Showing posts with label hemp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hemp. Show all posts

Saturday, April 20, 2013

hemp recipe roundup for april 20th + a rant

In celebration of April 20th (a.k.a. 420) - the day once a year groups of people around the world come together to enjoy the natural delights of cannabis in all it's forms, legal or otherwise - I have decided to do a hemp recipe roundup, so throughout the post there are linked photos - click them for the recipes! I also have a bit of a rant about supporting the legalization of marijuana. I am NOT saying everyone should smoke weed, but I do believe we should have the RIGHT to, if we want. It is part of our duty as promoters of plants (and discouragers of government dishonesty and manipulative corporate profiting) to promote this wonderful green plant! Read on.

I don't want to lose my beloved readers over this controversial topic, but I also need to be honest. I really feel that supporting the cannabis plant - including marijuana - is an important part of my job as an individual who promotes an eco-friendly, cruelty-free and healthful, wholesome lifestyle and at the same time REFUSES to live a life reliant on major corporations, drug companies, agribusiness, chemicals and toxins.

Essentially - part of my being vegan is a devotion to HOLISTIC living. Supporting and encouraging the legalization of beneficial medicinal herbs that have been used for thousands of years by intelligent civilizations is directed connected to my chosen holistic lifestyle.

When you look at the controversy around marijuana - it is almost identical to the controversy around meat, dairy and other animal products. Let's take a look:

Initially, when the scientific data was not able to be conclusive, animal products were thought to be healthy and so the government promoted eating them. Companies and farmers selling animal products grew to giant corporations and now we fast forward several decades to today: the science IS conclusive and it tells us animals products are disastrous for our bodies, the planet and of course with factory farming - we see the brutal torture and murder of innocent creatures reach the billions each year. Yet because of long-held and deep-rooted traditions, beliefs and convictions, many still are clinging to what they learned when they were growing up - that meat and milk makes you strong! They may never learn of the dishonest reality behind these foods because the government and major animal product corporations are purposely hiding it from them, under packs of lies, crimes and distractions. Why? As always, because of profits. They are not evil people, just business people. There is too much for the government and these corporations to lose now. For more on this, read the China Study, Eating Animals, and Mad Cowboy, and watch Food Matters and Food Inc.

If animals products are good for us - why are the top two killers in America cancer and heart disease? Why will every one in three children be diagnosed with diabetes? Why does the factory farming industry produce more pollution that all transportation combined? Because it's a lie - processed, factory farmed animal products AREN'T good for us.

Now let's compare this to marijuana, shall we? Initially, when marijuana entered American culture (largely by Mexican workers) the scientific data was not able to be conclusive so marijuana was perceived as a toxic drug. It is sad it became categorized as drug rather than a plant since it is firstly a plant, and the word drug negatively groups it in with cocaine, etc. The government thought it would have a negative effect on the country and so it basically used scare tactics to discourage the use of marijuana with no concrete evidence behind the claims they made.Fast forward a few decades to today: the science AND history is conclusive and it tells us that marijuana has been enjoyed for generations upon generations without a problem - in fact it can be beneficial to many. It takes away pain, produces a relaxing mood, brings about a euphoric feeling, all while treating a large number of serious diseases. Yet because of long-held and deep-rooted traditions, beliefs and convictions, many still are clinging to what they learned when they were growing up - that marijuana is a scary, evil substance that can ruin your life! They may never learn of the actual positive reality behind of plant because the government and many major corporations are purposely hiding it from them, under packs of lies, crimes and distractions. Why? As always, because of profits. There is too much for the government and these corporations to lose now. For more on this, read The Benefits of Marijuana, and watch Grass: The History of Marijuana, The Union, In Pot We Trust, and Run From The Cure: The Rick Simpson Story.

If marijuana is bad for us - then why has it never caused a single death while alcohol, cigarettes, processed food and prescription drugs combined kill millions every year LEGALLY? Why has marijuana been enjoyed for centuries by ancient cultures who praised it's medicinal and spiritual benefits? Why is it succesfully used a treatment for glaucoma, depression, cancer, anorexia, AIDs wasting, nausea and multiple sclerosis? Because it's a lie - cannabis does NOT have to be bad for us.

The stories are the same. Profits keeping the truth from the confused public so government and corporations can continue making money, at the expense of the health of the planet and its inhabitants. Let's stop listening to the lies and start thinking for ourselves. As people who are choosing this alternative, plant-based lifestyle - we need to promote the love and respect of plants! At the same time, we need to explain the ugly truth behind processed animal foods, factory farming, pharmaceutical drug companies, and this reductionist way of living that so many have grown accustomed to. It is time to find our roots in holistic methods and mindsets. A part of that duty is understanding the beauty of the plant marijuana, and letting go of it's stigma.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

deep dish chocolate peanut butter ice cream cake

Holy mega chocolate-peanut butter-gasms. This is THE Ultimate Epic Healthy Cake (notice the official-looking capitalization there). I set out to make one cake to rule them all, and I think I succeeded. But you should be the judge. Make the recipe and tell me what you think.

I would apologize for all the ice cream cakes I've been making lately... but that sentence just wouldn't make any sense: "I am sorry I have been making so many ice cream cake recipes." Yeah, that's just plain silliness. I am so NOT sorry. 

The crust of this is made of hemp seeds, flax seeds, cacao and dates; and the filling is a blend of bananas, dates, cashews, coconut oil, and cacao. I swirled in some peanut butter and raw chocolate sauce as well, and also put them on top, along with some cacao nibs and hemp seeds. 100% pure raw food goodness right here. It don't get no better than this.

And you don't need to worry about eating too many nuts (but seriously, nuts are so good for you) in a slice, because 1/8th of the cake gives you your daily intake of every ingredient! I'm clever like that. *WINK* Also, if you're allergic to peanuts, you can use whatever nut butter you want. I don't want to kill you.

So as always, you can indulge in this decadent dessert absolutely guilt-free. In fact, you can feel great about eating it because it contains TONS of good stuff for you. The benefits of eating hemp, flaxcacaoraw nuts, fruit, coconut oil and dates are too many to count. This cake is basically a super food nutrition house, in disguise as a sinfully delicious deep dish ice cream cake.

In other words: dis cake cray. 

deep dish chocolate peanut butter ice cream cake: 

1 cup dates
1/2 cup hemp seeds
1/3 cup whole flax seeds
3 tablespoons cacao powder 

3 frozen bananas
1 cup dates
2 cups cashews
2 tablespoons coconut oil
1 1/4 cups water or vegan milk, as needed
1/4 cup cacao powder
2 tablespoons nut butter (whatever kind you like, I used peanut butter of course)

Raw chocolate sauce
Fave nut butter 

To make the crust: pulse the hemp and flax seeds and cacao in your food processor until they become a rough flour, then add the dates and process until it all gets sticky. Press into the bottom and up the sides of a spring form pan. Put in the fridge. 

To make the filling: blend all the ingredients until smooth, adding water or vegan milk as needed to make it creamy. Spread evenly into your crust, occasionally swirling in nut butter and chocolate sauce if you're using them (soooo recommended). Put in the freezer overnight or until frozen solid, and let it thaw a little bit before serving, so it's nice and creamy. enjoy!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

chocolate covered bananas with walnuts other good stuff

There was nice lighting this afternoon while I was finishing up making another recipe in the kitchen (which will be posted tomorrow!) so I figured I may as well make something else to photograph. Fruit and chocolate recipes are easy and quick, so I covered bananas in chopped walnuts, chia seeds, hemp seeds, coconut and goji berries. Yum!

chocolate covered bananas with walnuts, chia seeds, hemp seeds, goji berries and coconut:

1 batch liquid raw chocolate or any other kind of chocolate you want 
5 bananas
3/4 cup chopped walnuts
2 tablespoons each of hemp and chia seeds
Handful each of goji berries and coconut flakes 

Cover the bananas in the chocolate and roll them in the other good stuff. Freeze them if you like, for a banana ice cream treat! Dee-lish.

Monday, March 18, 2013

super food energy bars with cacao

These are chock full of super foods to provide your body and mind with long-lasting energy to get through your busy (or leisurely) day. What have they got? Chia seeds, flax seeds, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, cacao nibs, raisins, dates and coconut. You can't beat this recipe as far as nutrition goes. Try to find organic varieties of each ingredient - and of course raw! 

I was snacking on the mix as I made the recipe and immediately felt a difference, they gave me enough strength to get through a workout and then they made an excellent post-exercise snack, paired with my green protein smoothie. I had a bit of extra mix that I shaped into tiny cupcakes and I thought... hey, I could top these off with dark chocolate to make it a sweet super food treat. Done. 

If you want real, raw, cruelty-free, high quality, efficient and delicious energy bars - you've got 'em right here. Don't look at those sugar- and refined protein powder-filled candy bars in the grocery store that for some inexplicable reason happen to be called "power bars". It's a joke. The best brand on the market is the Larabar (or the Clif bar for more protein) but you can make better recipes yourself, plus add in a bunch of other awesome ingredients. You've got the power! Get it...

super food energy bars with cacao: makes about 15 bars

1 cup walnuts
1/3 cup chia seeds
1/3 cup ground flax seeds
1/3 cup hemp seeds
1/4 cup cacao nibs
1/4 cup coconut flakes 
3/4 cup pumpkin seeds
1/2 cup raisins
1 cup dates 
1-2 tablespoons melted coconut oil, if needed

Throw the dry ingredients (keep a little bit of each ingredient to add in a second) in your food processor, then add the dates and raisins and process until everything it starts to stick together. If too dry, add more dates or coconut oil. Put in the remaining dry ingredients you left out and mix in with your hands. Press into a lined pan and set in the fridge for an hour or more. Cut into bars and store for up to one week. If you have extra, shape them into cupcakes and top off with raw chocolate.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

banana strawberry milkshake

After my workout today I enjoyed a delicious strawberry milkshake with creamy bananas and Vega protein powder. Usually I add greens like fresh kale or spinach but alas - we had none. So a pink smoothie it was! Pretty refreshing, if I do say so myself. You already know how much I worship smoothies so I won't get into a rant about their holiness. I'll just leave you with the recipe and the promise of a really yummy Peanut Butter Coconut Cup recipe that I will share tomorrow. I think I've eaten like 4 today... 

Banana Strawberry Milkshake: serves one

1 banana
1 cup vegan milk or water
1 cup frozen strawberries
1 scoop protein powder or hemp seeds (optional)

Add more or less of everything depending on your preference. Blend it all up in your high speed blender and sip away. Watch for the brain freeze though... I learned my lesson 3 times over while drinking this - it's so tasty I can't stop. 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

blueberry hemp smoothie

i love my blue blue blueberries. 

ours have, of course, stopped growing for the winter season and i've already eaten all the extra ones we froze. but yesterday my mom bought a giant bag of frozen organic blueberries! organic is always better (i don't want my food having nasty chemicals on it that the military originally used to kill their opponents in the first world war... no way) but for berries, spinach and apples - organic is EXTRA SUPER awesome because otherwise they are some of the most contaminated foods. check it out here, homies

and hey, lucky me - i've also got organic spinach. be jealous. so i threw all these magical ingredients together in my vita-mix blender and out came a delicious dark purple concoction that i will call a blueberry hemp smoothie from this day forward. it makes the spinach seem like a secret... shhh.

blueberry hemp smoothie with secret sneaky spinach: serves one

1 banana
1 cup frozen blueberries
2 tablespoons raw hemp seeds
1-2 cups water/vegan milk
2-3 cups organic spinach
1/8 teaspoon stevia (or a few dates)

blend. sip. smile.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

blueberry hemp smoothie

yum! here's another smoothie recipe for you, my peeps. this one is sneaky, it's not green but it has kale in it. the colour of the blueberries hides it. oooh, deceptive (yes i DO personify my smoothies). you can personify THIS:

while you're enjoying the unprecedented 90's smoothness of that little diddy ("i like the way you work it, no diggity...") you should also enjoy the raw deliciousness of this smoothie. it's got extra protein from hemp so it's excellent for right after a work out; which was my situation. you like P90X? i do. das my jam.

anyways - smoothie recipe.

blueberry hemp smoothie: serves one

1 cup frozen blueberries
2 dates
1-2 tablespoons raw hemp seeds
1 cup kale
1 banana
1-2 cups water/nut milk, or as needed
stevia, if desired

blend all of it up in your high speed blender. add enough water/nut milk to make it all smooth; but not too much because then it will taste watery (as one might guess.) drink!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

goji coconut brownies

before i start telling you about brownies - have you heard the new fleet foxes album!?

every single freaking song is amazing and resonates deep within my soul. that's all there is to say. my friend is going to give me his old record player (so excited!!!! he is the best) and helplessness blues may be the first record i buy. here's a song from the album, it's got a beautiful video to go with it.

on to food. as you may have noticed - i have been eating predominantly salad the past few weeks, and this has yet to stop. all the salads i make are so gorgeous i have to take pics and show you. i don't care if you don't wanna see them. i will force you.

just look at it!

it was an excellent meal, as you should assume. for dessert i made these guys:

they are really yummy, as you should also assume. i put coconut, goji berries, almonds, cashews, hemp seeds, prunes and cacao in 'em. simple, delicious and nutritious. they are disappearing pretty rapidly. 

goji coconut brownies: makes... enough

1/3 cup goji berries
1/2 cup coconut chunks
3/4 cup almonds
3/4 cup cashews
3 tb hemp seeds
1/3 cup cacao
6 tb mesquite powder
1 t cinnamon
1/8 t cayenne 
1/2 t Himalayan salt  
1/4 cup dates
1/4 cup prunes
2 tb melted coconut oil
a bit of agave, maple syrup or honey (if you like)

in a food processor, pulse nuts into crumbs then add the dates and prunes and wait for the mix to start sticking together. add all the other ingredients and see if you like how it tastes. if so - awesome! (if not, change to your liking) then press into a lined pan and refrigerate for 1 hour. 

or eat them right away.

Friday, April 20, 2012

happy cannabis day! an eBook, facts and videos.

Today, my friends, is April 20th.

It is 420. You know what that means? International celebration of the wondrous and ancient herb called Cannabis Sativa. From it are two wonderful and infamous varieties - marijuana and hemp.

To celebrate hemp, I have this link to an eBook from Purely Elizabeth, an organic whole food company dedicated to sustainability. It's a FREE DOWNLOAD. There's tons of yummy hemp recipes, great facts about nutritional benefits of hemp... and, you might notice... I'M FEATURED IN IT! Very, very exciting for me.

Among some other great uses for hemp: it's a super sustainable, low energy material to grow for clothing, rope, paper, even fuel. Read for yourself (this article is short and to the point). It's so efficient because it's a weed, hence why the other variety is called weed. This means it can grow practically anywhere, with totally different climates. It also doesn't need much water. Cannabis forests can be found all around the world.

P.S. - hemp DOES NOT get you high. I think it's less than 1% THC.

Now moving on to the more controversial variety of Cannabis - marijuana. The plant has been enjoyed as medicine and for fun for thousands of years. It has healing properties and has never killed a soul. It's funny the number one killers in the U.S. are directly linked to poor diet. I say white sugar should be illegal - not a plant. Anyway that's my two cents and I won't rant about it. I can wait, because it's only a matter of time before it's decriminalized here in Canada.

 Here's a short video I've shown before about the benefits of RAW cannabis.

Let's also keep in mind that marijuana is prescribed as medicine - for everything from depression, anorexia, and glaucoma to insomnia, ADHD, Alzheimer's, cancer and IBS. Yes, the potency has been increasing a little too rapidly, but this can easily be reversed if the industry would become legal and government monitored and managed. Again - I won't rant.

Yeah, it looks pretty dangerous...

Okay lastly I wanna share these two videos. The first one is for Gorilla Food - my fave Vancouver raw food eatery. Man, if I belonged anywhere, it's here. The atmosphere is so chill and accepting, there's always new art on the walls and lots of dreadlocks.

And this super short but informative one is from Michael Pollan - you should read his books if you haven't already. I loved In Defense of Food. The Omnivore's Dilemma is also great.

Okay, okay - I lied. I have ONE MORE to show. This is a full documentary also from Michael Pollan, based on his book about how plants - like apples, flowers and marijuana - seem to be able to manipulate us to their advantage. "Huh?", you say? Watch it and see for yourself.

That's all for today, folks! I'm gonna go make my green smoothie elixir WITH HEMP SEEDS, and some avocado chocolate hemp pudding ;) Then I'm going downtown to celebrate 420 with my city!

Get your recipes!