Showing posts with label cold. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cold. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

lavender lemonade

I've made another raw vegan recipe for Skinny Limits! Get the recipe here, and check out all the photos below. This lemonade is equally refreshing, sweet and delicious as the conventional kind; but it's NOT loaded with sugar. Instead it's just sweet enough, and has a lovely hint of lavender after each sip.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

avocado banana chocolate milkshakes with vanilla bean coconut cream

I assure you, these WILL bring all the health-conscious and morally compassionate boys to the yard. What other kind would you want running around on your lawn anyway? The recipe is a rich, creamy, chocolate milkshake made with bananas, avocado and dates. I topped it off with whipped vanilla bean coconut cream and cacao nibs. It is actually perfection, and I don't take any credit - as per usual, this is all thanks to Momma Nature. 

If you don't like or have avocado, you can use this "milkshake" recipe instead. It basically just has more bananas and is equally delicious, in my humble opinion. 

I guess sometimes you just need to drink a giant whole food milkshake, not stopping to breathe, and fighting anyone who tries to steal a sip, then of course lick the glass clean afterwards... right!? I mean, it contributes to a healthy mind and body! Necessary pleasures are... necessary.

I WILL say that this recipe has a proud amount of fat - but don't run and hide from me just because I said that, okay? They are super healthy fats that your gorgeous bod needs to thrive. Just keep your other fat intake low on the day you eat this and you ain't got nuttin' to worry about. In fact - expect to see your skin and hair look a bit shinier. Coconut milk is mega awesome for you, and so is the mean, lean, green avocado.

avocado banana chocolate milkshakes with vanilla bean coconut cream: serves 3 or 4

Chocolate millshake or use this recipe:
1 avocado
1 banana
1 cup dates
1 large scoop Vega chocolate protein powder (or 2 tablespoons cacao powder + 1/4 teaspoon stevia)
1-2 cups vegan milk 
1-2 cups ice

Whipped coconut cream:
1 can coconut milk, left in the fridge or freezer overnight
Bean from 1/2 vanilla pod
1/8 teaspoon stevia 

To make the milkshake: blend all the ingredients until smooth, adding as much vegan milk and ice as needed to make it thick, creamy and cold. Adjust according to taste, then fill up 3 or 4 glasses.

To make the whipped cream: take the can out of the fridge - DON'T SHAKE IT! Open it gently and scoop off the solid fat that has settled on the top. Put it in your mixer bowl (I have a Kitchen Aid), or a normal bowl if you have a handheld mixer. Add the stevia and vanilla beans and whisk until stiff peaks form. Top off your glasses with it and enjoy the heck out of what you just made. 

Friday, October 26, 2012

juice fast: day 1

first juice of the day was rather late. i thought i would be home earlier so unfortunately my energy was running pretty low. i am feeling better now though and warming up too (got pretty chilly sitting outside reading for two hours). plan for my friday afternoon? watch a movie with my juice-fasting buddy and generally just be cozy.

last night i went to see cadence weapon at fortune sound club and it was really fun. i went with all my favourite people (my boyfriend even came out!) and danced until 2 am. then drove to the naam for tea (and food for some). i had a great time, but sweating the whole night then passing out at 4 am probably isn't the smartest way to start a long fast... lesson learned. woke up today and had a headache and sore muscles.

my feelings are mostly excitement right now. for the past several days i've been looking forward to this. i am very ready to let juice and other liquids (tea, broth, strained nut milks, lemon water, etc.) become my diet for the next little while. as i've said - i'm not giving this a pre-decided time span but i'd like to go for three weeks or so. we shall see.

pink dream juice: serves one or two

1 beet
2 carrots
2 apples
1 orange
3-4 pineapple slices
1 cucumber

wash, cut, peel and slice as needed. then juice 'em up! mmm so sweet. i would have added spinach but i couldn't lose that gorgeous colour from the beets so i left it as is. 

Saturday, August 11, 2012

banana ice cream floats

these are gosh darn freaking ridiculous, if i do say so myself. and i do.


i got the idea from fully raw - a refreshingly cool site if you don't know it already. the girl who runs things is too cute... literally, i can't handle it. anyways. the recipe is MEGA simple. four ingredients, and only three are totally necessary: dates, frozen bananas, coconut water (and vanilla).

the coconut water is like the soda, because it's fizzy like carbonated soda, and sweetened with dates. i made these for me and my girlfriend, and the first thing she said was "wait, that's like actually root beer!? how'd you do that?" magic, friends. magic. 

i feel like i've been dishonest with all of you. i have a popular recipe for the "best raw vegan ice cream ever", but i had totally forgotten about this banana ice cream. i think what makes it so delicious is that the only ingredient is frozen bananas, which you blend. that's it. what you create is the most luscious, creamy, satisfying soft serve ice cream... EVER. so, call me a liar. i lied. THIS is the best raw vegan ice cream ever. 

banana ice cream floats: serves 2

2/3 cup dates
1-2 teaspoons vanilla extract
520 ml (around 2 cups) coconut water
ice cream:
3 frozen bananas

to make the soda - blend the dates, vanilla and coconut water together until smooth and foamy. try some! it'll taste like root beer, i swear.
to make the ice cream - blend the frozen bananas until it's like soft serve. you won't believe the beauty. pour the soda into your fave tall glasses and scoop on the ice cream. sip it up in the sun with people you care about!

Get your recipes!