of this recipe is made up of raisins and pecans. Flavour-wise, pecans are probably my favourite nut... they might be tied with walnuts though. I also added a splash of homemade vanilla extract and a pinch of salt to bring out da flavas. The chocolate fudge is mainly dates, cacao powder, almond butter and coconut oil. I added some maca for secret hidden extra nutrition (did I just rhyme? Let's say yes).

I'd like to take a moment to THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for the amazing and heartwarming messages I received after my last post. I cannot possibly show my gratitude enough. You guys are so special to me and now that I have you in my life - I don't wanna let go! Big cyber hug and kisses. P.S. you must listen to this song... I've had it on repeat for awhile.


1 cup pecans
1 cup raisins
1 teaspoon vanilla extract 
Pinch of salt

Chocolate fudge:
1 3/4 cups dates
2 tablespoons cacao powder
2 tablespoons maca powder
3 tablespoons melted coconut oil
1/4 cup almond butter (or any other seed or nut butter you like)
1/4-3/4 cup water, use as needed

To make the base: pulse the pecans into powder in your food processor. Add the rest of the ingredients and process until it begins to stick together. Press into the bottom of a lined baking pan and put in the fridge. 

To make the fudge: process or blend all the ingredients together until smooth and thick, adding as little water as possible. It will thicken up a little more in the fridge. Spread onto your base, decorate with pecans if you want, and refrigerate for 3 hours or over night. Cut and chomp! 

Monday, March 11, 2013

product review: nature's happiness

Hey, folks! Today I give you some insider info about an awesome company called Nature's Happiness. (The name is a good start.) They call themselves an organic super food store and I think that is a great description. They were kind enough to send me some products to review. I was given way more than I was expecting, and truly love everything I tried. All the products are raw, vegan and organic. They sent me spirulina powder, maca root powder, HURRAW! lip balm, cacao nibs. yerba mate tea, and coconut flakes - sweet! 

Well actually, the spirulina powder is super bitter but I got used to it pretty fast. Reminds me of wheat grass. It's a total superstar in the nutritional kingdom because it has crazy amounts of chlorophyll and protein. That's a good thing. I like to add it to smoothies and juice - it is such a fine powder I don't even notice it - for an extra hit of green goodness. 

The maca powder had a unique flavour I'd never experienced before, which I quickly developed a liking for. Some people think it tastes weird but I like it, as long as it's paired with something sweet. It's fun to add to things with chocolate. I have used it in truffles and as a topping on a vanilla chocolate cake. 

Speaking of chocolate - the cacao nibs are fabulous as well. I like the more intense, unprocessed flavour it gives to recipes (compared to cocoa) and the energy boost it I feel after consuming it. Hurraw for raw chocolate! And cake... and truffles... 

The coconut flakes are probably my favourite because they just taste so RAW. Normally I just get unsweetened, organic, dried coconut chunks but the ones from Nature's Happiness practically melt in your mouth. They are so unrefined and delicate. I sprinkle them on almost everything, including the chocolate caramel cups at the top of this post. And a kiwi tart I made two days ago. 

The yerba mate tea is really delicious and makes me feel good all around. That's all I have to say about that. 

Lastly, the HURRAW! lip balm is awesome. I had one before but now I have three! They sent me two different kinds: coconut, green tea. I love them all but the plain coconut one is probably my favourite. The ingredients are ones that I use myself like jojoba oil, coconut oil, and essential oils. They taste great and make my lips soft. Plus - it's the only raw lip balm I know of. And of course, totally vegan. 

Check out Nature's Happiness online on their website, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

golden chocolate maca truffles

Okay, so these sort of failed. They taste great! But I used an old ice cube tray instead of a legitimate chocolate mold, and I also made my chocolate recipe too soft so they were even more difficult to get out. Anyways, the recipe is good - just be sure to use a REAL chocolate mold, or line whatever else you choose to use. I have tweaked the chocolate recipe to be firmer so you don't run into the same problem I did.

I've never used maca powder before but I received a bag of it (along with several other goodies which I will be writing a post on soon) from Nature's Happiness and I wanted to try it out right away. Apparently it has been used as medicine for a fairly long time and recently it has begun being touted as a super food, attracting health nuts around the globe. It helps to provide energy and restore hormonal balance, according to most sources.

It has a bit of a funny taste that may take some time for people to get used to, but I liked it right away. It's a mix between a caramel tone and something more savoury... almost like nutritional yeast. Weird but yummy! I'd like to remake this recipe soon with a real mold so they don't look like a rustic pyramid project.

chocolate maca truffles: makes about 15

1/3 cup agave/maple syrup/date paste
3/4 cup cacao or cocoa
1/2 cup melted coconut oil
Salt, vanilla, cinnamon, chili, etc. if desired 

maca filling:
2 tablespoons thick almond butter
2 tablespoons maca powder
2 tablespoons maple syrup 

To make the chocolate: blend all ingredients until smooth. Coat chocolate molds with 3/4 of the mixture and put in the fridge or freezer until hardened, setting the extra chocolate aside. 

To make the maca filling: blend all ingredients until smooth, then press into the hardened chocolate molds and spread the remaining chocolate evenly on top of each mold. Set in the fridge or freezer overnight, then take out of the molds and enjoy! 

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