Showing posts with label beets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beets. Show all posts

Monday, December 2, 2013

Rainbow Juice. Three blends, one glass.

Rainbow Juice. Three blends, one glass.

1 - Beet Ginger
2 - Green Apple + Lemon + Celery or Cucumber + Ginger
3 - Carrot Ginger

Rainbow Juice Recipe: 1/3 beet/ginger juice + 1/3 carrot/ginger juice + 1/3 green apple-celery-lemon-ginger-cayenne juice. Swirl well. Add splashes of coconut water to make the flavor less bold (if desired). Serve over purified water ice cubes. Serve with a glass straw if you have one.

Juice Fasting. I have done a few "juice fast" posts here on HHL. Like this one. You know those super trendy 1-3 day (or more!) juice diets. Just juice. Chew-foods and fiber not allowed! I must say that one day of juice fasting does make me feel cleansed on a whole new level. But as you can read from my juicing diaries in the posts. Juice fasting is really a challenge for me - and I know I'm not alone. It takes a lot of will power, inner motivation and means to succeed on a fast. Not to mention a lot of juice! If you do a "program" from a company they fasts can be quite expensive if you need shipping included. (You also need fridge space for all those pre-made juices!)

For me, juice fasting beyond 1-2 full days is not really for me. I have no doubt that there are benefits - especially for people who may not eat a clean diet. But since I generally eat a clean, healthy diet - that is always vegan/plant-based. Juicing on a more moderate level suites me more.

Sidenotes: OK, now I do love juice fasts on some levels. People like Joe Cross in Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead inspire me so much. And I love that juicing brought him so much wellness success. And I hear about others who do week-long fasts and love it! But again, everyone is different. Juicing may save your health or it may not be for you. (The Fat, Sick Nearly Dead documentary is amazing! Must see. Another must see documentary: BLACKFISH. Wow. That one is in theaters now. Go go go.)

OK back to it..

But obviously from this post: I LOVE JUICING. I love one juice in the morning or as an afternoon pick-me-up or I even love adding fresh pressed juice (like carrot juice) as a liquid base in smoothies. I also love my own style of juice fasting as a weekly or bi-weekly wellness habit. So, what works for me? I call my juicing habit a half day cleanse. (Full details + how-to below!) These are the ingredients I use in my Rainbow Juice as part of my cleanse..

Ingredient Benefits:

- Beets blend up looking beautiful. Dark "rosy cheeks, red lips" pink! Beauty-food beets. Fresh, raw beet juice is a deep purple-red color. Beet juice is very sweet and actually very light and appealing despite what pre connotations people may have about beets. Most people have only tasted roasted or cooked beets which have quite a different more woody, earthy flavor. Raw beets are similar to carrots in a way! I always say that it would be what vampires would chug if they were vegan :) Beets are well known to be a blood strengthener. Beet juice contains vitamin C, a large amount of folate, vitamin B6, thiamin, riboflavin and a hefty amount of minerals including potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, copper and a hint of selenium. Talk about a power-packed superfood! Tip: If you are new to beet juice start off by adding just a splash to your juice blends. Once you acquire a taste for this sweet juice and how it makes you feel, you will probably crave it!

Carrot - Carrots juice up super sweet and almost creamy in a lovely desirable way. Carrot pairs perfectly with ginger. (It also goes well with coconut! Fresh raw coconut meat or coconut water.) Carrot also tastes amazing served over ice with a splash of fresh orange juice. Carrot juice is quite sweet, so be aware of that when you drink it if you are sensitive to sugars (even natural ones!) Carrot is famously rich in vitamin A. It also contains thiamin, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, manganese, vitamin C and potassium.

Ginger - Warming, spicy and very stimulating. Ginger is also well known for its digestion enhancing properties and may even help with nausea or an upset stomach. I adore adding heaps of ginger to my juices. It really sharpens and tones all the other fruit and veggie flavors in the blend.

Green Apple - I love juicing green apples due to their tart perky flavor and vibrant sweetness. Apples contain vitamins A, C, B6, K, potassium, copper, magnesium, manganese and even a hint of iron, calcium, phosphorus and more.

Celery - This low sugar, mildly flavored veggie juices like a dream due to its high water content. Celery juice contains potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, riboflavin, calcium and magnesium.

Cayenne - Spicy, stimulating and warming, cayenne helps to perk up your system and provide a spicy accent. Some studies have even shown that spicy foods helps boost your metabolism temporarily.

Coconut Water - Rich in electrolytes including potassium, coconut water is a low calorie, sweet tasting beverage that comes from fresh/raw young green coconuts. Coconut water is a great source of magnesium, manganese and more. You can buy coconut water at most grocery stores. If you can find whole coconuts with the tops cut off, go for those!

Kathy's Half Day Juice Cleanse.

Remember those "half days" back in school? They were always super awesome, yes? Home by lunchtime and ready for some sunshine or lounge time or a few hours to get ahead on schoolwork. Well a half day juice cleanse is kinda like that! You were expecting a lengthy full day of juicing, but surprise! you can get some pretty effective results in my half-day model. Actual "half" day depends on how you look at it because the numbers show your body gets just under a full 24 hours of digestion resting + juice cleansing!..

I do this once every week because it makes me feel amazing and I really actually enjoy it. As opposed to the overnight/multi-day juice fasts. I like that I am flushing my body with nutrient-dense juice for a good 16-20 hours. (If my last meal was at 9pm the day before and I juice fast until 4pm the next day that is a good 19 hours!) During that time I am letting my digestive system rest (which is one of the benefits of longer term juice fasts.) Even in my half day cleanse I can feel a difference and notice my body detoxing on a moderate level. Along with the juice, I am sure to drink plenty of alkaline water throughout the day and I also include my Goji-Berry Lemon Cayenne Maple Tea (only I strain the berries instead of chewing them). So here is how to do it..


3+ lbs organic carrots
3-4 organic beets (medium)
1 bunch organic celery (or 2 organic cucumbers)
1 large organic green apple
2-3 organic lemons
16-20 ounces coconut water
raw ginger root
optional: 2-3 Brazil nuts or brown rice cakes (for a chew-craving)
*tip: always try to use organic produce when juicing.

3-4 16oz. glass bottles for storing your juice for the day. (If you do not have bottles, you can use large glasses and secure with some plastic wrap.

Step 1:
Upon rising. Drink a small glass of lemon water or my lemon tea. This will warm and wake your digestive system a bit.

Step 2: Start juicing for the day. First juice carrots + 1 Tbsp of ginger. Keep juicing your carrots until you get about 16 ounces of carrot ginger juice. Pour the carrot juice into bottles.

Step 3: Juice your beets also with ginger. Pour into a bottle.

Step 4: Juice 1 green apple + 1 bunch of celery (or cucumbers) + ginger and add 1 lemon (squeezed not juiced). Pour into a bottle.

Tip: Add ginger + cayenne (and lemon!) to taste for all blends! You may want super spicy juice or just moderately spicy juice. You can add lemon juice to any blend you'd like if desired.

Step 5: Now you should have (estimate) 3-4 separate 12oz. bottles of juice. You can drink these separately throughout the day or do what I do and make "Rainbow Juice" (recipe at top of post)

Step 6: Drink 12+ ounces of rainbow juice (or separate flavors) every 2 hours (or when ever you want more - just be sure to ration your juice so you do not run out.) Drink water and/or coconut water between juices. If you get hungry for some chew foods, munch on a few Brazil nuts (selenium!) or a brown rice cake. You could also munch a few walnuts or eat a spoonful of almond or peanut butter.

Step 7: Be sure to clean your juicer after juicing! Store bottles in the fridge, sealed to reduce oxygen.

Step 8: So, if you wake at 9am and drink your first juice at 10am, your second juice will be at noon and you third at around 2pm. And your last juice should be around 3 or 4pm. This way you will be ready to enjoy a healthy vegan dinner by around 6-7pm. If you are hungry around 4pm you can eat a light snack to tide you over until dinner time. Some rice cakes with almond butter and banana, or maybe a smoothie to continue your easy digestion mode! Actually, a smoothie is a perfect way to break a juice fast because while it contains fiber, it eases you back into fiber by letting you consume it in a processed, liquid state!

And congrats! You completed a juice cleanse!

Modify it: Need to tweak you juice

-> More greens: add a handful of your favorite greens like spinach, kale or chard to any of your juices.
-> More sweet: try adding more apple to your juices - although beet and carrot are also very sweet. You can also try adding orange, grapes, pear or pineapple! So many "sweet" healthy options for juicing.
-> Less sweet: You can always modify you juice by using more neutral ingredients like cucumber and celery. These high water content, low sugar content ingredients will turn down the sweet flavor. You can also add purified water to any juice blend to further reduce the sweet.
-> More spice: Add more ginger and cayenne. Adventurous juicers can even add a clove of raw garlic!

Tools: Juicer - Yup, you do need a juicer to juice. Here are three that I have owned and love..

SuperAngel - such DRY pulp! There is so little pulp with this machine that you really do not waste much food unlike most juicers where you feel like you have so much pulp/fiber left. I bought this juicer as a big investment purchase about four years ago and this juicer is still one of my favorite appliances.
Breville Compact - Perfect for small spaces. This juicer takes up a small amount of counter space and juices super fast. Downside: a lot of wet pulp, but if you find ways to use the pulp, that is helpful. This juicer is best for hard produce (carrots, apples, beets..) Love the wide mouth.
Breville Multi-Speed - a bit more versatile since you can do a lower speed than the compact one speed. A bit better with leafy greens than a one speed/high speed juicer.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

green tea soba noodles with roasted vegetables & herbs

My boyfriend and I have been eating so many veggie-noodle dishes lately. Our routine right now (and probably through the winter break) is to get up "early", work out together, make post-exercise green smoothies or juice, then do homework/something productive and go for a walk. Then we make lunch and watch whatever TV show we are currently addicted to - at the moment it is The Wire. Thug life.

Anyhoo, the past week we've been making different kinds of soba noodles with a ton of raw and roasted veggies like sweet potatoes, cucumber, mushrooms, cilantro, beets, onions, garlic, bell peppers, etc. I like to add raisins and peanuts on top. So today I prepared some green tea noodles and served them with delicious, fresh vegetables.

green tea soba noodles with roasted vegetables & herbs: serves two hungry people

Roasted veggies:
1 sweet potato
2 large beets
4 large mushrooms
4 garlic cloves
1 onion
1 tablespoon fave veg oil 
1/2 teaspoon each of salt, pepper, fennel seeds, dill, paprika, turmeric, garlic powder and rosemary if you have it
1 teaspoon maple syrup 

1/2 package green tea noodles
1 teaspoon veg oil (optional)
1/2 teaspoon salt (optional) 

1/2 cucumber
1 cup cilantro 
1/4 cup peanuts
1/4 cup raisins 

Prepare your plants: pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees. Peel and slice all the veggies so they are all roughly the same size. Mix in the oil, herbs/spices and maple syrup until everybody is evenly coated. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until the beets and sweet potatoes are soft and delicious. 

While they are baking, make the noodles: follow the instructions on the package, ya goof! Drain in a colander and rinse with cold water to stop them from cooking anymore. Then add a teaspoon of veg oil and a 1/2 teaspoon of salt, if you like. 

Cut up the cuke and cilantro for the toppings. When the vegetables are ready: put your noodles in two bowls, place the roasted veggies on top, followed by the cucumber, cilantro, raisins, peanuts and whatever else you think to add. Eat with your significant other while watching cops chase drug gangs in 90's Baltimore. 

Namaste, yo. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

energy elixir

as i said on my facebook, i was feeling a bit drained yesterday after my weekend. but today i got TONS of sleep (maybe too much - i just kept sleeping because my dreams were so enthralling...) then had a great workout and drank a gorgeous pink jar of juice.

yum yum. i'll give you the recipe in a minute (or - due to the magical nature of the internet and time-space continuum - you may just scroll down.) last night i felt like just having juice today to get my energy back and guess what. it's already returned! all it took was some deep sleep, weight-lifting, and the elixir of living fruits and vegetables. i made a glass for mom too, since she was in desperate need of some nourishment after a busy day of random errands like getting a bunch of knives sharpened.

oh! just remembered something. heard of global girl? well if not - check her out. she just did a raw vegan dessert round-up for her fave recipes; one of them is mine. yes, i am indeed tooting my own horn. if you've got a problem with that - well you can DRINK MY JUICE!

oh wait, you should do that anyway. 

everything awesome life juice: serves two

2 carrots
3 tomatoes
2 apples
1 cucumber
3 slices of pineapple
4 beets
chunk of ginger
2 bell peppers
i think that's all i put in there... 

wash, slice, peel, chop and cut as needed. throw it all in the juicer! not literally, that would be messy. drink!

oh one more thing. PLEASE take a listen to this amazing woman. she is a visionary in my opinion. her albums are "projects" and she makes a video for each song. you can watch them all in a particular order and it becomes an emotional journey. she keeps you guessing. it's beautiful. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

garden life

i adore our yard. it consistently provides us with such a bounty of sun-grown nutrition, colour and love. if everyone had their own garden, the world would probably be a more peaceful and understanding environment! good vibrations, maaaaaaan.

my dad got a new barbeque this summer (it's huge) and we've been taking full advantage of it. the weather has also been great so at least once a week we harvest a bunch of veggies from the garden and grill them with herbs. the rest of the produce we get from the farmer's market.

and for dessert? fruit. we've got goji berries, strawberries, blueberries, and figs - all that satisfy my sweet tooth as naturally as you possibly can. i seriously implore you to grow some of your own food; even just a few basil plants or some kale will do to get you into the mindset of having harmony and a symbiotic relationship with mother nature.

that's all for today! keeping it short and sweet. here's some calming sounds to help you relax this afternoon.

don't worry, i'll be back with delectable recipes real soon. BUT FIRST - i'm going on a cross-country motorcycle trip with my dad. i know, i know. i am so grateful for this life!


Saturday, August 11, 2012

yam noodles with miso sauce

holy yams! you might be skeptical about using raw sweet potatoes (yams) for food, but as soon as you try this, all your doubts will be vaporized. it's so satisfying. i don't know WHY you'd want or need white pasta with meatballs when you can eat THIS living, raw, cruelty-free meal. i took lots of photos, i hope you don't mind. 

nah... you don't.

hopefully you have a spiral slicer, but if not - a mandoline will do. and if you're REALLY ambitious, you could try to make the noodles manually. good luck.

i've been wanting to make these noodles with some kind of sauce and veggies for awhile, and the plan for this sweet potato (organic!) was to make this recipe then give it to a curious friend who had wondered whether you could raw potatoes. but um... i'm greedy. i ate it all at my house. don't judge me. i promise i will make this again and actually share it. it will be difficult, but i can do it.

 yam noodles with miso mustard sauce, avocado, cucumber & raisins: serves 1-2

1 yam (sweet potato)

1 tablespoon miso
1 tablespoon mustard
1 tablespoon agave
1 date
vegan milk/water, as needed (about 1/6 cup)
3 chopped garlic cloves

to make the noodles - slice the yam on a spiral slicer or mandoline. mix with a bit of tamari in large bowl and set aside.
to make the sauce - blend all ingredients together. if it's too thick, add more vegan milk/water. if it's too thin, add more miso, dates or mustard. pour the desired amount of sauce onto the noodles and mix in. you don't need that much.
i added chopped avocado, cucumber, beets from our garden, raisins, and parma... of course. i bet this with sesame or pumpkin seeds would be great too.

Get your recipes!