Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

Monday, December 24, 2012

chocolate caramel tart with orange & sea salt

This turned out exactly as I had hoped. Score! The other day I got the image of this dark chocolate, decadent, sinful-looking tart with a hidden layer of caramel in my head and couldn't get rid of it. So I made it for you. I decided to add some orange juice and zest for the holiday season (oranges are christmas-y, right?) and also sprinkled on some sea salt because frankly it makes everything better. Then I realized it looked like it was snowing on my tart! Totally intentional. 

I cannot BELIEVE it is Christmas Eve today. I don't usually pay a lot of attention to reality but this year I've been away in my mind more than normal because I hardly even realized it was December. Woah, when did that happen? This evening we are going to a have nice dinner with family and other loved ones, as is the conventional custom I suppose. Tomorrow we're getting up early to systematically (yes, the von Euws have a system) unwrap our gifts to and from one another.

I am excited of course, but mostly just looking forward to spending the holiday with my boyfriend. My gift for him is below - a mug I drew all over, which I will fill with my poems. I don't really want any other presents except him! Having said that, I AM running low on virgin coconut oil... and I'm always down for some books on philosophy.

This tart is going to be dessert tonight and I can tell you right now - it's a keeper. Who doesn't like chocolate and caramel, especially when you don't have to feel guilty about eating it? Only crazy people. But don't judge them - they have lost their sanity. You can't trust anyone who doesn't like caramel.

I wish you the merriest holiday with whoever you spend it with. I hope you are able to surround yourself with positive energy, good will, love and raw vegan tarts. That is what I will be doing. Merry Christmas, my beloved and cherished readers! You are precious to me. (But don't worry, I won't go Golem on you). 

chocolate caramel tart with orange & sea salt:

2 cups almonds
1 1/2 cups dates

1 cup dates
1 cup water, use as much or little as needed to get a thin caramel consistency
2 tablespoons chia seeds 
1 tablespoon agave nectar
1/8 teaspoon sea salt

3/4 cup cacao
2/3 cup maple syrup
2/3 cup melted coconut oil
juice and zest from 2 oranges
1 teaspoon vanilla (optional) 

To make the crust: pulse the nuts in your food processor until crumb-sized, then add the dates and pulse until everything sticks together. Press into the bottom of a tart tin and put in the freezer. 

To make the caramel: blend all ingredients (you can do this in the food processor) until smooth, adjusting to your desires. Spoon into the bottom on the crust and put back in the freezer. 

To make the chocolate: blend all ingredients in your food processor until smooth. When the caramel in your crust is solid, spread the chocolate on top and put back in the freezer. Let it stay in there overnight, then garnish with sea salt and orange zest and serve.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

green love

i will never get over my infatuation with green smoothies. it simply will not happen. they are about as perfect, beautiful and miraculous as something get. take a gander at that luscious colour... that is LIFE you are seeing (or is gandering a word?)

i had this smoothie for my dinner because well... why not? so that means i had all liquids today! i drank a delicious glass of juice (cucumber, bell pepper, pineapple, apple, orange, tomato) for breakfast after my workout and this smoothie for dinner. i have had a really busy day and my body should probably have more calories but i am just SO TIRED and i don't like eating right before i go to sleep. i will make sure to have a big smoothie with extra protein tomorrow after i exercise. mmm, smoothie... *dopey smile*

I HAVE EXCELLENT NEWS: i have successfully converted my darling boyfriend to the dark, satanic and freaky cult of veganism. all jokes. veganism is the bees knees! or perhaps the more appropriate term would be the corn's ear? potato's eye? artichokes heart? i dunno where this is going. nevermind. point is - being vegan is the best option for you, the planet and our fellow animals! ANYWAY...

the boyfriend is vegan. 

green smoothie love affair: serves one

1 peeled frozen banana
1 cup kale
1 sliced apple
1 peeled orange 
2 tablespoons raw hempseeds
1 cup water or so
1/8 teaspoon stevia, if desired (or use a couple dates)

blend. sip. love. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

twelve balls of love

it's my girlfriend's birthday. she is now 19. but we have an ongoing joke that she's actually 12, because she can act pretty silly. she brings out the goofiness in me as well; this is a good thing because i can be too serious sometimes... no really.

to show her my adoring devotion and love i made her 12 chocolate covered peanut butter balls.
they're pretty freakin good.

we were SUPPOSED to go out like every night this week and party until the wee hours of morning (19 is the legal drinking age in canada). but i have gotten a terrible swollen throat so i've been really sick for five days now. it hurts to swallow and i can't eat any solids! what a BUMMER, right? ah well, i will make up for this lost party time when i recover. it's turned into a liquid cleanse i guess? gotta look on the bright side.

for now though, i need to seriously rest and recuperate. i've been drinking tons of lemon tea, miso soup and hot water. also been doing some salt water gargles. i juiced some fruit and veggies yesterday and today and it actually tasted AMAZING. very soothing.

i think this is a virus or bacterial infection or something. if it lasts more than a week (oh god please no) i'll have to go to the doctor but i'd rather not. i prefer treating illnesses myself and naturally. i'm not too concerned at this point.

i'm going to take advantage of this time and read some good books (atlas shrugged, cat's cradle), have a bubble bath, watch some good movies (back to the future trilogy, anyone?), catch up on sleep, and i guess detox since i can't eat anything... i wish i could eat these.

my mom said they were PERFECT and couldn't be improved, which i was actually thrilled-out-of-my-pants to hear (well, i don't wear pants, so, skirt) because she is my toughest critic - which i much appreciate. i hope you agree with her. if you make this recipe, let me know how it goes and if i should change anything because the recipe written here will be slightly different than what i did.

make 'em mostly raw by using raw jungle peanuts & peanut butter!

chocolate peanut butter love bites: makes 12 and ONLY 12 (teehee)

1/3 cup peanuts
1/4 peanut butter
3 tablespoons maple syrup
1/4 oats
2 tablespoons almond butter

3 tablespoons almond butter
2 tablespoons maple syrup
2 heaping tablespoons cacao/cocoa 
1/8 teaspoon salt
teensy bit of cayenne and ginger powder
1-3 tablespoons almond milk
1/2 dark or raw chocolate bar, melted (optional)

1/2 cup peanuts
1/2 teaspoon salt

in your food processor, blend all the ingredients for the PB center together until it forms a ball and you can press it together. form them it into balls and put in the freezer.
to make the coating, pulse the nuts and salt in the food processor until they're like large crumbs... you can see in the photos. put in a large bowl and set aside.
to make the chocolate, blend all ingredients together in the food processor until smooth, it will start thickening fast so take out your frozen PB balls and dip them in the chocolate, then roll them in the chopped nuts. stick back in the freezer for an hour or two and voila! 

i love you, amber! xox

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