Showing posts with label treat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label treat. Show all posts

Friday, August 9, 2013

chocolate cream caramel bars

This is one of those dangerously delicious recipes. I warn you now that these bars are basically addictive, thus they'd be the perfect treat to bring to party or to give to people whom you're trying to bring over to the vegan side (A.K.A. THE COOL SIDE). A mocha version of them will be featured in my upcoming cookbook (out March 2014). If you like things sweet and decadent - you're gonna love these.

I am very happy to be sharing this recipe with you today not just because it's ridiculously good-tasting (that was a bad Zoolander reference) but also because I haven't been sharing many recipes with you at ALL lately. As I'm sure you know, it's because I am busy busy busy working on my book. I promise it will be finished soon and I'll be back here giving you raw vegan recipes out the whazoo.

What. Is. A whazoo. 

chocolate cream caramel bars

1 cup almonds or other nuts 
1 cup dates
Pinch of salt (optional) 

½ cup cashew butter
½ cup coconut oil
1 cup dates

Chocolate cream:
1/3 cup coconut oil
2-3 tablespoons cacao powder
¼ cup preferred liquid sweetener

To make the crust: process the almonds into flour in your food processor, then add the dates and process until it all begins to stick together. Press into the bottom of a lined baking pan (I used a small bread pan) and refrigerate. 

To make both the caramel and mocha layers: just blend the ingredients in each list until smooth. Feel free to add other flavours like vanilla, chili , ginger, etc. Spread the caramel onto your crust, followed by the chocolate cream. Refrigerate until completely set; this will take a couple hours.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

orange lavender pudding with cashews

This recipe creates a pudding that is creamy, fresh and - let's face it - pretty cute. I love using fruit in desserts because... okay wait do I actually have to explain? This is a raw, vegan blog; obviously I like fruit. It's colourful, naturally sweet, nutritious and generally the all-around perfect food. You can practically live off fruit. The benefits of eating nature's vibrantly coloured candy are too many to count. Just eat a lot of it, okay?

Last night I was scouring the internet looking for some dessert recipes I could turn into raw vegan versions. I didn't actually find a recipe for an orange pudding but somehow it got lodged in my brain and stayed there. So I made it. At 10:00 PM while dancing to lame pop music. Yep. The idea to add lavender came this morning, while I was setting up the pudding for photos. I know I say this about a ton of things like chocolate, dates, bananas, coconut, etc. - but you really can't go wrong with lavender!

The recipe can't get much simpler or more whole-foods: blend some cashews, dates and oranges. Add some coconut oil and put it in the fridge. Sorted (as they say in the UK)! The next morning you have a luscious, sweet citrus infused treat to enjoy at anytime of the day because it's so healthy. Pudding for breakfast? Excellent. Lunch? Good choice. Snack? Go for it. Dinner? Alright, you must really like pudding. You should probably eat something else with dinner. Weirdo.

orange lavender pudding: serves 4

2 peeled oranges
1 cup cashews
1 cup dates
1-2 tablespoons melted coconut oil
1 teaspoon dried lavender flowers

Blend all the ingredients until smooth. If it is too thick, add the juice of another orange or two. Scoop into small, single serving dishes (like ramekins) and leave in the fridge overnight. The next day decorate the pudding with orange zest and slices, and more lavender flowers if you like. Get sexy with it. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

golden chocolate maca truffles

Okay, so these sort of failed. They taste great! But I used an old ice cube tray instead of a legitimate chocolate mold, and I also made my chocolate recipe too soft so they were even more difficult to get out. Anyways, the recipe is good - just be sure to use a REAL chocolate mold, or line whatever else you choose to use. I have tweaked the chocolate recipe to be firmer so you don't run into the same problem I did.

I've never used maca powder before but I received a bag of it (along with several other goodies which I will be writing a post on soon) from Nature's Happiness and I wanted to try it out right away. Apparently it has been used as medicine for a fairly long time and recently it has begun being touted as a super food, attracting health nuts around the globe. It helps to provide energy and restore hormonal balance, according to most sources.

It has a bit of a funny taste that may take some time for people to get used to, but I liked it right away. It's a mix between a caramel tone and something more savoury... almost like nutritional yeast. Weird but yummy! I'd like to remake this recipe soon with a real mold so they don't look like a rustic pyramid project.

chocolate maca truffles: makes about 15

1/3 cup agave/maple syrup/date paste
3/4 cup cacao or cocoa
1/2 cup melted coconut oil
Salt, vanilla, cinnamon, chili, etc. if desired 

maca filling:
2 tablespoons thick almond butter
2 tablespoons maca powder
2 tablespoons maple syrup 

To make the chocolate: blend all ingredients until smooth. Coat chocolate molds with 3/4 of the mixture and put in the fridge or freezer until hardened, setting the extra chocolate aside. 

To make the maca filling: blend all ingredients until smooth, then press into the hardened chocolate molds and spread the remaining chocolate evenly on top of each mold. Set in the fridge or freezer overnight, then take out of the molds and enjoy! 

Friday, February 1, 2013

banana chocolate caramel ice cream cake

I dreamt about making this cake so I figured I better do it in what we like to call "reality" as well. It consists of banana vanilla ice cream, date caramel and avocado chocolate pudding. I decorated it with bananas and a goji berry coulis, but that's optional. I just like adding other colours for contrast. The crust is also optional, it's there to add another texture.

I consider food a form of art. Not simply because of it's visual appearance, but more so because of what it symbolizes: a beautiful, symbiotic relationship between our bodies, our selves and what we are made of. What we choose to consume and put in our precious bodies is literally what we choose to become, physically speaking. I want to be creamy bananas, gooey dates and luxurious avocados. Not the greasy, fried dead body parts of my friends. No thanks - that's gross. 

The banana ice cream got a bit icy (Boo.) so let this cake thaw for about 20-30 minutes until it gets creamy again. It's gonna be hard not to eat half of every layer as you make them and put them in bowls. I know I did. Like, what the heck, Nature - why you gotta be so awesome all the time? You're making the rest of us look bad. All I can do is play with your perfect creations and pretend to take credit for "making" them. Shh...

banana chocolate caramel ice cream cake:

Crust (optional):
1 cup almonds
1 cup dates

1 cup dates
1/4 cup water
1 tablespoon almond butter

Chocolate pudding:
1 avocado
1/4 cup cacao 
1 tablespoon nut milk
1/4 cup agave nectar (or 1/2 cup dates + 1/4 cup water)

Banana ice cream:
3 frozen bananas
seeds of one vanilla pod

Goji berry coulis (optional):
1/4 cup dried goji berries
3 tablespoons agave nectar
1/8 cup water

Make the crust: pulse the nuts in your food processor until they become crumbs, add the dates and process until combined and sticking together. Press into the bottom of a spring form pan and set aside.

Make the caramel: process the ingredients in your food processor until smooth, thick and creamy. Place in a bowl and set aside. Follow the same instructions for the chocolate pudding and goji berry coulis.

Make the ice cream: blend the bananas and vanilla in your high speed blender until thick, smooth, creamy and white. It may take a minute but then it changes into ice cream really fast, so pay attention.

Assemble the cake: spread the ice cream in the bottom of your spring form pan and then spread the caramel over that, mixing it into the ice cream a little with a spatula. Then carefully spread the chocolate pudding over this and put in the freezer overnight. When it's ready, let it thaw for 20-30 minutes then decorate with the coulis and serve with bananas and other fresh, organic fruit.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

peanut butter coconut cups with dark chocolate

I guarantee you will like these, and if you share them - you will become famously popular. I should have made more so I could give away them at my university tutorials... that'd get me some good grades. Next time. I should clarify my guarantee though: AS LONG as you like peanut butter, coconut and chocolate - you will like these. But who doesn't like those? Unless you're allergic, in which case you have my deepest sympathies, you poor thing.

I thought of the idea for this recipe the other day when I got home from school; I was very hungry but dinner was soon so I didn't want to stuff my face and "ruin my appetite". Thus I snacked on the nearest munchies - coconut chunks and organic peanut butter. It tasted so good (probably in part from my hunger) that I decided to make coconut peanut butter cups! I added some chocolate for good measure. Feel free to throw in some protein powder to make these perfect for a post-workout treat.

Peanut Butter Coconut Cups with Dark Chocolate: makes about 20

1 cup coconut chunks/shreds
3/4 cup raw oats (or almonds)
1/4 cup maple syrup
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/8 cup melted coconut oil

1/2 batch of raw chocolate (or 2 melted dark chocolate bars)

To make the cups: throw all the ingredients in your food processor and pulse until you can press it together. If it's too dry, add some dates or peanut butter. Press into lined cupcake tins, leaving just a little bit of room on the top to pour the chocolate on... now pour the chocolate on and decorate with nuts if you like. Put them in the fridge overnight. I sprinkled some sea salt on top, 'cause it's pretty and stuff. You know.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

chocolate tahini caramel delights

imagine a giant peanut butter cup... change the peanut butter into tahini-cashew butter. add a bite of caramel in the middle. turn it into an ice cream version. then make it vegan and raw. the final result is this recipe.

i wanted to do something with the sesame seed butter we had, and also make a fancier spin on a PB cup. so here ya go. i hope you like them... okay, you'll love them. unless you're crazy, or have a phobia of chocolate (actually a legitimate disorder, it is called xocolatophobia). the raw caramel is also divine in the middle. i ate the extra on it's own with an organic apple.

the ice cream part was actually a mistake, but the kind that makes things better (don't ya love those? they're kinda rare). my chocolate recipe had too much liquid and so didn't solidify like normal chocolate. i had to freeze it to make it harden, but it ended up even more delicious as a frozen treat. let's hear it for helpful mistakes!

these photos were taken with my brand new camera (new to me anyway... got an excellent deal on good ole craigslist for a basically unused canon T2i... thank you, internet!) and i couldn't be happier with them. such an improvement not only over the little beginners one i have been having to use the last couple months, but even my previous DSLR! i am a happy camper.

a funny thing to note: i prefer using a picture quality setting called "RAW", it essentially means the photo is unprocessed and completely unedited, saved just as i took the photo whereas JPEG photos are changed slightly to be saved as such. it is funny because (as your clever little mind may have figured out) my photos are just like my food! RAW and UNPROCESSED.

time to giggle. 

my weekend has been pretty lovely. we are back to normal vancouver weather - rain. i love it. i missed it. i am glad it's returned. have you noticed the rain makes everything cozier? when you are inside anyways... getting stuck in the pouring rain and wind while waiting for a bus doesn't exactly compare to snuggling with your boo by the fire with raw hot chocolate and a kitten...

everything is better with a kitten.

ginger chocolate cups with sesame-cashew butter & caramel: makes about 9

ginger dark chocolate:
1 cup dates, soaked in just enough water to cover them
1/4 cup melted coconut oil
1/4 cup cacao 
1/2 teaspoon vanilla bean powder
1/4 teaspoon ginger powder (or 1 teaspoon shaved ginger root)
1/8 teaspoon salt

sesame-cashew butter:
1/2 cup tahini (sesame seed butter)
1 cup raw cashews

raw caramel:
1 cup dates, soaked in water for few minutes
1/4 cup agave/maple syrup/raw honey
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup melted coconut oil

to make the chocolate, blend all ingredients (including the soak water from the dates) until smooth. you may need to add some more water if it's too thick. you could also add a liquid sweetener. set aside in a bowl.

to make the nut butter, blend together the tahini and cashews until smooth. set aside in a bowl.

to make the caramel... you guessed. blend all ingredients until smooth. and yes... set it aside in a bowl.

now the assembly *cue epic music* cover the inside of lined cupcake tins with half of the chocolate. put in the freezer for 10-20 minutes until hardened. put in a layer of sesame-cashew butter, then a dollop of caramel. put back in freezer for 10 minutes. then cover the top with another layer of nut butter and then chocolate. let them set in the freezer overnight, somehow they are better the next day. i topped mine with a cashew to make 'em cute.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

triple cinnamon rolls

these are a baked food worth eating. 

my friend amanda was at my house the other day and suggested we bake something. we decided on cinnamon rolls. i put cinnamon in every layer - the dough, filling and icing - and they turned out divine. literally, these guys are holy saints. angels sing when you eat them.

i love tons of stuff in everything (really trying to work on appreciating simple recipes... failing) so i put walnuts and raisins in the filling. the dough is totally whole grain and the icing has coconut yogurt and ginger in it!

they don't need too long to bake, and the dough is gonna be a little tough to roll out just because of the whole wheat flour. but be patient and you will be rewarded! cinnamon rolls bring back all kinds of memories for me - special birthday breakfasts, christmas morning after opening presents, holidays, etc. so with all the delicious flavour and texture comes nostalgia. it makes for an amazing experience.

having said that - i've eaten way more cooked food than normal this weekend (it was all totally worth it though) and now my system is in a mess. back to raw! =)

okay... maybe after one more cinnamon roll....

triple cinnamon rolls: makes 14 or so
(adapted from smitten kitchen)

1 cup coconut milk
3 tablespoons earth balance
3 1/2 cups whole grain flour
1/2 cup raw sugar
1 tb flax seed mixed with 2 tb water (egg!)
2 tb yeast
1 teaspoon salt
Nonstick vegetable oil spray

3/4 cup raw sugar
3 tablespoons ground cinnamon
1 cup chopped walnuts
3/4 cup raisins
Pinch of salt
1/4 cup melted earth balance

2 ounces coconut yogurt, at room temperature
1/4 raw sugar
1/4 cup melted coconut oil
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tb cinnamon
1/2 t ginger power
1/4 cup honey/maple syrup/agave syrup 
1/4 cashew butter

For dough: Combine coconut milk and earth balance and melt together. Pour into bowl of stand mixer fitted with paddle attachment. Add 1 cup flour, sugar, "egg", yeast, and salt. Beat on low speed 3 minutes, stopping occasionally to scrape down sides of bowl. Add additional 2 1/2 cups flour. Beat on low until flour is absorbed and dough is sticky, scraping down sides of bowl. If dough is very sticky, add more flour by tablespoonfuls until dough begins to form ball and pulls away from sides of bowl. Turn dough out onto lightly floured work surface. Knead until smooth and elastic, adding more flour if sticky, about 8 minutes. (You may also use a KitchenAid’s dough hook for this process.) Form into ball.
Lightly oil large bowl with nonstick spray. Transfer dough to bowl, turning to coat. Cover bowl with plastic wrap, then kitchen towel. Let dough rise in warm draft-free area until doubled in volume, about 2 hours.

For filling: mix dry ingredients together, set aside.
Press down dough. Transfer to floured work surface. Roll out to 15×11-inch rectangle. Spread melted earth balance over dough, leaving 1/2-inch border. Sprinkle dry mixture evenly over earth balance. Starting at the longer side, roll dough into log, pinching gently to keep it rolled up. With seam side down, slice with floss into into equal slices (each about 1/2 to 3/4 inch wide).
Divide rolls between baking dishes lined with paper, arranging cut side up. Cover baking dishes with plastic wrap, then kitchen towel. Let dough rise in warm draft-free area until almost doubled in volume, 45 minutes or so. Don’t skimp on the double-rising time!
Position rack in center of oven and preheat to 375°F. Bake rolls until tops are golden, about 20 minutes. Remove from oven and flip onto rack. Cool 10 minutes.

For glaze: blend all ingredients until smooth, it should be a little more liquid than desired because the coconut oil will harden up again in a few moments. yumm!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

bananas, peanut butter & chocolate - OH MY!

I've learned that I'm definitively addicted to kale chips and exercise, and in the past two days I've realized the combination of peanut butter, chocolate and banana is also a substance I cannot resist. That's right - today I have made MORE peanut butter cups for you (see my other recipes here, here, and here)... enjoy.

SIDE NOTE: This is my 100th post! Hurraw!

I don't know what it is... but all those components together create something so beautiful, delicious, perfect... so right. Peanuts are chocolate's best friend. Somehow they taste better together than chocolate does with any other nut or seed butter. I guess they're soul mates? When I made PB cups two days ago they were amazing (duh) but I had an epiphany. "Why don't I add banana to this!?" So I did.

Yes. I put a slice of banana in these peanut butter cups. 

You know it's genius. 
This recipe isn't raw, but you can make it so really easily. Just use raw peanut butter and chocolate! Pretty simple. I have cashew butter so I used some of that along with PB (I have jungle peanuts but I wanna use my cashew butter up before I make raw PB), and I don't have any raw chocolate currently so I used the dark Lindt we have. Mmm.

Jungle Peanut Butter Cups: makes 2-3, they're really big

1 bar dark/raw chocolate
1/3 cup raw nut butter/jungle peanut butter (I used a mix of PB and raw cashew butter)
1 sliced banana

Melt 2/3 of the chocolate and cover the inside of pliable cupcake molds with it. Refrigerate until they're hardened. Now spoon 1/2 the nut butter into each one and layer on a slice of banana. Put on the rest of the nut butter. Melt the rest of the chocolate and pour on top of the cups. Garnish with a jungle peanut, coconut flakes, or a goji berry if you have it. Perdy. Refrigerate until they're solid, take them out of the molds, eat! 

Get your recipes!