Showing posts with label butter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label butter. Show all posts

Monday, September 2, 2013


My next recipe is going to require walnut butter as an ingredient, so I figured I'd better give ya'll the directions to make it - although there aren't many. You basically just throw a bunch of walnuts into a food processor and watch them turn into creamy, delicious, super healthy walnut butter. What up, simplicity. 

walnut butter

2-4 cups raw walnuts (depending how much you want to end up with) 
Pinch of salt (optional) 

You can soak the walnuts for 6 hours and then dehydrate them, or use them as is. Put them all in your food processor and process until they become powder. Stop and add a bit of salt if you like. Keep processing until it forms a ball. Stop and spread the mixture back to the bottom of the food processor. Keep processing until you get a creamy butter. Store in glass jars in the fridge for up to about 4 weeks.  

Sunday, January 6, 2013

cinnamon chia pudding with banana, dates & almond butter

This was what I had for breakfast this morning after finishing my short juice fast last night (I had raw zucchini noodles with kale pesto) because chia is a great cleaning food. Its soluble fire gels up when stirred with water and when you eat it, it literally goes through your digestive system soaking up toxins and junk you don't want in there. Think of it as a sponge. But then that's not very appetizing... hmm. A yummy sponge? No, never mind.

Anyways - it's delicious and SUPER nutritious. It is one of the most nutrient-dense seeds on the planet as a matter o' fact. Just look it up on the world wide interweb and see for yourself! Make it anytime of the day for a filling snack or meal.

cheery chia bowl: serves one

2 tablespoons chia seeds mixed with 1/4 cup water
1 sliced banana
Small handful each of pumpkin seeds, goji berries and hemp seeds
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon maple syrup/raw honey/other sweetener
3 pitted, sliced dates
1 tablespoon almond butter (optional)

The chia seeds and water should make a gel-like substance after sitting for a few minutes. Add in the all the other ingredients - and whatever else you like - and enjoy! 

Friday, December 7, 2012

chia caramel pecan pie with cinnamon chocolate sauce

I am so proud of myself. Today I - Emily von Euw - woke up, wide-eyed and ready to use my noggin' - at 7:30 AM. I have not risen so early in approximately a year or so. Oh, stop that applause now, that's enough. Why in the world did I break from my slumber so early? To write a final exam. I think I did well. Now we will move on to more important matters...


This pie actually began as butter tarts. In my effort to rawify all the holiday food favourites, I remembered a Canadian Christmas classic: butter tarts. As you may be able to guess by the name, they aren't the healthiest thing you can put in your stomach. They are pretty much white flour, sugar, butter, raisins, more butter and more sugar. Time for me to step up to the plate and see what I can do (I like to pretend I'm a superhero.) 

The idea was to make a basic raw crust, then make a raisin caramel filling and add in whole raisins. I was going to make them all cute little individual tarts like the real thing, but then I got lazy. I didn't feel like shaping out as many tarts as I had made crust for so I decided to make a giant butter tart instead. Then I saw some pecans and I'm like "Hey! If I throw pecans on top of this baby, I can call it a pecan pie and no one will know! HAH!" Except I just told you.. So there goes that plan. This pie is a deceitful liar that can't be trusted - just eaten mercilessly. 

The filling ended up being a caramel sauce but it was too sweet and dense so I added gelled chia seeds for bulk and to dilute the sweetness; it turned out wonderfully! I made a simple chocolate sauce for contrast, and had leftovers so I made one baby tart and filled it with chocolate sauce. Secret treat for later. 

chia caramel pecan pie with cinnamon chocolate sauce: makes one pie

2 cups nuts or raw buckwheat flour (I used pine nuts and cashews)
1 cup dates or prunes
1/2 teaspoon salt

1 cup raisins
1/2 cup dates
1/4 cup melted coconut oil
6 tablespoons chia seeds mixed with 12 tablespoons water
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
more water, if needed
1/2 cup more raisins

Cinnamon chocolate sauce:
1 tablespoon cacao 
1 tablespoon nut butter or melted coconut oil
1 tablespoon agave/maple syrup
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

To make the crust: pulse nuts in your food processor until they are crumb-sized. Add dates and salt and process until it stick together. Press into the bottom of a tart plate. Put in fridge.

To make the filling: process all ingredients - except the last 1/2 cup of raisins - until smooth. It will taste like a divine entity has landed in your mouth, plus chia seeds. Stir in the 1/2 cup of raisins by hand and pour into your crust. Let it set in the fridge then decorate with pecans, pumpkin seeds and chocolate sauce. Or not. 

To make the chocolate sauce: mix all ingredients together until smooth. Drizzle onto your pie. Eat it while
listening to this song.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

joni mitchell & a flower sundae

my past week was absolutely glorious. it was filled with beautiful people, splendid weather, delicious food, learning, growing, renewing and sleeping! having said that - i am now rather tired and burnt out. i may just drink juice tomorrow and have a nice mellow sesh of yoga. i spent the weekend mostly with my boyfriend.

ah, "young love". 

he had a small party where i had the privilege of meeting his charismatic comrades and the rest of the long weekend (monday was off because of remembrance day) we enjoyed the lovely, warm company of his childhood friend and HIS beau. we ate eggplant and quinoa, made art from national geographic magazines, watched a cohen brothers film ("barton fink" -  i highly recommend it!) and i personally was thanking the weather deities that winter is finally arriving! i hope with all my might that it snows soon.

finally got home this morning and studied non-stop until i had to go to work. but when i arrived home i found this little delight my desk! it was a gift from momma! she loves joni mitchell and i have a feeling i will too after i read her poems. i will enjoy her thoughtful mind with some lulling tea tonight. now - onto ice cream!

i mostly just made this tonight so i could give you guys some nice photos and something to (hopefully) salivate over. as i said, i was away the whole weekend and missed posting any recipes or pictures! apologies. i threw together a quick sundae and added some edible dried flowers. 

at least i THINK they are edible...


um, nevermind. i'll worry about that later. this sundae consists of vanilla coconut ice cream, a salted chocolate sauce, pine nuts, flowers, and a few dates filled with fresh cashew butter. seriously, i made the cashew butter while the ice cream was thawing. needless to SAY - it was delicious! i shouldn't have eaten all of it but... well, you know me.

here's some more free and excellent reggae dub to chill out too. it is never a bad time to play reggae dub. i want it played at my funeral. party.

flower sundae: serves one or two

1 tablespoon almond butter
1 tablespoon cacao
1 tablespoon raw agave/maple syrup 
1/4 teaspoon salt
water, if needed 
3 scoops coconut ice cream
3 dates filled with cashew butter
pine nuts
edible flowers 

to make the chocolate sauce, stir together the almond butter, cacao, agave/maple syrup and salt. sprinkle on all the other ingredients (including the chocolate sauce) onto your ice cream. 

xox, em

Sunday, November 4, 2012

chocolate tahini caramel delights

imagine a giant peanut butter cup... change the peanut butter into tahini-cashew butter. add a bite of caramel in the middle. turn it into an ice cream version. then make it vegan and raw. the final result is this recipe.

i wanted to do something with the sesame seed butter we had, and also make a fancier spin on a PB cup. so here ya go. i hope you like them... okay, you'll love them. unless you're crazy, or have a phobia of chocolate (actually a legitimate disorder, it is called xocolatophobia). the raw caramel is also divine in the middle. i ate the extra on it's own with an organic apple.

the ice cream part was actually a mistake, but the kind that makes things better (don't ya love those? they're kinda rare). my chocolate recipe had too much liquid and so didn't solidify like normal chocolate. i had to freeze it to make it harden, but it ended up even more delicious as a frozen treat. let's hear it for helpful mistakes!

these photos were taken with my brand new camera (new to me anyway... got an excellent deal on good ole craigslist for a basically unused canon T2i... thank you, internet!) and i couldn't be happier with them. such an improvement not only over the little beginners one i have been having to use the last couple months, but even my previous DSLR! i am a happy camper.

a funny thing to note: i prefer using a picture quality setting called "RAW", it essentially means the photo is unprocessed and completely unedited, saved just as i took the photo whereas JPEG photos are changed slightly to be saved as such. it is funny because (as your clever little mind may have figured out) my photos are just like my food! RAW and UNPROCESSED.

time to giggle. 

my weekend has been pretty lovely. we are back to normal vancouver weather - rain. i love it. i missed it. i am glad it's returned. have you noticed the rain makes everything cozier? when you are inside anyways... getting stuck in the pouring rain and wind while waiting for a bus doesn't exactly compare to snuggling with your boo by the fire with raw hot chocolate and a kitten...

everything is better with a kitten.

ginger chocolate cups with sesame-cashew butter & caramel: makes about 9

ginger dark chocolate:
1 cup dates, soaked in just enough water to cover them
1/4 cup melted coconut oil
1/4 cup cacao 
1/2 teaspoon vanilla bean powder
1/4 teaspoon ginger powder (or 1 teaspoon shaved ginger root)
1/8 teaspoon salt

sesame-cashew butter:
1/2 cup tahini (sesame seed butter)
1 cup raw cashews

raw caramel:
1 cup dates, soaked in water for few minutes
1/4 cup agave/maple syrup/raw honey
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup melted coconut oil

to make the chocolate, blend all ingredients (including the soak water from the dates) until smooth. you may need to add some more water if it's too thick. you could also add a liquid sweetener. set aside in a bowl.

to make the nut butter, blend together the tahini and cashews until smooth. set aside in a bowl.

to make the caramel... you guessed. blend all ingredients until smooth. and yes... set it aside in a bowl.

now the assembly *cue epic music* cover the inside of lined cupcake tins with half of the chocolate. put in the freezer for 10-20 minutes until hardened. put in a layer of sesame-cashew butter, then a dollop of caramel. put back in freezer for 10 minutes. then cover the top with another layer of nut butter and then chocolate. let them set in the freezer overnight, somehow they are better the next day. i topped mine with a cashew to make 'em cute.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

chocolate hazelnut spread

like nutella? this is a raw, vegan version. free of dairy, processed sugar, palm oil and artificial flavours. with just a few ingredients - this is way better for you, and incomparable in taste. try it out today! i eat it straight up with a spoon. it's also really easy to add into desserts... including banana ice cream. oh my ice creamy goodness.

chocolate hazelnut spread: makes about 2 cups 

2 cups hazelnuts
1/4 cup cacao
1/4 cup melted cacao butter
1/4 cup honey/agave/maple syrup
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/3 cup or so vegan milk, adding as needed

make the hazelnuts into hazelnut butter in your blender or food processor; it will take a little while. if you want more flavour, toast them first. then add all the other ingredients and blend until smooth. it should be pretty creamy like a spread. see if you like it - add what you want accordingly. put it in a jar and refrigerate. sneak this treat whenever you want to.

guess what - i will be 19 years old in like 3 weeks. i am so ready to hit the clubs and go crazy with my friends. wanna join? here's a diplo's new EP to get you in the mood. you know i like ALL kinds of music, so i will admit this is my guilty pleasure.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

ultimate best chocolate milkshake

ever seen DQ's brownie batter blizzard? this is better. seriously you're gonna die (in the best way possible). this thing is DANGEROUSLY DELICIOUS. So is this "milkshake" recipe, AND it has avocados!

the best part of course, is that it is good for you. it's mostly bananas, nut milk, cacao and dates. you could also add some protein powder. the first time i made this scrumptious chocolate monster was two days ago when my girl friend was over. our plan for the night was to dance, laugh and watch a lame movie. oh and eat amazing raw food! we accomplished all of it.

i improvised this in the kitchen before we left for my friends house and we couldn't BELIEVE how good it was. we freaked for like 10 minutes. i hadn't blended it completely so there were still small chunks of date and it seriously reminded me of a brownie batter blizzard from dairy queen. i made it for the second time today and did the exact same thing. oh my god all over again. this is a new favourite.

best freaking chocolate milkshake ever: serves 2 people (or me)

3 frozen bananas (peel before putting them in the freezer)
handful of dates
2 tablespoon cacao
1 tablespoon maple syrup/agave/other sweetener 
handful cashews or 1 tablespoon nut butter
2 cups water/non-dairy milk
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon (optional)
1/8 teaspoon cayenne (optional)
handful ice cubes

blend all ingredients together until ALMOST totally smooth. for the love of all that is good, leave those tiny date pieces in there. it should be pretty thick just like a milkshake at this point, but maybe one of us forgot something so do what ya gotta do to make it how you want. then pour it in a giant glass and slurp it up with a big ole straw all by yourself, or with someone you love.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

raw fudge cupcakes with vanilla bean frosting

These are totally delicious! Everyone in my family agrees, even Greg (my big brother) who has the pickiest palate of all. If you want to make a cute, sweet and tasty dessert for a party, or for no reason at all - make these!

I'm basically saying whatever your situation: go make these. now. 

As with most raw desserts, they're mostly nuts, seeds and dates... hur-RAW!
I made them specifically to post on the blog, actually. I feel bad because lately I've just been eating tons of salad, and a bit of fruit... wonderful for me, but not that exciting for you. We all know what a banana looks like, and how amazing salad is.

So I hope you like them! I like things sweet, so feel free to take out some of the agave in the frosting. And with all raw recipes, you can pretty much do/change whatever you want and they'll still turn out great.
The recipe does make a little extra frosting... but I'm sure this won't be a problem for you =)

Raw Chocolate Cupcakes with Vanilla-Cashew Frosting: makes about 15-20, with extra frosting

1 cup raw cashews
2-4 Tb agave 
Seeds from 1/2 vanilla pod
1 t vanilla extract
Pinch sea salt
2 Tb melted coconut oil 
Water, only if needed

1 cup raw nuts (ex. walnuts, almonds, pecans, etc.)
1/2 cup dates
2 Tb agave
1 t vanilla extract
Pinch sea salt
1/2 t cinnamon
4 Tb cacao 
1/4 cup coconut flakes
1/4 cup hemp seeds

To make frosting: blend raw cashews into cashew butter in a high-speed blender (Vita-Mix). Make sure to keep pushing the cashews down so they get blended and you don't burn out your motor.  It doesn't need to be super creamy, but make sure it's past the floury stage. It'll probably be really thick.
Then mix the cashew butter and all other ingredients in a food processor until smooth. Put in piping bag and set in fridge. 

To make cupcakes: Pulse nuts in food processor until very fine, add dates until they're broken down. Then add all other ingredients and pulse until it sticks together, but doesn't stick to your hand (rough dough). Use a cookie cutter to form the "dough" into shapes; I just used a circle. Pipe frosting onto the top of the cupcakes and refrigerate for a bit if you want. Then enjoy!

This is a crowd-pleaser for sure. It's fun when you get to tell people they're healthy.

Get your recipes!