Showing posts with label cacoa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cacoa. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

golden chocolate maca truffles

Okay, so these sort of failed. They taste great! But I used an old ice cube tray instead of a legitimate chocolate mold, and I also made my chocolate recipe too soft so they were even more difficult to get out. Anyways, the recipe is good - just be sure to use a REAL chocolate mold, or line whatever else you choose to use. I have tweaked the chocolate recipe to be firmer so you don't run into the same problem I did.

I've never used maca powder before but I received a bag of it (along with several other goodies which I will be writing a post on soon) from Nature's Happiness and I wanted to try it out right away. Apparently it has been used as medicine for a fairly long time and recently it has begun being touted as a super food, attracting health nuts around the globe. It helps to provide energy and restore hormonal balance, according to most sources.

It has a bit of a funny taste that may take some time for people to get used to, but I liked it right away. It's a mix between a caramel tone and something more savoury... almost like nutritional yeast. Weird but yummy! I'd like to remake this recipe soon with a real mold so they don't look like a rustic pyramid project.

chocolate maca truffles: makes about 15

1/3 cup agave/maple syrup/date paste
3/4 cup cacao or cocoa
1/2 cup melted coconut oil
Salt, vanilla, cinnamon, chili, etc. if desired 

maca filling:
2 tablespoons thick almond butter
2 tablespoons maca powder
2 tablespoons maple syrup 

To make the chocolate: blend all ingredients until smooth. Coat chocolate molds with 3/4 of the mixture and put in the fridge or freezer until hardened, setting the extra chocolate aside. 

To make the maca filling: blend all ingredients until smooth, then press into the hardened chocolate molds and spread the remaining chocolate evenly on top of each mold. Set in the fridge or freezer overnight, then take out of the molds and enjoy! 

Friday, July 13, 2012

durian ice cream

AW SNAP. this is real good. if you like "the king of fruits". 

yes. i speak of the DURIAN. read one of my earliest posts about it here. they're a pretty intriguing subject. in this household, my dad, mom (who were introduced to it when they volunteered in Thailand in the 80's) and myself are the only ones who love durian. my brothers and my friends think it's nasty, smelly and weird. i understand, but disagree. it's delicious.

durian is an aphrodisiac and so it pairs well with other aphrodisiacs, especially chocolate (cacao), cinnamon, vanilla and nutmeg.  i made a raw chocolate sauce and used those spices in the ice cream. this is such an easy recipe, and if you aren't crazy about the flavour of durian, the taste isn't as strong. if you ARE crazy about durian, you can leave out all the add-ons and just blend frozen durian and cocnut water straight up with a bit of cinnamon. my mom did that the second time and it was super yummy.

durian ice cream: serves 3 or so

ice cream:
1 package (3 pods) frozen durian meat, you can find this at your asian foods store
1-2 cups vegan milk/coconut water
1/2 teaspoon each of cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla

add ons:
goji berries to garnish
cacao nibs

put the durian meat - pits removed - into your blender with the cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla and add as much milk or coconut water as needed to make it thick and creamy like ice cream. put in bowls and add your extras. yum!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

ultimate best chocolate milkshake

ever seen DQ's brownie batter blizzard? this is better. seriously you're gonna die (in the best way possible). this thing is DANGEROUSLY DELICIOUS. So is this "milkshake" recipe, AND it has avocados!

the best part of course, is that it is good for you. it's mostly bananas, nut milk, cacao and dates. you could also add some protein powder. the first time i made this scrumptious chocolate monster was two days ago when my girl friend was over. our plan for the night was to dance, laugh and watch a lame movie. oh and eat amazing raw food! we accomplished all of it.

i improvised this in the kitchen before we left for my friends house and we couldn't BELIEVE how good it was. we freaked for like 10 minutes. i hadn't blended it completely so there were still small chunks of date and it seriously reminded me of a brownie batter blizzard from dairy queen. i made it for the second time today and did the exact same thing. oh my god all over again. this is a new favourite.

best freaking chocolate milkshake ever: serves 2 people (or me)

3 frozen bananas (peel before putting them in the freezer)
handful of dates
2 tablespoon cacao
1 tablespoon maple syrup/agave/other sweetener 
handful cashews or 1 tablespoon nut butter
2 cups water/non-dairy milk
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon (optional)
1/8 teaspoon cayenne (optional)
handful ice cubes

blend all ingredients together until ALMOST totally smooth. for the love of all that is good, leave those tiny date pieces in there. it should be pretty thick just like a milkshake at this point, but maybe one of us forgot something so do what ya gotta do to make it how you want. then pour it in a giant glass and slurp it up with a big ole straw all by yourself, or with someone you love.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

chocolate covered mint patties

YUM! These remind me of After Eights... or those Girl Guide cookies.

Except these are incomparably better for you. They're mostly coconut and cashews - can you say hello, glowing skin and strong nails? Everyone should get healthy by eating dessert. It's just the best.

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I've been pretty busy. There's a lot of new people in my life right now, plus I'm looking for a job (it's about time, I know), and trying to figure out my future! I'm really excited about building my tiny house, and I'll need to work all summer to save up enough for it.

I've also been having a lot of crazy messages from the universe lately. All these symbolic signs keep showing themselves and I can't ignore them. Many of them have to do with my dreams and my art. Anyways you don't care about this - you care about chocolate covered mint patties. So here you are.

I have been seeing these all over the internet and figured I should probably make them. When I saw them on Rawified (awesome blog!) yesterday - it got me in the kitchen. You should make these soon. They're easy, quick, fun and DELICIOUS! Nothing else to say, really.

Mint Chocolate Patties: makes twelve or so

1/3 cup dried coconut chunks/shreds
1/3 cup cashews
1-2 tablespoons cup melted coconut oil
2-3 Tb honey/maple syrup/agave
1 tsp peppermint oil
Pinch of salt

1-2 tablespoons cup melted coconut oil
1/3 cup cacao powder
4-5 Tb honey/maple syrup/agave
Pinch of salt
1/4 tsp cinnamon and cayenne (makes it sooo much better) 

Blend all ingredients from the first list together until smooth. Pat into flattened balls (patties) with your hands and set them in the freezer for maybe 30 minutes.
Next, process all the ingredients from the second list together until smooth - raw chocolate! Frick, so good.
Finally, dip each pattie in the chocolate sauce and watch them harden almost immediately. Eat 'em up!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Best Chocolate Pudding of RAW SUPERFOODS

I love avocado. It's a magical, unique fruit that's chockablock full of nutrients, vitamins and fiber. It's actually been called "the most nutritious of all fruits"! And it's toted by countless health authorities as one of the key foods for superior nutrition, with good reason.

Here's some facts about the creamy green guy.
Research for yourself too!

Besides it's endless list of health benefits - it just tastes darn DELICIOUS. Like no other food. It's creamy, rich, and can be used in a butt load of creative or simple ways for your food AND cosmetically. Seriously, whenever I eat an avocado (almost every day) I put like half of it on my face, neck and arms to make my skin soft and glowing. Mmm...

I came home from a long day of school quite hungry and ate 2 giant heads of broccoli, which totally filled me up. But yet I made this pudding for dessert and ate it all because it was actually irresistible. I dare you not to eat it all. So without further ado, here's an uber simple recipe for a super food chocolate pudding.  
I'm not exaggerating when I say this BETTER than regular pudding, and it's SO good for you. 

You can eat a giant bowl of rich chocolate pudding and feel PROUD of yourself, not guilty.
It's a wonderful world, people. 

(Sorry, the pics aren't so great today. How can you expect me to be patient and take tons of pretty pictures when I have the best chocolate pudding in the universe sitting right in front of me? You can't.)

The World's Greatest Chocolate Pudding: serves ONE

1 very ripe avocado
1-2 Tb honey 
2-3 Tb cacao 
Pinch of salt

Feel free to use agave or maple syrup instead of raw honey, I prefer it because it's a super nutrient-dense food though =) 
Also go ahead and add mesquite, cinnamon, and/or coconut oil. They all add new dimensions to the flavor. I just wanted to keep the recipe simple.

Blend all ingredients until smooth, adding water as needed to make it creamy. EAT.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

health by chocolate

Raw Dark Chocolate with Goji Berries. Doesn't that just sound sexy?

Yes, it does. All this glorious chocolate has in it is cacao, coconut butter and honey. I added some vanilla, mesquite, sea salt and goji berries for extra decadence and some colour.Who would've thought eating chocolate could add nutrition to your diet? This chocolate may help you live longer (with healthier skin and hair, and less stress).One more plus? This is ready in minutes. I literally made during it a commercial break on TV: Dad: "What're you doing in there?" Me: "Making chocolate, I'll be like two seconds!" 

Enough talking - chocolate doesn't need an explanation. 

raw chocolate: makes around 2 cups

1/2 cup agave nectar/maple syrup/date paste/raw honey or whatever sweetener you like
3/4 cup cacao powder
1/3 cup coconut oil or cacao butter, melted
Mix all ingredients until smooth and ridiculously delicious-looking. I highly recommend adding other ingredients like mesquite powder, sea salt, vanilla, or anything else that could take this to another level! 
Try not to eat it all before it hardens... I had some trouble.

Spread the chocolate love out on some wax paper (or if making chocolate chips - dollop on with a spoon or icing bag) and put it in the fridge for an hour. Then, you know what to do. 

Good heavens this is CRAZY-GOOD. You will not believe it. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

raw hot chocolate: OMG!

I've made raw hot chocolate (I'm just gonna call it hot chocolate, okay) before so I know it's delicious. But I guess tonight the universe just wanted it to taste more out-of-this-world decadent than normal. So it did! I also haven't made it in awhile, so it was extra yummy.

This hot chocolate warmed me up and was the perfect accompaniment to the cold winter's night AND for the lame 90's movie I watched - Clueless. DON'T YOU JUDGE ME. I am not embarrassed to admit: I love this movie and have watched it at least 3 times. Don't worry, I otherwise have very good taste in cinematography.

So indulge in this wonderful winter treat, without the guilt! No sugar, no dairy; just healthy fats, cocoa and spices. You won't believe how yummy this is. And easy to make in big batches for the whole family around the holidays =) Enjoy!

Warm Cocoa -Raw Hot Chocolate: makes about 2 cups (I drank it all myself)

1 1/2 cups hot water
1 T honey/agave/maple syrup
Handful nuts (I used a mix of brazil nuts and cashews)
Handful dried coconut (I used chunks of coconut they sell at the health food store - so tasty)
1/2 t of cinnamon (or to taste)
2 T cacoa/cocoa 
Pinch of cayenne - TO TASTE
I also added 1 or 2 of my chocolate truffles, because they were there... and, well, chocolate. 

Blend all ingredients in high-speed blender until smooth and creamy... mmm. Sip up the foam and then delight in the chocolatey goodness of health.

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