Showing posts with label bar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bar. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Note: I know I usually keep things light and cheery on my blog but I lay my heart out a little bit in this post; I hope that's okay with you. It just kinda happened.

I got an email from a reader a couple (?) weeks ago, in which they asked me to recreate a raw treat served at their local cafe. This treat was a "delicious choc mint slice cake" and it looks like this. Oh and apparently some of the ingredients are green powders. That is what I had to go on. Into the kitchen I went! Ended up with these bad boys and BOY, ARE THEY BAD (in a good way).

The base is an oat and date crust, the middle is a raw chocolate-maca mixture, and the top is an avocado/mint/green powder concoction. All together they make one amazing result. And they are SUPER nutritious. Think of this recipe as a health supplement and dessert all in one. I know, life seems too good to be true sometimes. Just like my cat, Dante, seems too adorable to be real. He is currently trying to divert my attention to me rubbing his ears and kissing his nose. He does this by pulling my hand away from the computer mouse and to his face. CAN HE GET ANY CUTER? No.

Back to food. I won't lie; I made these a couple days ago and since I never write down my recipes, the precise amounts of ingredients are now slightly foggy in my confusingly and consistently fluid mind. This means your recipe may not turn out EXACTLY as what you see in these photos, but that's cool, right!? Life is about variety. Try making the recipe and adjusting it to your liking. I mean, you should always do this but you know... just sayin'. If it turns out horribly, please tell me - because maybe I forgot to write an ingredient down. 

Well, since there's nothing left to discuss concerning the recipe, I am going to rant a little about my personal life right now, because I'm feeling kinda low. Maybe it's just the change of seasons (hello, Autumn); maybe I'm getting bored with my day-to-day routine; or maybe, subconsciously, I don't WANT to be happy all the time! In any case, I'm glum as a chum. What's a chum. Irrelevant. 

I'm having a lot of mixed emotions involving past and current lovers, what they mean to me, and how they make me feel and think (compared to how I would on my own). You have to understand that I'm an independent person. I have always valued time by myself and often cancel or avoid plans with friends so I can have MORE time alone. It's not that I don't like my friends, I simply am most comfortable when left by myself, in my own head space. I have trouble - more so lately - expressing myself to others successfully and this usually makes me just want to give up communicating. Fortunately there's a few people in my life who understand this, and we can spend time together not saying a word. As recently acknowledged with a newly intimate partner, you don't have to talk to have beautiful conversations with another person. 

Having said that, I still feel that no one really gets me, but me. Thus I prefer to be left alone because that is where I am most comfortable. And yet I find myself missing certain people from my past. Are they thinking about me? Do they still love me? Do they still hate me? Do they think I am a terrible or beautiful person? Regardless, I can't be with them anymore... we had too much passion for two people. They knew me as much as any person possibly could but ultimately they didn't like what they saw, and neither did I. 

Talk about "fate"; this person literally just called me as I was typing that last sentence. Apparently they do love me, but we will "never be speaking again". Now I am almost in tears. Too much emotion for one person

With all that going on (and now being done with, apparently...), I have also struck up a new flame. Whether it's a rebound or not, I do not know. But either way it's nothing serious, and mostly for pure and simple fun. It's very pleasant having a partner you can be candid and affectionate with. I think we can all benefit from being completely naked with someone (literally and/or figuratively). It's therapeutic and can be healing if you allow it. But now I am polarized: I am starting to care about this person in a serious way so I want to spend more time with them while at the same time, I am wanting to cut things off because of the same reason. 

Here is where we return to my need for independence. I believe I shouldn't have to depend on any external substance to be happy, and that includes people. When I begin getting very close with a romantic partner, I find that I quickly become "addicted" to them; I want to spend all my time with them, give them everything I can, and simultaneously throw all my other responsibilities out the window. Obviously this is not healthy, so I don't want it to be this way. Perhaps this is a reason I love being alone: it stamps out any chance of me becoming dependent on another person. Ah, who knows. Not I. So I am left unsure of what to do about this new individual, my heart and brain being pulled in opposing directions; while I am still recovering from a very trying, emotionally-charged and painful relationship with another that is now "officially" over. 

I suppose that wasn't a conclusive story at all... but that's fitting, since my thoughts and decisions on these situations and relationships aren't conclusive either. I'm in the dark midst of figuring out what to do and think and how to feel about all this. 

No matter, here's a healthy recipe for you guys. Thank you for always being here for me and giving me your love and support. It's very helpful for me to write out my thoughts and I hope they are in someway useful to you; whether you can relate, contrast, or simply sympathize. You're my rock! 

minty green chocolate cream bars 

1 cup oats or buckwheat groats
1 cup dates
1 teaspoon cacao powder (optional) 
1 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional) 

Chocolate layer:
2 tablespoons cacao powder
1/4 cup melted cacao butter
1/4 cup dates
1 tablespoon maca powder
1 tablespoon lucuma powder
1 banana (optional, to add bulk) 

Mint layer:
1 avocado
3-4 tablespoons greens powder (I used this one)
1/6 cup coconut nectar (or other preferred liquid sweetener) 
2 tablespoons melted coconut oil 
1/8 cup packed mint leaves (or approximately 10 drops of peppermint oil) 
1 teaspoon vanilla extract 
Pinch of salt (optional) 

To make the base layer: pulse the oats or buckwheat groats in your food processor until you have a rough flour. Add the rest of the ingredients and process until it all begins to stick together. Press into the bottom of a lined baking pan and put in the fridge. 

To make the chocolate: blend all the ingredients together until smooth. If it's too thick, add some water. Pour onto your base and put in the freezer until solid, about 1 hour. 

To make the mint layer: blend all the ingredients until smooth. Spread onto your chocolate layer and refrigerate overnight until it's set. Decorate with mint leaves and cacao nibs if you wish. 

Friday, August 9, 2013

chocolate cream caramel bars

This is one of those dangerously delicious recipes. I warn you now that these bars are basically addictive, thus they'd be the perfect treat to bring to party or to give to people whom you're trying to bring over to the vegan side (A.K.A. THE COOL SIDE). A mocha version of them will be featured in my upcoming cookbook (out March 2014). If you like things sweet and decadent - you're gonna love these.

I am very happy to be sharing this recipe with you today not just because it's ridiculously good-tasting (that was a bad Zoolander reference) but also because I haven't been sharing many recipes with you at ALL lately. As I'm sure you know, it's because I am busy busy busy working on my book. I promise it will be finished soon and I'll be back here giving you raw vegan recipes out the whazoo.

What. Is. A whazoo. 

chocolate cream caramel bars

1 cup almonds or other nuts 
1 cup dates
Pinch of salt (optional) 

½ cup cashew butter
½ cup coconut oil
1 cup dates

Chocolate cream:
1/3 cup coconut oil
2-3 tablespoons cacao powder
¼ cup preferred liquid sweetener

To make the crust: process the almonds into flour in your food processor, then add the dates and process until it all begins to stick together. Press into the bottom of a lined baking pan (I used a small bread pan) and refrigerate. 

To make both the caramel and mocha layers: just blend the ingredients in each list until smooth. Feel free to add other flavours like vanilla, chili , ginger, etc. Spread the caramel onto your crust, followed by the chocolate cream. Refrigerate until completely set; this will take a couple hours.

Friday, April 12, 2013

lemon bars with coconut

A reader recommended I try making raw lemon bars, so here you are! They are nut free, and can be gluten free if you use buckwheat groats instead of oats. I paired them with coconut because the two go so well together and also, I was able to use finely ground dried coconut to sprinkle on the bars, instead of powdered white sugar like in the conventional recipe! Hurray for natural sweeteners. 

I think they turned out pretty well, but I will be making these again soon so I can improve. One thing I would change is using the whole lemon - it made it too bitter. So I suggest you just use just the juice from 3 lemons. I have already corrected this in the recipe so don't worry your pretty little head. Or your pretty normal-sized head. I dunno. Whatever kind of head you have - don't worry it. Just enjoy. 

lemon bars with coconut: makes about 12 bars

3/4 cup oats (or buckwheat groats if you want it gluten-free)
3/4 cup dates
3/4 cup coconut shreds

Lemon layer:
1/3 cup melted coconut oil
1/4 cup maple syrup (or 1 cup dates, but this will change the colour)
Juice from 3 lemons
1/2 cup coconut shreds
1 or 2 bananas

To make the base: pulse the oats or buckwheat groats and coconut shreds in your food processor until they become a rough flour. Add the dates and process until it all sticks together. Press into the bottom of a square baking pan and put in the fridge.

To make the lemon layer: blend all the ingredients until smooth. See if you like the taste and adjust accordingly. Spread evenly on to the base layer and set in the fridge overnight. The next day, cut into squares and sprinkle with finely ground coconut flakes for a powdered sugar effect. Nom!

Monday, March 18, 2013

super food energy bars with cacao

These are chock full of super foods to provide your body and mind with long-lasting energy to get through your busy (or leisurely) day. What have they got? Chia seeds, flax seeds, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, cacao nibs, raisins, dates and coconut. You can't beat this recipe as far as nutrition goes. Try to find organic varieties of each ingredient - and of course raw! 

I was snacking on the mix as I made the recipe and immediately felt a difference, they gave me enough strength to get through a workout and then they made an excellent post-exercise snack, paired with my green protein smoothie. I had a bit of extra mix that I shaped into tiny cupcakes and I thought... hey, I could top these off with dark chocolate to make it a sweet super food treat. Done. 

If you want real, raw, cruelty-free, high quality, efficient and delicious energy bars - you've got 'em right here. Don't look at those sugar- and refined protein powder-filled candy bars in the grocery store that for some inexplicable reason happen to be called "power bars". It's a joke. The best brand on the market is the Larabar (or the Clif bar for more protein) but you can make better recipes yourself, plus add in a bunch of other awesome ingredients. You've got the power! Get it...

super food energy bars with cacao: makes about 15 bars

1 cup walnuts
1/3 cup chia seeds
1/3 cup ground flax seeds
1/3 cup hemp seeds
1/4 cup cacao nibs
1/4 cup coconut flakes 
3/4 cup pumpkin seeds
1/2 cup raisins
1 cup dates 
1-2 tablespoons melted coconut oil, if needed

Throw the dry ingredients (keep a little bit of each ingredient to add in a second) in your food processor, then add the dates and raisins and process until everything it starts to stick together. If too dry, add more dates or coconut oil. Put in the remaining dry ingredients you left out and mix in with your hands. Press into a lined pan and set in the fridge for an hour or more. Cut into bars and store for up to one week. If you have extra, shape them into cupcakes and top off with raw chocolate.

Monday, February 4, 2013

raw vegan cranberry bliss bars

A reader told me about these Cranberry Bliss Bars that Starbucks sells. She said I should make them healthy - so here you go! I actually didn't know what a Bliss Bar was - I don't go into Starbucks unless I need to get a cup of water or pee - so I had to check it out on their website. According to their description, it is a vanilla cake topped with cream cheese frosting, dried cranberries and an orange drizzle.

Sounds delicious, but I felt bloated just by looking at the ingredients list: 

"Enriched flour (wheat flour, malted barley flour, niacin, iron, thiamin mononitrate, riboflavin, folic acid), brown sugar, white pastel (sugar, palm kernel & palm oils, whey, nonfat milk, soya lecithin, titanium dioxide [as color], natural flavor, vanilla), cream cheese (pasteurized cream & milk, milk proteins, natural acids, salt, xanthan, carob bean gum & guar gum), cranberries (cranberries, sugar, sunflower oil), unsalted butter (cream [from milk]), eggs, canola oil, sugar (sucrose, cornstarch), ginger (ginger, sugar), water, salt, coconut oil, orange peel (orange peel, sugar, orange oil), maltitol, palm oil, vanilla, cornstarch, baking powder (sodium acid pyrophosphate, sodium bicarbonate, cornstarch, monocalcium phosphate), baking soda."

AH!? WHAT!? Why is there a paragraph of refined and concentrated sugars, oils and chemicals where a short list of ingredients should be? Oh wait. Those ARE the ingredients. If the cost of indulgence is consuming "sodium acid pyrophosphate" - I'd rather just not indulge. 

But luckily you don't have to eat titanium dioxide to enjoy the sweeter side of life, thanks to biological diversity and the kindness of the plant kingdom. I am ALL FOR indulging, I just think we can do it without killing the planet (palm oil... yikes) or breaking out in acne (hey, sugar and dairy). Agree? 

Let's create whole food treats that we can feel proud of eating; for ourselves, our earth and our animal buddies! These healthified (it's a word, okay) bars are chock-full of fibre, protein, and healthy fats. They are pretty dense though, so I'm guessing you'll just need one. I had one for breakfast and it gave me loads of energy for the day. If you want more than that - go for it. Then have a dance party to stay sexy. 

cranberry bliss bars: makes 8 large triangles

Blondie cake base:
1 cup oats
1 cup buckwheat groats
1 cup dates
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon orange zest (optional)

Sweet cream cheese icing:
1 cup cashews
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice (more or less)
1 tablespoon melted coconut oil
1/3 cup agave nectar (or 1/2 cup dates)

White orange drizzle & cranberries:
3 tablespoons melted coconut oil (or cacao butter)
3 tablespoons orange juice 
1/4 teaspoon stevia, if desired (to sweeten and thicken)
1/4 cup dried cranberries 
1 teaspoon orange zest

To make the base: pulse the oats and groats (LOL) in your food processor until they become a rough flour. Add the dates and vanilla and process until it forms a ball. Press into the bottom of a lined baking pan. Set aside, or if you want it to be more like baked cake - dehydrate for a couple hours or use your oven at its lowest temperature. 

To make the cream cheese icing: blend all ingredients until smooth. It's more flavourful if you let it sit a day or two but using it right away is fine too. It's gonna be delicious either way. Spread this over your cake. 

To make the drizzle: blend the melted coconut oil and orange juice together. Add stevia if you want. Sprinkle the dried cranberries and orange zest onto your cake then drizzle on the drizzle. Let it set for a few hours in the fridge. Then enjoy! 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

raw snickers candy bars

I don't remember what a "real" snickers bar tastes like but I know that they are basically just white sugar... gross. I had a fun time looking around the official snickers website where they claim snickers are "part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle."


Let's take a look at the ingredients that make this such a nutritional treasure, shall we? MILK CHOCOLATE (SUGAR, COCOA BUTTER, CHOCOLATE, SKIM MILK, LACTOSE, MILKFAT, SOY LECITHIN, ARTIFICIAL FLAVOR), PEANUTS, CORN SYRUP, SUGAR, MILKFAT, SKIM MILK, PARTIALLY HYDROGENATED SOYBEAN OIL, LACTOSE, SALT, EGG WHITES, CHOCOLATE, ARTIFICIAL FLAVOR. MAY CONTAIN ALMONDS. Yes. We all know "partially hydrogenated soybean oil" is necessary for fitness excellence. NOT. Anyways, enough with this silliness. On to whole foods chocolate bars!

I got the idea to make this recipe from a reader. These are so freaking tasty, and mostly just - you guessed it - almonds and dates. They are pretty sweet and filling so you probably won't need more than one. Or maybe you will. What do I know? After some quick research (thanks, Wikipedia), I learned snickers bars are defined by a nougat layer topped with caramel and covered in chocolate.


Consider these rawified. The nougat layer is raw flour, almonds and a wholesome sweetener of your choosing. Then I made the simplest and most delicious raw caramel ever (anyone can do it, I don't have any special powers) by blending dates with water, vanilla and a pinch of salt. Finally I threw together some raw chocolate and covered the bars in it. I am impatient so I did not wait for them to harden but in theory - they should. 

raw snicker bars: makes about 10 bars

Nougat layer:
1/2 cup raw flour (such as oat, coconut, buckwheat, almond, etc.)
1/3 cup raw agave/maple syrup
1 cup sliced almonds
1/4 pine nuts (optional) 

Caramel layer:
1 cup dates and enough water to cover them
1/4 teaspoon salt (optional) 
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
2 tablespoons melted coconut oil

Raw chocolate coating:
Just use your fave recipe or my own 

To make the nougat: pulse the flour, pine nuts (if using) and sweetener together in your food processor until smooth. Add the almonds by hand. Shape into small logs on parchment paper and put in the freezer. 

To make the caramel: blend all ingredients together in your blender until creamy and thick, adding the least amount of water you can. spread a little on to the tops of each nougat log and put back in the freezer. 

When they are frozen enough, cover each one in chocolate and let harden in the freezer or fridge. Enjoy!

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