Showing posts with label mango. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mango. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Juicy Mango Margarita Mocktail - Great for summer!

Start with this..

And make this..


Juicy Mango Margarita Mocktail
vegan, serves 1-2 (depending on glass size)

1 champagne mango (use whole mango - some for garnish, mostly for blending..)

1 1/2 "shots" coconut water (1 1/2 ounces)
1/2 cup freshly diced champagne mango cubes (any mango will work, but champagne mangoes are the creamiest)
3 limes, juiced (about 1/4 cup fresh lime juice)
1/2 banana, frozen
1/2 cup organic peaches, frozen (add a few more slices for a frostier blend)
1/3 cup ice

2 lime wedges + generous pinch lime zest + mango cubes

Real Deal -> switch out the coconut water for a shot of tequila.


Slice mango in half and cube. Reserve a few cubes for garnishing. Add remainder of mango to blender (about 1/2 cup cubes).
Add lime juice, frozen peaches, frozen banana, ice and coconut water to blender as well. Blend until smooth.
Garnish with fresh mango, plentiful lime slices and fresh lime zest on top.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

mango salsa and guacamole with tomato onion tortillas

I do enjoy me some Mexican food - I could eat endless bowls of guacamole and probably still be asking for more. You really cannot go wrong with loads of fresh tomatoes, peppers, cilantro, avocado, mango, lime, onions and garlic. The mango adds a sweet factor that brings the salsa to a new level... OF AWESOME.

I didn't really know what to call the cracker type recipe so I named them tortillas because if you cut larger circles of them, you can use them as a tortilla and fill them up with salsa and guac. This was my favourite way to eat it. The smaller circles are fun for dipping, and if you dehydrate long enough they get crunchy! Enjoy. 

mango salsa and guacamole with tomato onion tortillas: serves two to four

Tomato onion tortillas:
1 mango, peeled and chopped
½ onion, peeled and chopped
¼ cup each of hemp seeds, flax seeds and sun dried tomatoes

1 avocado
1 tomato 
¼ onion
¼ cup fresh cilantro 
3 garlic cloves, finely minced 
Juice from ½ lime
Chili powder and salt, to taste

Mango salsa:
2 tomatoes
1 mango
¼ onion 
Juice from ½ lime
½ cup fresh cilantro
3 garlic cloves, finely minced 
½ cucumber 
Chili powder and salt, to taste

To make the tortillas: pulse all the ingredients in your food processor until they are blended and become a thick, wet mixture. Spread this thinly on dehydrator trays, and dehydrate for a two hours, then punch circles (you choose what size) in the drying mixture and flip these circles over to dehydrate on their other side. Continue dehydrating until they are flexible and chewy, another two hours. These are your tortillas! Alternatively, you could cut very small circles, dehydrate them until crunchy, and use these as chips. 

To make the guacamole: peel and chop the avocado, tomato, onion, and cilantro accordingly. Add to a bowl with the garlic, chili powder and salt, then mix in the lime juice and stir until the avocado starts to get mushy. Set aside.

To make the salsa: peel and chop everything as needed, then mix together in a bowl. 

Assembly: use the tortillas as you normally would; stack the guacamole and salsa high in the middle then fold in half and enjoy the delicious fresh flavours. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

green day

don't have too much to say today... except that i'm seriously excited about the hastiness with which my gojis are growing. the plant wasn't supposed to produce anything for at least a year - and yet look at those lovely little berries! hopefully the weather will stay hot enough, LONG enough this year for them to ripen; so i can eventually devour them like the mad beast i proudly am.

in other news: i made a delicious green smoothie today (of course, they're amazingly out-of-this-world luscious every day). i thought i'd share the recipe with you. STAY SEXY, PEOPLE!

green life magic smoothie: serves one

2-3 cups dinosaur kale
1 mango
1 banana
1 handful frozen strawberries
1/2 cup non-dairy milk
1/2 to 1 cup water, as needed

blend all the ingredients together until smooth, you can add stevia or protein powder if you like. 
then soak it up in the sun with the bees.

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